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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 517
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Chapter 0517

Something else is going on with Lily. She's always letcomfort her, so when she says no, | know that

something must have happened since | last saw her. This is more than sadness over Gideon.

When | met with Patrick, | told him | wanted permanent guard duty over Lily. Now that the entire pack knows

what she is, | have no intention of letting any unmated male get close to my mate. Patrick was resistant, but he

finally agreed when | said | would trust Anders to watch over her as well.

Seeing those males look at my mate with their covetous eyes was almost too much forand Donovan today.

The moment they realized who she was, | could see they all wanted her. Not only is she unmated, but she’s also

underage so they can hope that she’s their mate. She was strong before she gained her Guardian spirit. Most of

the warriors know who she is, which was confirmed when Lyle identified her through Andra. But now that they

know she’s a Guardian, they'll be all over her, trying to gain her favor. Not on my fucking watch.

Although I could tell that Lily was avoiding our intimacy and was unwilling to tellthe real reason for it, |

wasn't lying when | said | needed our closeness. Seeing those warriors look at my mate, the instant desire and

want in all their eyes seton edge. I've always been a hot head, acting first, thinking second. But Lily calms

me. Her touch soothes my temper. So, even after she falls asleep, | hold her, kissing her head, smelling her scent

and calming my anger at what | know is going to be a rough few weeks before her birthday.

Calista comes by later to check on Lily and | leave them alone. When Anders heads down to get Calista for their

date, | go with him, wanting to take my girl out. When we get to Lily’s room, they aren't there. We head

downstairs, both our noses go up, sniffing them out.

“Hey, Clint.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Hey, Anna.” | say, still trying to find Lily and Calista.

“Hey, we never got together after talking about it at school.” She puts her hand

on my arm. “We should really get together stime. I'm free tonight.”

| stop and look at her, frowning. Is she serious? “I have plans, sorry.”

“Oh, well, maybe sother time.”

“Uh-huh.” | say later.” | say, walking off.

as | catch my mate's scent. “See t

We find them walking outside, looking like they are going off without us.


“Oh, this is not happening.” Anders says.

“Definitely not. I'm not letting my mate walk around for any asshole to hit on.” L tell him, Donovan growling in

my chest.

We've almost caught up to them when one of the warriors from earlier steps into their path. “Hey, Lily. How are

you this evening?”

“Oh, hey Oliver.” My mate says.

He glances at Calista. He obviously has no idea who she is.

“Hey.” He says to her.

| hear Anders growl beside me.

“So, Lily, | was wondering...”

“The answer is no.” | say, walking up behind her and wrapping my arm around her waist.

She turns and looks over her shoulder at me, narrowing her eyes. My eyes never leave Oliver as he stands there

looking fromto Lily.

“Did | stutter?” I ask him.

“I didn’t know you two were an item. | thought it was just a Guardian thing.’ Oliver says.

“We're not together. However, my answer would have also been no to whatever you were going to ask. | would

suggest, in the future, if you want to make a good first impression on a girl, at least know the nof her best

friend.” Lily tells him, stepping out of my grasp.

Oliver looks from Lily to Calista. He clearly has no idea who she is, even though Anders has been obvious in his

attention to her.

“Leave.” | growl at him. He turns and walks away.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lily, however, isn’t happy. She turns to me, slapping her hand on my chest. ” What the actual fuck, Clint,”

“It's my job to guard and protect you, Lily. You won't be going on any dates without me.”

“You are unbelievable.” She's furious and just like the last twhen she was mad at me, all | want to do is kiss


Knowing that this time, it will most likely earn a smack to the face, | lean in, towering over her. “If you don’t

believe me, feel free to ask Alpha Patrick.”


My beautiful, fiery mate doesn’t even flinch at my intimidating posture.

‘She’s perfect.” Donovan says, watching through my eyes.

| watch as Andra pushes forward as well. She growls, obviously not happy with the situation either. “Why would

Alpha Patrick try to keep us from finding our mate?” She asks.

“You're not old enough to find your mate, but you are at risk of being kidnapped and held captive until you are

old enough for someone to force a mate bond on you. So, behave and you and | can get through these next

several weeks until your birthday.”


I frown. “Six what?”

Chapter 0518