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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 506 Benevolent Amber
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"Is that right?" Cain curled his brows. He started to genuinely wonder how rare higher, complex Law energy principles really were.

He faced a good number of top-quality geniuses so and none of them had managed to just slightly suppress his Laws. Even back during Mortal and early Divine hood days, none of his foes could suppress his Laws.

Such a huge advantage, yet it appeared to be incredibly rare.

When Cain spoke again, his tone turned increasingly persuasive. "That's too much of a shame. With denser and more complex energy principles, you would be invincible in the same boundary and can even fight one minor boundary above. You know what? I'll tell you this. Because I thoroughly enjoyed that duel, I'm willing to give you two a chance. I will take the highest spot in this field, but I won't be stingy. I will help you both with my own Law Principles, which, as you experienced, can benefit your comprehension more than doing it from the atmosphere. Furthermore, my own Laws can connect to the atmosphere on a deeper level without large interference, which would then boost my own comprehension and by extensions yours."

Xu Tao and Hu Wen fell silent. They both traded a glance at each other, their eyes flashing.

Xu Tao promptly transmitted, 'What do you think? Would it be rude to inquire more?' Though Xu Tao was the stronger and more talented among the two, he always found himself conferring with Hu Wen in social situations.

Hu Wen may have her own sense of arrogance. But she knows when to reign in against people or certain types of situations.

Her eyes flickered for a bit before saying, 'He's definitely overbearing and domineering, but at the same time, I can't detect any sneaky or suspicious qualities about him. My soul simply feels at ease now that's he not using his powers. Maybe it's a bit of naivety, but...I'm a bit hopeful.'

The premonition of a cultivator's soul shouldn't be ignored. Xu Tao was more than aware of this time. Numerous times in the past, his soul alerted him to threatening danger with the risk of his life on the line.

Above him, Hu Wen's soul alertness was even greater. She spends extra time pondering by herself and comprehending more mundane subjects than any other cultivator would. All in the name of improving her set of knowledge even more.

It may be a stretch, but her more serious mind could have led to her greater soul alertness.

Either way, Xu Tao was content with Hu Wen taking the reins of the conversation.

Hu Wen turned back over to Cain and gently smiled. "This all sounds amazing, Martial brother. We certainly can't deny your profoundness with Lightning Laws and the connection we felt towards it." At this point, her expression turned a little sheepish. "But it's just...would you require anything more from us after this?"

The young Lightning Lords' concerns held weight. After all, Divine cultivators know best there is no free lunch in the world. The ones that do advertise themselves as such are immensely suspicious.

Cain could faintly guess at these concerns. But that didn't cause his plain smile to falter.

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He waved off the duo with a casual expression. "Truly, with my own access badge, I'm not in need of most things. And the things that I want, I would ask from the Elders. But if owing a debt does bother you, I can just say I'll catch in for a favor later. Is that alright?"

The Lightning duo wasn't quick to respond. Subconsciously, they couldn't help but compare Cain to the direct disciples and the Divine Decree Lords. His talent and prowess were so overwhelming and bear great resemblance to all those geniuses.

However, the longer the Lightning duo thought on it, the more they realized the stark contrast with Cain's personality.

Of course, he could be putting up a front. But such a possibility wasn't very lucky when considering Cain didn't beat around the bush at all when attacking them. Furthermore, none of his actions carried innate arrogance or disdain for others.

One would feel pressure standing next to Cain. This was just natural due to his Divine presence. But even so, it wouldn't be a suffocating or domineering pressure. Rather one that would make people look up in awe.

Neither Xu Tao nor Hu Wen had those lush dreams of less talented and weaker cultivators. Connecting to Cain to leech off him was never an option for them.

But in a situation where every party is hardworking and mutually benefits each other, Xu Tao and Hu Wen couldn't find reasonable excuses to reject.

After a few moments, the duo shrugged and clasped their fist into their palms.

"Then we'll have to thank Martial brother for the upcoming future. Any flavor that you want, just ask." Hu Wen's tone was deadly serious and equally filled with gratefulness.

Xu Tao nodded at the same time and said, "The same goes for me as well. Any favor, and we'll get it done."

Cain nodded with a smile. "Since that's the case, let's not wait any more, shall we? I'm quite eager to start."

As he spoke, swirls of lightning converged around Cain's body. His pupils started to spark with Draconic Lightning.

In this moment, Cain felt his mind briefly drift to Amber. 'I wonder, just what is she doing all by herself? This is the first time we've been separated in a while."


Spirit Association Temple.

The temple that was reserved for the noble World Spirit Master and would be seen as a place for Spirit energy practice was now in a rowdy state.

The third floor was the cause of the World Spirit Master's rowdy state. On the third floor, in between one of the aisles, sat an ordinary-looking maiden.

The girl's body flickered with red Spirit energy. Every red light flickering out contained vast Spirit energy Law principles, making it nearly completely hypnotic to gaze upon.

Around the girl's body were various Spirit Scrolls and Spirit books. These texts that would require a considerable amount to open were easily dealt with by Amber.

Many World Spirit Master didn't know what to think besides the fact that Amber is an absolute genius of this generation. This kind of massive figure started to develop a sense of disparity in others' minds.

Nobody even knew how to properly walk up to address Amber. Her face was bored, but there seemed to be this natural, suffocating presence around her.

In this state, who would be willing to risk annoying Amber?

However, at this moment, one sole young boy took up the challenge. He had an above-average appearance that radiated a calming presence.

His Spirit Master robes were a darker shade of purple, signifying that he was an experienced, 3rd class master. Though he moved with some cation, at normal times, he would be far more bold and daring.

Being at the 3rc Class level means he's a high Inner Ranking Spirit Master. A ranking that symbolizes greater steps towards greater Spirit heights.

Of course, towards an extreme Spirit talent like Amber's red Spirit energy, it wasn't worth much mentioning. Still, this young man took the courage to walk close to the aisle Amber was in.

However, when he got close, Amber suddenly flung her eyes open. Her expression was completely plain as she said, "Is there something that you need? I would like to make it quick."

Those words sounded a bit haughty. Yet, Amber's tone barely had a hint of emotion or a subtle presence. As if she was simply talking to a pile of walking bones.

The young man paused for only a moment. In just this brief greeting, a slight ominous sensation swept through his mind.

What he saw was just a girl with a bored expression. But at the same time, the Spirit Master felt as if with just one wrong move, everything will turn into an unprecedented crisis.

The young man's eyes flickered. Soul energy forcefully revolved through his body, forcing him to calm down.

He spoke a moment later, "My name is Zi Guo, Spirit Sister. And I will cut straight to the chase. I simply wish to obverse the Spirit energy principles from your natural Divine Aura. The first time you showed your Spirit energy, I felt a noticeable improvement in my comprehension. Apologies if this is a bit sudden and bold. But I do hope Spirit Sister can grant this request."

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Amber's face barely twitched, though her eyes slightly gleamed. She sort of expected this kind of reaction to occur.

Discussing it with Cain enlightened her to know that her Spirit Energy Law has complex energy principles similar to his Lightning Law energy principles.

Amber's Spirit energy attainment was still only at the expert level. While not as high as her master attainment, it was still at a level not many World Spirit Master can achieve, even when discussing Gold World Spirit Master.

Furthermore, because of Amber's greatly enhanced Spiritual Sea, attainment level, and her own talent, she's able to further convert more Spirit energy principles into complex ones through external aid.

The text all around her and the pure Spirit energy in the atmosphere were both examples of these external aids.

As she can't completely suppress her natural Spirit Aura while comprehension, it was inevitable people like Zi Guo would show up.

Amber had the intention of chasing Zi Guo right then and there. However, she's also aware that she'll need to keep up appearances for now.

Thus, she causally shrugs without care. Her eyes closed once more as she said, "Suite yourself. You can stay, nobody else can come. More people will disturb my practice."

With that, Amber promptly closed her eyes, falling back into a meditative state. Her natural Spirit Aura slightly intensified as she lulled into Spirit energy comprehensions.

Zi Guo's eyes lit up at this. He didn't dare speak again as he similarly got into a meditative position and focused on his Divine Sense.

The results were immediate. Vague Spirit energy principles swirled through his Spiritual Sea, enlightening him at an already quicker rate than what he does on his own!

The complex Spirit energy principles were indeed confusing mist sensations. But such sensations didn't feel anywhere near as untraceable as his usual medication.

Unknowingly, Zi Guo fell into a trance. He fully immersed himself in comprehending these complex Spirit energy principles.

The other World Spirit Masters watching scrunched their brows. They were half-tempted to go up in the same manner. But Amber's warning immediately declines them from doing so.

Mainly, the 2nd class and lower 3rd Class World Spirit Master wanted to go up and struggle past their current bottlenecks.

Other higher class Spirit Master retained their curiosity as they held their confidence in succeeding with their Spirit energy.

Still, chatter couldn't help but swirl around. "Look at this? Spirit Brother Guo isn't even getting formally taught, yet it already looks like he's immersed. Just what are her Spirit energy principles?"

"There's always a higher mountain, but to this degree? It's almost ridiculous to think she had no background before this?"

Everyone's surrounding conversation fell onto death ears for both Amber and Gi Zuo. They both were too immersed in perceiving new foundings for their Spirit energy path.