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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 115
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Chapter 0115

This evening could not have gone any better. The dinner, the ambiance, the amazing company, it's been perfect.

Now we're here at the overlook and the night is gorgeous. It's a little cool, but that just means I'll have an excuse

to pull Cara closer to me.

I'm really interested in what has Artemis purring so loudly | can hear her, but when Cara says she doesn’t want

to tell me, | let it slide. | have something that | need to discuss with her. I've been thinking about it since last

night, and while we're here, together and alone, | think it's time.

| lean against the tree and pat my leg. “Csit with me?” | ask. I've been touching her all night and now with

her sitting away from me, the space aroundfeels unpleasantly empty.

She moves over to me, ready to sit beside me, but | grab her by the waist and turn her, sitting her in my lap, so

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

she’s facing me. | want to see her face and have her see mine for this conversation.

She yelps a bit when she settles in my lap. I'm guessing she’s never been in a situation where she’s straddled a

man that she wasn’t pinning to the ground in training.

“I want to talk about last night, and what that means for our future.”

| see her brows furrow when she starts thinking about last night, so rather than let her ask questions, | jump right


“When you thought my father was going to cdown on me, you stepped in front of me. You acted as my

Guardian, even though I didn’t need you to. Even without thinking about it, you were protecting me.” She starts

to interrupt but | put my finger to her lips to silence her.

“Letsay this, please.” She nods and | remove my finger, sliding my hands down her arms to her hips. “I've

had a lot of tto think about what happened in the woods with Eli. Tto think about what it would have

meant if something had happened to you after you sacrificed yourself for me. And I'm going to tell you now

Cara, | can’t live with myself if something were to happen to you because you were taking a bullet, an arrow, a

dart, whatever it is, if you take the hit for me. | honestly don’t know how my parents have been able to live with

that guilt. But I can tell you, | won't be able to do it.”

| take a deep breath before continuing. This is key. | need her to agree to this.

“I want us to have a partnership, not Guardian and Alpha. | know I'll never be able to keep you out of the fight,

but | want you standing by my side, not in front of me. If we're fighting together and something happens to one

of us, then it does, and we live with that. But please, don’t ever put yourself in a position where you give your

life for mine.”

| take her hand and | put it on my heart, holding it there with both of mine. “I'm strong Cara. I'm a strong Alpha

that, in truth, probably doesn’t need a Guardian. But since the Moon Goddess decided to blesswith a fierce

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

and powerful protector, who am | to complain? But,” | pause to make sure she’s hears me. Your life means more

tothan just a pack member, more than just a Guardian. So, promise me, please, that when the tcomes

for us to fight, because we both know it will come, that you will stand beside me, not in front of me.”

| watch as a series of emotions play across her face surprise, frustration, anger, gratitude. She takes her other

hand and slides it up my chest. Her face is still thoughtful when she responds. “I can’t guarantee that | will be

able to stop myself if it comes to saving your life. Being a Guardian is like being an Alpha. It’s in my blood and |

can’t fight the genetics. But,” She pauses before finishing. “I would love to be your partner in life.”

| know my smile is huge and without thinking, I lean up and kiss her. It’s fast and

“Thank you.” | say with fierce before | pull away, looking into her eyes. everything I'm feeling in my heart.

She smiles atthen leans in and rubs her nose against mine, her eyes closing in contentment. “Can I tell you

something?” She whispers.

“I want you to telleverything Cara Nelson. Anything, everything. So yes, tellsomething.” | chuckle.