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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 312 The Rising Of Hope!
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Where Huang Dai and Xun stood, they were in a state of awestruck.

But suddenly, Huang Xun blinked her eyes, sending a Qi sound transmission to Huang Dai.

She said, 'Dai do you recall First Ancestor's book?'

'That piece of history?' Huang Dai shook a little bit. 'Thinking about it…in it, First Ancestor did describe in immense detail about Divine Mortals. In fact-ah! A Divine Mortal had tremendously helped him, right?'

Huang Xun gave a silent nod. 'Indeed. It didn't mention who precisely was that Divine Mortal, but that person was a crucial foundation on why our Imperial Family could rise as an Imperial Family in such a short time. The resources he granted, the Cultivation manuals he provided, the strong backing he had, it was enough to detour all forces in the Emperor Spirit Era!'

'And now, this type of backing is here directly within our bloodline!' Huang Dai repeatedly shook his head. 'Really, I don't blame everyone's crazed reaction. What we were taught since we were mere babies is basically instilled into every Huang Dragon's mind. Even now, the tale that strikes the deepest chords within us all is the rescue of our 1st Holy Princess…'

Suddenly both Huang Dai and Xun's eyes glazed over in remembrance. Their souls stir as they compare the past to the present.

That intriguing rescue tale is the most prominent legend that all Huang Dragons know about.


Years and years ago, the first Huang Dragon and his empress struggled under the grueling regime that was the Emperor Spirit Era.

In a time period where there were constant fangs bearing down at every possible side, the Huang Dragons could only rely on themselves to scrape for survival.

It was cruel, vicious, and unfair. But they and every other lifeform in this era had no choice but to adapt.

Thankfully, the Huang Dragons were great geniuses of the generation, allowing themselves to live in sporadic periods of peace.

But no matter how talented they were, how fast their cultivation was, and how high their combat prowess were, against an entire tyrannical race, it was inevitable they would fall prey to their supreme powers.

Their greatest disaster struck when their first-born daughter was regretfully kidnapped by a massive Primal Sovereign level Holy Land!

Despite fighting with their absolute all, forgoing any accumulated injuries, they were powerless to get her back.

Many weaker will people at this point would feel too desolate to continue thriving in this era.

However, the Huang Dragons' hopes of revenge had never died out!

The vengeful couple was desperately planning in their cave hideout, trying to make out any sliver of hope.

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"It doesn't matter the cost! We can't let those vile Crystal Spirits demons complete whatever heinous plans they have for our daughter! At the cost of our pride, face, cultivation, and life, we have to protect her. She is the continuation of our life, of our bloodline!"

The First Huang Dragon spoke full of hope, a heroic presence exuding out of him, amplifying his handsome looks.

His momentum swept over his wife, causing her to nearly become just as motivated.

However, she couldn't suppress her doubts and worries.

The First Huang Dragon empress, a dashing heroic beauty that was a match made in heaven with her husband, regretfully shook her head.

"How can I not understand this? But…we can't just uselessly throw everything away and leave our daughter in a life of ultimate hell. The situation is at its worse. To think those vile humans and disgusting Golden Crows would be a traitor to our Divine Boundless Heaven. Under Heavenly Venerate level Holy Land, the Lightning Rain Sect just may be the strongest! At least we know they won't kill our daughter. And for her, we must endure before it's too late."

"I…I-I know that…" The First Huang Dragon let out a long sigh that seemed to exhaust all of his previous strength. His shoulder slumped as if he was experiencing pressure that weighed an entire world.

His voice carried a trace of breakage as he slowly said, "If only I didn't trust them, if only I was strong enough if only I was more ruthless, if only I was more scheming. Then just maybe, we will have a slim chance of keeping our daughter safe…"

Wordlessly, the Dragon empress tightly hugged the First Huang Dragon's back, seemingly trying to meld her body into his.

The couple said nothing, only listening to the heavy raindrops splattering outside of their cave.

All had seemed hopeless.

All had seemed lost.

In the face of absolute strength, there was no right or wrong.

Only a victor and a loser.

And no matter how talented you think yourself to be or what other people praise you to be, there will always be a higher mountain.

For several weeks, the First Huang Dragons lived in unending suffocating despair, to the point where it could shatter the mental state or even an experienced Martial cultivator.

The First Huang Dragons only preserved so long because of the slimmest hope of rescuing their daughter.

But, just how much hope can they pour into a bleak future?

To overturn this situation would take a miracle that the First Huang Dragons couldn't even conceive of happening within 100 years.

Their once firm Martial Heart was slowly falling into final despair.

Relying on oneself would always be a fundamental principle that outlines their whole universe. Through oneself can one achieve heights that are said to be seemingly impossible.

However, sometimes and only sometimes can a miracle happen in the form of external support.

The Heavens never sealed off all paths to hope.

It was at this moment, when the First Huang Dragons were on the cusp of falling into unbreakable despair, that two auras suddenly appeared in front of the cave.

The Huang Dragons instantly perked up, their eyes ferociously glaring ahead.


But when they saw just who was at their cave's entrance, they both completely froze up.

Standing proudly tall with clothes stained with dry blood, bits of organs, and old bones was a haggard-looking man.

His face was wrinkled with exhaustion, but his eyes carried a burning flame that can't ever be dowsed.

In this man's hands was a red baby wrap that contained a delicate, beautiful young baby girl.

The baby girl was peacefully sleeping, unaware of the outside world.

And the man peacefully smiled despite all he had been through. "Huang Dragons. I'm very pleased you're doing well. It took a while and a lot of tiring effort, but I finally managed to destroy the Lightning Rain Sect. Everyone, including the Crystals Spirits, whether they were young, old, babies, or other innocents, are dead. The whole world even believes this child is dead. So, as long you stay low and bide your time, I'm sure you both can reach the Holy King Realm with your daughter. As for me, I will naturally deal with all falling consequences."

The First Huang Dragons were in stun silence. Numerous bombshell of news was dropped on them all at once.

But the most critical factor was that their daughter, their sweet precious daughter is alive!!

And the shocking thing was, this battered, bloody man was only in the Divine Ruler realm!!

Only a Divine Mortal can accomplish an impossible feat of completely destroying a Holy Land with a Primal Sovereign level foundation!

An electrifying shock erupted through the Huang Dragons' Soul's Core. They felt as if they were in the presence of true Divinity. Their reverence fully erupted.

"Oh, Divine Mortal!"

The Huang Dragons instantly kneeled to their grounds, fervently kowtowing as if they were meeting a true god.

Neither could care less that a massive Holy Land containing at least millions upon millions of people was all merciless slaughter.

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They only cared that their little princess was alive.

That was their Martial Nature. Indifferent to the outside but genuinely protecting to their own kin.

"This graciousness is too much great Divine Mortal. How can we ever repay you?"  The First Huang Dragons had no qualms in asking. This was a favor that neither he nor the empress could ever forget.

However, the Divine Mortal simply shook his head while handing the baby girl to the couple.

He calmly said, "This is simply the effect of war. There is no favor or graciousness, only survival. The Crystal Spirits were plotting something terrifying under all of our noses, and we must take the first initiative to strike them down. Under pressing times like this, we smaller races need to band together and exterminate all Crystal Spirits no matter the cost. And I hope in the future you two will remember this cut down all Crystal Spirits and all those who are related to them without any mercy!"

As the memories of that tale faded away, Huang Dai and Xun felt their Soul's Core quiver. The importance of a Divine Mortal truly is immense.

Not only the royal children realize this, many, and eventually, all in the coliseum subconsciously realized its massive significance.

Whether it was the specific tale Huang Dai and Xun recalled or some other miracle story, a Divine Mortal prestige can't be forgotten.

High in the skies, Huang Laolong and Song Lin looked upon Cain with eyes of immense admiration.

They had numerous children, and yet, Cain was the only that was inspiring feelings from the depths of their souls.

The feeling of hope, respect, awe, and motivation!

With the lessons engraved into them from a very young age, the significance of Divine Mortals was nearly their first priority.

A new age of their Imperial Family was upon them.

But, among all hopeful feelings, there was something else prickling at both Huang Laolong and Song Lin's minds.

It felt incredibly odd, causing them to wrinkle their brows in utter puzzlement.

This sensation increased the longer they stared at Cain's dashing form that was full of heroic courage.

What was presented on stage was not of their doing. But instead, Huang Laolong's mother's actions.

As the parents gradually understood this, Song Lin couldn't help herself. Feelings rose within her as she slowly said, "Cain has grown…but does he feel any true semblance of family? I hate to say it, but we nearly shunned all of his roads to progress. Only Senior Wei…"

"Yes, I know." Huang Laolong's expression quickly turned solemn. "Only mother properly fostered him, raised him, and provided affection at an impressionable young age. Thankfully, mother can still get him to help with the overall situation. But for personal reason, I doubt any of us on close to his high priorities."

The prickling sensation amplified with each word uttered by the parents. Moments later, they both finally stopped denying what it was.

They truly felt the sensation of regret.

Only when one realizes what has been lost do they see the actual value it had all along.

Song Lin's tone was the heaviest it had ever been as she muttered, "Let's just take this one step at a time. It is impossible for us to really do any action. His loyalty to Senior Wei is unbreakable. All we can do is try very lightly from now on."