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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 293 - Wisdom Sui
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Shi Wei casually tossed her gaze around the lively forest jungle, her eyes gradually flickering emerging emotions. 

She simply stood still for a few seconds, basking in the calmness of silence.

After a short while, a low breath filled with sentiments exhaled from her mouth. She was inwardly thinking to herself, 'Just how many years has it passed since then? And yet, it seemed like no time passed at all.'

Distinct memories that were impossible for Shi Wei to forget began to slowly emerge. Her thoughts were focused on her grandson Cain again. 

But before she became wrapped with nostalgia, Shi Wei quickly shook her head of such thoughts. 

Focusing back up, she walked silently, her hands clasped inside her dragon robes, and spoke out loud. "Wisdom Sui. I have come for an offer." 

At her words, the ordinary house front door automatically opened as if it was a trigger.

Shi Wei faintly smiled, directly stepping inside. 

Her sights were greeted to a small room that barely had any furniture. Only an ordinary-looking bed, table, and two chairs.

Sitting across the table was an equally unimpressive old man. 

The old man was calmly sipping tea, his lips just slightly curling when Shi Wei walked in. 

A peaceful presence naturally exuded from the old man. It engulfed the house, matching the same calming atmosphere of the outside world. 

The old man, Wisdom Sui, finished sipping his tea and greeted Shi Wei by simply blinking his eyes.

"Anicent Dragon Empress Shi Wei. I had deduced you would soon seek me out during the course of this week. And it appears you came earlier than expected." 

Wisdom Sui didn't need to stand or air or change even the slightest bit of his behavior.

What would be considered immensely disrespectful to many meant little at this moment. 

Shi Wei lightly smiled, similarly not standing on any airs, and directly took the seat in front of Wisdom Sui.

She said, "As expected of a great Wisdom expert. Then I shall impose and make this visit quick." 

Even though she spoke so lightly, inwardly, Shi Wei felt genuine amazement over Wisdom Sui.

There is an unending number of lifeforms across the immensely massive God Galaxies. There were an uncountable number of experts being birthed every day, thriving into maturity or are already renowned masters across the universe.

In today's era, many Law and Dao paths have been uncovered and deeply explored to their very limits. 

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However, despite the Divine Boundless Heaven's grand age and knowledge, not every Dao path has been intensely explored.

Many were, in fact, still mysterious to nearly all God Galaxies inhabits. 

One of the famous mysterious pathways would be Soul Laws. Even now, only a very select few peak masters have attainments in the Soul Laws paths. 

But there was even a more mysterious Dao path rarely talked about but holds equally unfathomable abilities as the Soul Law path. 

That is the Wisdom Dao pathway. 

Shi Wei herself barely has any knowledge of the complexities of the Wisdom Dao. 

The most she could gather is that their Dao Marks provide essence that transforms their Spiritual Sea to degrees even legendary Heavenly Venerate master can't hope to match.

Indeed, even a Heavenly Venerate, a near peak master of the Martial World, is inferior to a Wisdom Dao expert in the mind! 

From what Shi Wei can gather, the Wisdom Dao Mark essence allows Wisdom experts to make 100% accurate predictions on a specific person, organization, or even a future event.

Although, the prediction can't come from thin air. The Wisdom expert would need at least some form of item that is connected to them together. 

Depending on how closely connected the item is, the more predictions could the Wisdom expert provide. 

Shi Wei can honestly admit such abilities are terrifying. 

Even if they were just making broad deductions, with enough clues and evidence, the Wisdom expert can get scarily close to the real truth.

'Thankfully, one would rarely see a Wisdom expert across all realms. I dread to think what would happen if this Dao path were to be properly nurtured and not silenced. Still, Wisdom Sui really is my ultimate fortuitous encounter.'

As Shi Wei thought to herself, she promptly took out her spatial ring, ignited it, and brought a unique charm object. 

A clear blue shine sparkled from the charm. It was in the shape of a teardrop.

Its most unique aspect was the fact that an unmistakable Spirit aura faintly discharged out of it. If one were careless, they would gloss over the Spirit aura entirely. 

Shi Wei placed the charm teardrop on the table, sliding it towards Wisdom Sui, saying,  "Here. A peak grade Heavenly Rank Spirit resource. Greatly useful for even Royal Level World Spirit Masters." 

Before picking it up, Wisdom Sui placed an intent gaze on the charm teardrop.

A bright glint flashed his eyes for a very brief second. 

Afterward, Wisdom Sui directly took the charm teardrop into his pocket and slightly nodded. "This was sufficient. Alright, bring out the item you want me to deduce."

Igniting her spatial ring once again, this time Shi Wei brought out a beautiful, orange color curved sword. 

Unmistakable, the curved sword has been withered over the years, with jagged cracks on its edges and long scars on the surface.

But at the same time, it still managed to retain a gorgeous orange glow. 

It was mainly because of the unique markings fused within the blade of the curved sword. These distinctive markings were actually in the shape of a Phoenix! 

If any high Elders from the Ancient Phoenix Holy Land were to see this curved sword, they would be on the verge of coughing up blood.

This was their treasure ancient sword that symbolizes their glory! It would hold extreme importance to the Ancient Phoenix Holy Land. 

However, such a treasure item was already in Shi Wei's hands for a long time now. 

Shi Wei even had a trace of mocking within her eyes as she casually glanced over the curve sword. 

She inwardly sneered, 'Even if you had the True Divine Phoenix bloodline, so what if it wasn't at God's level? You still ended up like this.'

Outwardly, Shi Wei lightly smiled, placing the curved sword on the table and said, "This is the Phoenix True Sword. Wisdom Sui, if you can, can you please create a projection detailing if the owner of this sword is still alive?"

Wisdom Sui nodded and grasped the Phoenix True Sword. His hands gently caressed the blade for a few seconds until his eyes flickered with the same previous glint.

He briefly froze as he revolved a Wisdom Art killer move. 

Gray Wisdom essence shot from Wisdom Sui's eyes and engulfed the Phoenix True Sword. 

Within seconds, grey Wisdom Dao Marks rapidly covered the curved sword.

The Wisdom Dao Marks promptly quivered, surging out a stream of Wisdom essence that formed into a clear essence projection. 

On the essence projection was written, 'Feng Zhi Deceased.'

Shi Wei wasn't surprised seeing this. In fact, nostalgic cold killing intent was birthed within her Martial Heart. 

That name was resounded a long time ago but was eventually suppressed and forcefully forgotten about.

But with this precise information, Shi Wei knows her plan can finally come to fruition. 

Wisdom Sui blinked his eyes and continued manipulating the grey Wisdom essence.

The essence projection quickly disappeared, flowing back into the Wisdom Dao Mark. 

A portion of this same essence flowed into Wisdom Sui's hands, rapidly forming into a grey talisman.

Blinking his eyes once again, Wisdom Sui returned to normal. 

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He handed both the True Phoenix Sword and grey talisman back to Shi Wei, saying, "This is a repeated use talisman. It will exude Wisdom Dao essence which will inform anyone it is the unmistakable truth."

Shi Wei gratefully nodded, putting both items into her spatial ring. "I am very grateful for Wisdom Sui's magnanimous help." 

After she spoke, Shi Wei stood with the intention to promptly leave.

She took one step when suddenly Wisdom Sui's voice surprisingly called out to her. "Before you leave Ancient Dragon Empress, I am faintly curious about something. Have you recently taken in somebody new? Or has somebody close to you experienced a qualitative transformation?"

'Hm?' Shi Wei knitted her brows. This caught her entirely off guard, causing her to briefly pause in her steps. 

Still, she thoughtfully pondered Wisdom Sui's question and shook her head.

"No, everything has been relatively the same since I last came here." 

"I see…" For the first since Shi Wei arrived, Wisdom Sui showcased a slight change in expression, his eyes squinting a bit.

"It's just…I have an odd feeling or sensation about the one close to you. I do recall saying this the last time you came here, but now…the sensation had amplified by hundreds of degrees."

Towards anyone else, Shi Wei would dismissively scoff at relying on instinct sensations and feelings. Even she doesn't rely on her intuition the majority of the time.

However, for a Wisdom expert to say this, the importance can't be undermined. 

Wisdom experts partially rely on their intuitions when utilizing their Wisdom essence.

From the information she had once received from Wisdom Sui, Shi Wei's aware that Wisdom Dao Mark has the mystical ability of foresight. More often than not, their intuitions are similarly accurate predictions.

Thus, Shi Wei curiously asked, "And can you pinpoint just who is giving off this sensation? And is it a fortune or a disaster?" 

Wisdom Sui didn't immediately respond, causing a strange silence to descend.

The silence lasted for a full couple of minutes, leaving Shi Wei to her rapidly forming thoughts. 

Before she reached even a slight conclusion, Wisdom Sui slowly said,  "All I can say is this person is deeply connected to you. And whether or not it is blessing or disaster…I can't tell at all. Perhaps it is a fortune in one set of eyes or a disaster in another. Only that person can make the distinction."

"I see…" Shi Wei slowly trailed off. 

Obviously, her first thoughts linked to Cain. He was especially suspicious considering that emerald that's permanently fused into his Soul's Core.

For a moment, Shi Wei was tempted to ask Wisdom Sui to make another deduction. 

But she stopped herself. 

Not only would she have to take out an incomparably precious resource, but she also doesn't trust Wisdom Sui at all.

Beneath that kind exterior, Shi Wei clearly knows the surface can't be taken at face value. 

Shi Wei kept all her thoughts hidden, silently nodding before swiftly leaving Wisdom Sui's house.

And at the same time, a strange link sparkled within Wisdom Sui's pupils.