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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 46
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The car slowly drove off.

Xavier had already made the necessary arrangements at the hotel.

Avery sat in the car with her back straight, but she did not keep her gaze to the front. She was afraid

that the man would enter her line of sight, so she kept her eyes fixed on the passing streets outside.

Cayden was leisurely reading the newspaper. His slender fingers were gripping the edge of the

newspaper, and the air around him was icy cold. He had been silent so far.

All of a sudden, Avery felt her mouth turn dry.

Every time she was nervous, she would feel the urge to drink.

Cecelia did not wait for Avery when she reached the hotel. Instead, she enthusiastically led the three

business partners into the hotel.

Cecelia thought of herself as a witty woman. Nothing could escape her eyes.

She guessed that the aggressive but curious man that Avery was talking about was none other than

Trident Group's boss.

Another person who must have realized that was Xavier, who was walking in the front with a calm look

on his face.

Otherwise, Xavier would not have asked Avery to sit in his employer's car.

Cecelia was abruptly thrilled—far more thrilled than she was when she received the important project.

She was a practical woman who knew that women would need more effort and more time than men to

climb to the top of the pyramid.

Avery would be her lucky star, for she was the woman whom her boss was interested in.

Regardless of whether he was merely curious about her or not, for now, Avery was the only woman in

his heart.

There was one thing about men—the more difficult it was to court the woman, the more intrigued they

were about her. Therefore, Cecelia was certain that it was time for her to do something.

She was going to leave the sweet Avery to make the man want her even more. What she was going to

do was to figure out how to matchmake the two.

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Cecelia was in the moment where her career was slowly getting better. She knew well that she needed

an ally to convince her employer that she would do well, and that ally would be none other than Avery.

Not long after, all arrived at the hotel.

Avery was not someone too important, so she only had the right to walk two meters behind Cayden.

She had been keeping her head low from the moment she came down from the car until she reached

the elevators in the lobby.

When the elevator arrived, she had no choice but to enter it.

She was the last to enter, so she had to stand all the way in the front. If she wanted to stand in the

back, she would have to squeeze past that man. To avoid physically touching him, she decided that it

was best for her to stay still.

The door closed.

When it reached the floor of the restaurant, Avery went in. The people slowly took their seats.

A while after, the dishes and drinks were served.

Right then, Avery's phone rang.

“Sorry, I need to take a call,” she said apologetically to the others.

All turned to look at her but Cayden, who coldly uttered, “Make it quick.”

Avery went out immediately.

Once she was out of the room and in the corridor, she accepted the call. “Hello?”

The one who called her was a colleague from the design department, Noelle Lutkin. She was an

honest and pretty easy-going individual.

Noelle whispered, “I'm at lunch, and I saw your boyfriend, Zayne. He... He was sneakily dragging a

woman to the stairwell, then... Guess what I saw.”

Avery was silent.

“He's a douchebag! He's seriously a douchebag!” Noelle continued.

“How is he a douchebag?”

It's unlikely that Zayne is courting someone in the office since he has only been here for almost a

month. If he has someone else he likes, why would he still be so adamant about making things difficult

for me? Most importantly, I only got engaged to him half a month ago. Why would he get engaged with

me if he fell for someone else?

“I'll be turning on my speaker, so pay attention, but don't speak. Please don't speak. I'm eavesdropping

too,” Noelle said to her in hushed tones before walking toward the entrance of the stairwell and putting

her phone by a pot after turning on the speaker mode. Then, she ran a distance away, afraid that the

two people would emerge and find her there.

“Are you telling me that you're not going to bear the responsibility for this? This isn't what you told me

when you were enjoying your time with me!”

Avery froze.

“You were the one who seduced me first. What, are you trying to scam me now?” Zayne sounded


On the other hand, Milana sounded nonchalant.

“It's true that I seduced you, but you fell for it, so do you think you're any better than me? Only a man

who can hold himself back has the right to comment on my actions.”

“Cut the crap. I don't want to argue with you. Regardless of everything, you have to abort the baby. I

don't want it.”

“Do you really think I'd heed your words just like that? If not for you doing it and shouting that you're

going to make a baby in me, I would have made you wear a condom. I would have taken pills. Did you

think I'd have let you release it in me? Now that I really have a baby, you're telling me that you're not

going to marry me? Do you think I'm a fool like Avery?”

Avery slowly closed her eyes.

Milana's pregnant, and Zayne didn't say that the baby isn't his. He only said that he doesn't want to

bear responsibility for it. That means they've slept with each other and possibly more than once.

Moreover, getting tested positive for pregnancy takes around twenty to thirty days at least.

At that moment, Avery felt that Milana was right. She was a fool through and through. Zayne had been

cheating with Milana since long ago, but she had never realized it.

My boyfriend slept with another woman before pretending as if nothing had happened. He then came

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and proposed to me, and I was even so touched by his proposal. I agreed to it so quickly.

Avery curled her lips mockingly.

All of a sudden, she thought about Zayne's first business trip when he first started working in the

company. After their conversation on WhatsApp, he abruptly sent her a text full of nonsense. Now that

she thought about it, it was likely that Milana was the one who sent it with his phone on the bed.

Moreover, while she was on a call with him during his business trip, someone had knocked on his door.

After that, he switched off his phone and did not text back for the rest of the day. It's likely that he was

with Milana back then.

Avery did not hear what they said after that.

She ended the call and thanked Noelle through a text message before going back to the room.

Avery's seat was right beside Cayden's, and as there were many people around, she could not possibly

ask to swap seats even if she felt awkward beside him.

Cecelia was seated beside Avery. When she saw Avery, she lifted her chin to gesture to the server to

fill Avery's glass with red wine.

The server came to Avery's side.

After Avery took the glass, Cecelia loudly said, “Ery, you were out for so long. Give a toast to the

people who have waited for you.”

A glass of red wine was not an issue; it was not as if it would kill her to drink it.

Thus, Avery walked over to the others and toasted them apologetically before downing the drink.

After that, another server came over to refill everyone's glasses.

The world around Avery spun like the red liquid in her glass as she stared at it. She had downed the

drink too rapidly just now.

She had no idea whether or not she was going to be drunk from that.

The server soon left after filling their glasses.

Avery took her glass and moved to return to her seat. Just then, she tripped over something and fell

toward her left. At the same time, she spilled her glass of wine all on...

Cecelia sneakily retracted the foot that she had stuck out to trip Avery. She then leaped to her feet and

cried out, “Ery, get ahold of yourself! Hurry up and wipe it off Mr. Moore!”