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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 456 Luck & Changes
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Despite resentment, hatred, and unwillingness bubbling within him, Zhou Lei didn't have anywhere to vent out his frustrations.

Compared to Zhou Lei, Zhou Ping nearly couldn't contain his excitement. Even now, everything still felt like some fantastical dream. He, who was just an average descendent at best, was now in the limelight of the whole family!

Even though it all stemmed from Cain and Amber's achievements, it couldn't be denied that Zhou Ping played a critical part in simply bringing them to the family. It's undeniable now that the Zhou Family has a firm connection with a Holy Land because of Cain and Amber. Such a connection was more than worthy of rewards and praise.

When the formal greeting between sons and father was done, Zhou Kei suddenly spoke.

He didn't look at his sons but his voice carried a dominating presence. "Lei, it is obvious to perceive your discontentment. Is there something in your heart that you would like to say?"

Zhou Lei's body trembled all over. He dared not to look at Zhou Ping as his emotions might irrationally erupt.

In the calmest tone he could muster, Zhou Lei said, "Royal Father, I don't dare to question you or any other Elder. But, it's just that...isn't this whole situation a bit too lucky? Lee and Xun apparently have absolutely zero background, even throughout the entire Atlas World. It was like they literally came from thin air. Yet somehow, they both hold monstrous talent. And, they just managed to pass by Ping by pure coincidence. Ping's luck is certainly immense for this. But can something like that last for even a long time?"

For a few moments that seemed agonizingly long, Zhou Kei didn't speak up. His expression didn't even seem like it was contemplating anything.

Thinking that he could speak up, Zhou Pei slowly said, "Let me say this, Lei. Can you really say that you managed to gain your most powerful allies through your own skills or luck? Back then, you were far weaker than them all. Furthermore, your own personal cultivation took quite the leaps over other lucky chances. In our martial path, not only comprehension, talent and resources are important. Luck also plays a critical role."

Wanting to intensely refute his words, Zhou Lei opened his mouth to speak. But halfway, he suddenly froze.

Though he's in an extreme rage state, his rationality never left him. He recalled how he made it to this lofty position in these hundreds of years. And the most life-changing moments were his fortuitous encounters.

There simply wasn't any way to change history. If not for him getting lucky several times, he wouldn't even be standing here today.

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It left a disgusting feeling in Zhou Lei's mouth, but he had no choice but to admit that Zhou Ping had a point.

In a way, Cain and Amber could be considered Zhou Ping's lucky chances. This wouldn't be inferior to his own achievements.

Seeing Zhou Lei's reaction, Zhou Kei slowly nodded. "Indeed. Both of you must not forget this. Luck is a fantastical concept, but one that very well exists. Even Lee and Xun will need to undergo their own terrifying lucky chances in order to truly grow."

At this point, Zhou Kei shifted his legs. His expression remained as he continues to speak.

His words were slow and his voice contained a booming power that couldn't be disobeyed. "Ping, for your recent actions, you shall be promoted to 2nd ranking standing. Furthermore, unless I specifically give out the order, your position will remain firmly safe from demotion. As for you Lei, you will now be demoted to 3rd ranking and far more open to position changing. I hope this motivates you to work even harder in the future."

Both Zhou Ping and Lei's reactions were intense. Their bodies subconsciously trembled for entirely different reasons.

Zhou Ping felt as if he was walking on sunshine now. His prestige had catapulted to its peak after this!

While Zhou Lei could barely contain his frustrations. None of this simply sits right with him. He, who already worked overly hard to achieve Mid Divine Star and gathered greatly talented Great Divine Sea warriors, was getting outranked by someone genuinely inferior to him!

Even as all these events started with good fortune, Zhou Lei still needed to work his off to fully realize his potential.

Yet now, all of his achievements seemingly don't matter anymore.

The sheer fact that Zhou Lei couldn't do anything to reverse this decision swirled the pits of his guts the most.

Of course, the more rational side of his mind could understand the decision. After all, Zhou Ping is the bridge that connects their entire family with both Emperor tier geniuses and a Holy Land!

Moreover, Cain's prowess alone is already starting to eclipse the low-level Elders within their family. It won't be long at all before he could most likely fight Divine Rulers warriors.

These factors, along with a Holy Land backing, would make any sane organization pour their all into making connections with the duo.

The benefits they can gain are immense, nearly unending. From either Holy Land specific resources or just the general force and status of Emperor Tier geniuses, it all can immensely benefit their Martial Family.

Even when understanding the logistical side of things, Zhou Lei's heart was unsettled. It went unnoticed by Zhou Ping. But Zhou Lei's eyes glinted with a strange light.

Zhou Kei didn't spare another glance at Zhou Lei as he said, "Lei, you can leave."

Silently and without a change of expression, Zhou Lei stood up, bowed, and quickly left the throne room.

After his leave, Zhou Kei continues to say, "Ping, a small banquet will be held soon for your success. If possible, see if you can invite Lee and Xun to it. If not, at least gain their blessings in the form of gifts. I trust you understand the significance of such small actions."

Zhou Ping silently nodded. Though, in his heart, he was a bit shocked. His own royal father was completely willing to make succession for Cain and Amber.

The true point of the banquet would be for the duo to meet and make possible connections with the highest up of their family. But in the chance the duo rejects them come, it wouldn't disturb relations, rather, all would be satisfied with possible relations in the future.

For only a moment, Zhou Ping thought it was a bit odd.

Zhou Kei is a Holy King master who is completely prideful towards most matters. There isn't, at least in their own family, anyone that can make Zhou Kei be this flexible.

Zhou Ping had to wonder if this was more going on behind the scene. But didn't bother to question it as his father would only tell him if he deemed it necessary.

Standing up, Zhou Ping dutifully nodded, "It shall be done, royal father."

As he turned to leave, Zhou Kei suddenly spoke up again. "While I did praise you for your good luck, Lei still has a point. Ping, all matters come down to absolute strength in our society. You must diligently work if you ever want the means to truly protect yourselves."

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Zhou Ping completely paused. In all honestly, he couldn't recall when, or if ever, his royal father ever gave out legitimate advice.

A bit of advice from a Holy King master left Zhou Ping feeling equally elated and confused.

For some reasons unknown to him, Zhou Ping, this ominous sensation crept through his soul. He cautiously asked, "Royal father, is-is there something happening that I should be worried about?"

Zhou Ping was met with silence. That unreadable expression on Zhou Kei's face never shifted for even a split second.

When it seemed like hours passed, Zhou Kei simply said, "It is nothing you need to concern yourself. Just continue to diligently cultivate."

Such vague words only increased the unease in Zhou Ping's soul. Still, he didn't dare to ask for information as he hurried out of the throne room.

When Zhou Ping left the room, Zhou Kei was left to rummage on his own thoughts. He suddenly took out a contact ring, caressing it with a pondering look flashing across his face.

He slowly muttered, "Now then...let's see if you can keep your end of the deal."


At Cloudsea's Holy Land numerous floating royal houses.

Within the royal house that exuded a chilling, demonic presence, Demon Tao and Yan both have grave expressions.

Recent events were like a nightmare for them both. The mental pressure on Lee and Xun grew with each passing day. And it irked them that there wasn't anything they could realistically do about the duo.

Their backings and connections with Lord Wen Dao practically cut off any thought of trying to pressure them in any form. It would only end up putting them in a worse situation than what they're already in.

But above all, neither Demon Tao nor Yan had any great confidence in facing Cain specifically. His performance of effortlessly dominating Du Hu is still freshly replayed throughout Demon Tao's mind. He witnessed numerous geniuses, one stronger and weaker, in combat with each other.

But never had a fight been so utterly one-sided!

The only time where he saw a duel between geniuses be so utterly dominating was when either the highest Divine Decree Lord subordinates fight the Divine Decree Lords themselves fight!

Still, there was one more absolutely terrifying fact about those Emperor Tier geniuses. One that automatically put Cain and, to a great extent, Amber, on their must-kill list at the highest priority.