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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 596 Small Detour
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"Mn." Cain silently nodded. He's a genius who certainly likes to test his limits. But only when it was reasonable and not foolish. As in facing talented foes that can kill him in several moves.

Just as Cain's eyes narrowed forward, his vision caught something dozens of miles ahead.

A tap on the divine bird's head caused the beast to stop. What caught Cain's intrigue was taken by a huge presence of a misty frog permeating a vast land of ocean that seemingly spread out for tens of thousands of miles.

The power of Divine Qi would allow Cain's eyes to easily penetrate through the most ordinary of fogs. But this one was incomparably special.

Everything was a true blurring mist!

It was absolutely impossible to obverse anything in his base state. This simply means the Laws that permeated the area were at a standard incomparably dangerous to Divine Rulers. Even Holy King masters would need to prepare to travel with their life.

"Eh?" Lan Rui curled her brows in confusion. "Did something happen? The compass is still pinpointing in this direction. In fact, the sensation is becoming stronger the closer we get."

"Come up here and take a look ahead." Cain pointed forward.

Doing so, Lan Rui's enhanced divine eyesight pierced through space. She could capture up to several miles of distance. What enter her sight left her equally confused and concerned.

It was only inevitable that Lan Rui wasn't able to peer into the mist mysteriously covering a huge mass of an ocean. Not even Cain could do it.

But Lan Rui's reaction extended past simply being curious. Her normally calm face twisted into slight worry. "This place...I remember it clearly. An endless fog permeates over an ocean. This place is called the frost islands. It's a mysterious region of land that even Holy King masters would need to tread carefully in."

"Oh? Really now?" Cain could feel a surge of excitement. "Are there powerful Dao Beasts in there? Or is there something else unique about this place?"

"I've read reports about the frost island containing powerful beasts. But its true danger lies within this mist. It's said that if one Divine Sense becomes muddled within the mist, their soul will be lost forever. Even a Holy King master would be force to travel down an endless maze without any chance to escape." Lan Rui slowly explains.

Though Cain was itching to see this mysterious place already, he didn't brazenly rush right in. He asked, "I'm assuming that the inner workings of the frost islands are a mystery, right?"

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Lan Rui nodded. "At least the books I read didn't state anything specific. I only have very vague, surface-level knowledge at best. But the compass is pointing to the frost islands..."

She truly began to wrack her mind around a viable solution. The answer didn't promptly come to her. In all honesty, a situation like this left her a bit mystified.

The lack of adventuring experience certainly made Lan Rui think about how to correct this flaw. But she didn't have to ponder long.

Cain suddenly snapped his gaze to the right. His vision pierced through space and landed on a decently expansive town.

Of course, decently expansive for a cultivator standard. The region of the town most likely takes up around several hundred miles.

Cain nudged his head towards this town, saying, "This place seems local to the frost islands. I'm sure there are plenty of adventures recording down their information for us to use. Let's go."

Lan Rui didn't have any disagreement. With a tap from Cain, the divine bird flapped its mighty wings. Space fluctuated all around it. A streak of dazzling blue lights shrouded its body.

Beautiful blue slithered through the skies as the divine bird rapidly flew toward the ground. A single flap of its wing could traverse dozens of miles of distance.

In just seconds, the divine bird landed a few dozen of meters away from the town.

Cain and Lan Rui promptly jumped the divine bird. As his feet touch the ground, Cain opened a mystical sack from his waist.

A mystical suction force released from the sack. Mysterious Law essence rippled into the atmosphere. The suction force covers the divine bird. It couldn't resist at all. The massive divine bird was perfectly sucked into the tiny mystical sack.

The mystical sack was a beast-tamer sack. Cain nearly sighed at this magical invention.

The region of space within the beast tamer sack was the same as a spatial ring. It was expansively spacious. Though the difference here was the fact that the mystical sack is more suited to carry living beings.

Once that was settled, Cain and Lan Rui moved at swift speeds. Their steps manipulated the laws of the universe. A couple of steps already brought them before the town's gate.

When arriving, Cain and Lan Rui were stopped.

"You two! Halt!"

A booming voice quaked the surrounding. Overwhelming arrogance flowed from this man's tone.

In front of the town's gate was an imposing, silver-armored man. Powerful pulsations of Supreme Divine Laws radiated from the silver-armored man.

He didn't bother reserving his Divine Aura at all. All would know he's a mighty Divine Ruler expert at first glance. Weaker cultivators would smash to their knees just from this suppressive force.

Cain and Lan Rui merely felt the oppressive might as a light, tickling breeze.

The duo dislikes this silver-armored man's arrogance. But Cain stayed calm as he asked, "We wish to enter. Is there a problem?"

The silver-armored man smiled, his lips curling into a disdaining sneer. "Want to enter? Then hand over 100 Crystal Nature Beads or scram out of my sight!"

The silver armored man truly acted audacious. His Divine Sense detected that these two are minor ants. One was only seemingly in the early stage Divine Ruler while the other have this vague Divine Star aura.

These kinds of people were, overall, nothing to the silver-armored man. His eyes didn't noticeably wander over Lan Rui. But a glint emerged from his eyes after drinking in Lan Rui's natural beauty.

'Two little fireflies, huh? This could be some fun...' The silver-armor man seemingly marked these two as great prey.

At the same time, Lan Rui's gaze grew slightly frosty. She was a direct disciple in the middle stage of the Divine Ruler realm. Her pride was higher than the skies.

A fool that stands to be arrogant before her isn't even worthy enough for her martial brother to smack around! She was nearly ready to react. Her fingers slightly twitched.

But Cain had sent a mental sound transmission to her. 'Just ignore the attitude for now. You see that badge on this guy's armor?'

When Cain brought attention to it, Lan Rui instantly narrowed her eyes. Indeed, there was a unique badge symbol brightly glimmering on the man's silver armor. A faint pulsation of Law power oozed from this small badge.

Lan Rui began quickly connecting the dots. 'Badges like this are only for some kind of organization. If this person is guarding the entrance, his organization may run throughout the entire city, right?'

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'That's exactly right.' Cain faintly smiled. 'Let's just search and gain our bearings. No need to start a storm right now. There's a lot of unpredictability around here.'

Lan Rui is a smart and calm woman. She got rid of her stifling feelings instantly.

Though, she still said, 'Still, getting treated like this feels a bit odd. He's staring at us as if we're a fresh piece of meat.'

'I understand that. But I did say we're only holding off until we know more.' Cain was undisturbed.

He has an great rising fame as of now. And Lan Rui's own fame is also considerable across the entire Wintry World.

But then again, the size of the Wintry World is immense. Only the most powerful of cities and Holy Lands have easy access to Holy Intelligence networks.

Weaker and smaller-tier places would typically have news revolving around their own areas.

Thus, for all the Divine Ruler guard knows, Cain and Amber were slightly talented youths.

Cain didn't mind paying up 100 Crystal Nature Beads. But the demand would be a bit unreasonable for the average cultivator.

Just one crystal nature bead is several times harder to gain than the average Sun Crystal Bead.

Both are resources for Inner World cultivation. But a Crystal Natura Bead has an amplifying effect several times higher than the Sun Crystal Bead.

The average cultivator would struggle to gather a few thousand Sun Crystal Beads. Getting into this city would signify one at least has riches on their person. It could very well set a target on their hands.

Cain didn't care at all. He silently threw out a cosmos sack.

As he caught the cosmos sack, the silver armor man did an instant scan over. His eyes faintly glinted. Thoughts emerged in his mind. But he kept a slightly cold expression as he stepped to the side.

"Go in." He indifferently uttered.

Cain and Lan Rui didn't look back as they walked calm steps into the town.