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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 403 Gaining Fame
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As Zhou Ping's group traveled down to the battle trade center, they all could see how much the previous duel was affecting everyone.

Many particularly intent gazes fell on them, but nobody had a great daring to approach. Whispers continued to leak about where ever the group traveled.

Cain had briefly swept out his Chaos soul sense to hear a snippet of what they were saying.

"To think they so easily killed those from young master Lie's faction! If this was some kind of fair duel where they had equal cultivation, I have no doubt that young master Lie faction would work to pressure them. But this...this slaughter and their cultivation...at least I would tread very lightly around them."

"Mn. I even feel sorry for their future foes. Their decisively ruthless, killing with a just blink. Neither Luo Shi nor Jao even had a chance to scramble away."

"I more so wonder about their current and future rewards. They can rack up a great number of resources. And with that, their cultivation can explosively grow! So many changes will happen so soon..."

Cain was considerably pleased with these talks. When their reputation grows in the future, it will certainly spread among Sky Bless City. Their names and faces will be known to all.

By then, Cain estimates it would be a far smoother time for when they inevitably leave the Zhou Family for those high-tier Holy Lands.

As Cain was lost in his thoughts, he didn't even fully notice that they already neared the battle trade center. Amber had to lightly nudge back to reality.

Cain tossed his gaze over the humongous building. Its luxurious design was easy to see from even a mile away. A shimmering glow faintly exuded from every corner of its structure.

Anyone would feel a faint sense of admiration just from staring at the building. Neither Cain nor Amber was an exception, as they appreciated the glorious sight.

Plenty of factions members were walking and out of the battle trade center. But everything was massively spacious to fit dozens of people easily.

When the group was but a couple of steps from entering in, two figures had suddenly swooped down from the skies and blocked their way.

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Though they got in their way, the people who landed didn't come in hostile or overbearing. They seemed simply eager to meet up with Zhou Ping's group.

Everyone in the group stopped and only Zhou Ping and Steward Que had expected expressions crossing their faces.

Whereas Cain and Amber intently analyzed these factions' members.

It was a man and a woman who both shared beautiful looks and similar facial features. They both had the same eye color, the same long hairstyle that reached towards their shoulders, and even wore identical clothes.

It was easy to tell they were close siblings. Above all, their natural Divine Auras were on the thickness and firmness as Steward Que!

These two were Extreme Great Divine Sea powerhouses who were high on the battle ranking.

Towards this kind of Divine Aura, Cain and Amber didn't even wriggle their brows. Nothing about the Great Divine Sea could make their hearts waver.

The siblings both wore friendly smiles as they causally strolled up to Zhou Ping's group.

But before they made the first moves, Zhou Ping struck first, saying, "Ah. If it isn't Tun Lao and Hong. It would be rare to find you siblings out here normally. I can guess what the special occasion is, right?"

The woman, Tun Lao, and the man Tao Hong falter for a brief moment. They were instantly seen through, but at the same time, it really was easy to tell their intentions.

The siblings were quick to recover. They gave a bow of respect to Zhou Ping and then the Tun Lao spoke in a gentle tone. "It is as you guessed, young master Ping. Our young master Lei, had just recently seen the news while in the middle of his daily cultivation. As he was in the middle of a close door breakthrough, he sent us out. Our purpose here is rather simple. We would like to invite Sir Lee and Miss Xun for a talk with young master Lei."

These words were like a bomb going off in the surroundings. Many other factions members were still around and since the Tun siblings were doing this openly, it was evident to see their intentions.

"So it's young master Lei that's making the first move! Out of them all, he was always the most decisive and hardworking."

"He's also very open-minded. Even doing public things like this doesn't affect his mind."

Cain and Amber were already aware of this young master Lei. He was ranked 2nd of the whole 25 direct descendants! Along with powerful faction members, he was also quite the cultivation genius on his own.

Word had spread around that Zhou Lei had already reached the half-step Divine Star realm and was close to actually transitioning into a completed Divine Star expert.

Young master Lei holds a considerable amount of influence. Enough to the point that nobody in Zhou Ping's group could blatantly ignore.

Zhou Ping only had a curious expression over this sudden development. He thought it over for a moment, shrugged, and turned over to the duo. "It's all up to you. I know my elder brother really doesn't do anything useless or not calculated. I have a better relationship with him more than the others."

The duo shot each other gaze. Amber simply transmitted to Cain, 'Why not? It's better to make more allies so we can get home faster. Of course...you will be doing all the talking.'

'That's pretty obvious. You could be just as anti-social as Kali. But yea, I agree. The talk could be worth it.' Cain blinked his eyes, signaling the end of their conversation, which only lasted for a brief moment.

Afterward, Cain smiled and spoke in a polite tone. "Ok, we agree to come. After today, it will be inevitable that we'll be more deeply involved with everyone here."

"Excellent." Tun Hao eagerly spoke while taking out a contact ring.

As he tossed it towards Cain, he explained, "With that, you'll let us know when you want to come over. Young master Lei would give out his own personal contact ring, but he really is in the middle of intense cultivation and can't be so lightly disturbed. I hope we meet again real soon."

With their mission accomplished, the Tun siblings gave one last friendly wave before turning over and flying into the skies.

Seeing them off, Zhou Ping lightly sighed. "Like their leaders, they all work fast. But now that's over, let's get inside."

No other faction members had specific missions, like the Tun siblings. So, without any obstruction, Cain and Amber could smoothly enter in for their rewards.


The Zhou Family manor has enough space where each of the 25 direct descendants all have their own luxurious chambers.

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Only other direct descendants can enter these chambers or if that young master gives explicit permission to their faction members. Although, it would be very rare for either occurrence to happen.

These young masters are enthralled in an intense competition. So it was only natural they all were very secretive within their chambers.

However, on this day, in one of the descendants' chambers, a special meeting was occurring.

Zhou Pei, a proud genius, and 5th ranked out of the descendants, sat calmly behind a table used for meetings.

Across from him was an equally handsome young man with a naturally proud disposition.

He was Zhou Ling, 4th ranked out of the descendants and an Extreme Great Divine Sea genius.

These two young men who typically kept themselves had no choice but to meet up today.

Both young men had solemn expressions, different from their usual proud looks.

Zhou Ling's eyes glinted in thought. He was the one to start the meeting, saying, "I know you want to cut to the chase, so let's not waste any time, shall we? Speaking bluntly, this stable yet unstable status quo we previously had is in jeopardy of breaking. Someone like Ping, despite being so much lower than us, can actually usurper us in no time with those two under his factions. The worse part of it all is that those two truly seem like they came out of thin air. I doubt that 'Lee' and 'Xun' are even their real names. There's absolutely nothing I can find on them or the surrounding region."

Zho Pei's brows twisted in confusion. "I have a really hard to believing that these two, with all this unfathomable strength, really came out of the woodworks like Divine Spirits. But even so, with how massive everything is, we have very little chance of verifying just who they are. Speaking off, did you speak with the others for their thoughts on them?"

"Not many, only our other partner, really. He similarly feels too suspicious about those two and wants them gone. But of course, we can't do anything while they stay stuck here." As Zhou Ling spoke, a ruthless glint slowly emerged from within his eyes.

Zhou Pei was all too familiar with this look. He felt there was light at the end of this new dark tunnel. "I can already tell you two have some sort of plan forming. Just what is it?"

Not responding at first, Zhou Ling briefly closed his eyes. While doing so, he explained, "It's not anything foolproof yet. But as long we can use the Tian's and the environment to our advantage, there should be no problems with fixing this issue."

Zhou Pei was calm as he took in the news. Several thoughts ran through his mind. Though they had worked together in the past, he wasn't completely confident in this plan as he said, "No matter what we come up with, we can't underestimate them. I have no doubt anything under Extreme Great Divine Sea can truly threaten. And if we use Divine star experts, we have to prepare very carefully."

"Of course. That's all obvious to us. We just have to take things one step at a time." Zhou Ling had supreme confidence backing up his tone. He was assured of maintaining their previous status quo no matter the cost.