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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter

Chapter 83
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Chapter 0083

The next morning, | show up for training at the Nelson’s hwith all the other warriors. The scent of vanilla is stronger now and it calms both Kai and | to know that she is so close and that she’s safe.

Mr. Nelson puts us through a rigorous training again this morning before sparring. He’s like a military drill sergeant, barking orders at us and calling us pansies. | distract myself from the pain by wondering if he calls his daughter a pansy when she works out and if she ever complained about these difficult training sessions. I’m guessing she didn’t. Not my little guardian.

| work to help my warriors through the obstacles that we have to get through for the first hour then | get to my ‘Cara Nelson sparring training’ and take down all of my warriors. I’m getting better at it. | really can’t wait to go one on one with my girl.

At the end of training, we are all getting feedback from Mr. Nelson before he sends us off. Right before | head out, | feel eyes on me. | look up and see Cara sitting in a window on the second floor. Even from here | can see her blush at being caught. | wink at her before heading home. | like knowing she was watchingand wonder what she thinks oftaking a page from her book and taking down all of our, yes | think I'll start calling them our, warriors.

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All day at school, I’m distracted by the thought of being able to finally talk to her in person this afternoon. | have all her schoolwork and books in my car ready to take to her. When school is done, | drop Chase off at hthen drive to her house. | collect her course work and books that | picked up yesterday and head to her door. | knock and wait.


| knock again, and tune into the house. | don’t hear a sound. They aren’t home. My mind immediately starts going down every possibility of where they could be and why they wouldn’t be home. Did Cara relapse? Did Eli Gunnar somehow get onto our pack lands and kidnap her again?

Before | let myself get too crazed with ideas of her being held hostage again, | mind link my father. “Dad, do you know where the Nelsons are? I'm at their hand neither of them are here.”

He must have picked up on the panic in my tone because he reassuresbefore answering. “Cara had to have sblood work tests again today. The doctor


wants to make sure she continues to heal. | think they decided to give her another bag of IV fluids and vitamins while she was there waiting for her test results. | don’t know how long they’ve been gone, but the appointment was supposed to last a couple of hours.”

I sigh in relief. At least she is safe. “Will you letknow what the results are when you find out?*, | ask him. As the Alpha, he is always informed of every pack member’s medical condition and any impact it may have on the pack. My father tends to find out when a she-wolf is expecting before the pup’s father finds out. “Of course, son, but | don’t expect to hear any bad news. Clint said that she rested today and is looking better. She’s strong and will recover.”

| nod my head before realizing that he can’t see me. “Thanks Dad.”

| put her schoolwork on the porch and run back out to my car. | was hoping to see her, but I’ll leave her a note instead. It’s kind of becmy thing for her. The thought makessmile.

| grab a piece of paper from my notebook and a pen.

My Dearest Cara,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| was hoping to see you today, even if it was only a brief visit

However, | understand that you are at the hospital getting checked

| don’t know how much energy you will have to complete your schoolwork But | didn’t want you getting bored and having nothing to do.

| also know how important your studies are to you

So | hope it makes you smile to know that | was thinking of you

| miss your beautiful smile and of course, your smart mouth. Until | see you again,

Yours, Rik

Minking of her | miss her

Chapter 0084