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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104

Darius turned to face the motionless masked attacker on the floor. He felt a strong sense of power in his

body. It was like a volcano on the verge of erupting.

Darius had no idea that he had now taken that extra step and become a martial artist. He only knew he

felt much stronger than he did during the fight with the masked figure.

The entire world seemed clearer than before. It was as if he had previously viewed the world through

filters, and even his concept of time had changed. Everything seemed to have slowed significantly.

The masked figure, whose face was now exposed, glared at Darius with hatred in his eyes.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do than to stay still.

He had no idea that Darius would breakthrough during their fight, otherwise he would never have held

back from the start.

Moreover, Darius actually self healed several times during their fight. It was completely ridiculous!

He sighed. There was no use thinking about it now. He lost, and Darius won. He was completely at

Darius’ mercy now.

Darius studied the masked figure faced intently and frowned. The facial features were too unique. He

was certain of one thing.

His attacker was not from S country.

The descendants of S country all had similar traits, but the attacker had a very pale skin, that it was

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almost white. It was a huge contrast with the usual characteristics of the citizens from $ country.

Darius was a bit puzzled at that moment.

Didn’t this mean that the attacker was a foreigner? And if the attacker was truly a foreigner, why would

he want him dead?

He walked over to where the attacker lay and glared at him hard. The intensity of Darius’ gaze caused

the attacker to shrink back in fear. Since Darius had become a martial artist, his aura was leaps and

bound from the pitiful aura he had when he was not a martial artist therefore applying significant

pressure on the attacker.

“Speak. Who are you?” Darius asked icily, glaring at the attacker as he spoke.

The attacker only glared back at Darius but said

Darius was enraged by the attacker’s silent response. He was already irritated because he had been

attacked and his room had been completely destroyed. Yet, the attacker refused to answer his question.

Angered, he kicked the attacker’s arm with immense force.


The attacker screamed loudly in pain when Darlus’ legs connected with his arm. Darlus was unaware

that his strength had multiplied by tenfold now that he was a martial artist, so he didn’t hold back in his

kick. As a result, his kick dislocated the attacker’s arm.

Darius thought the attacker was exaggerating when he screamed out in pain but he could not care less.

The attacker had tried to kill him. There was absolutely no reason for him to show any mercy to him.

MI’ll ask again. Who are you?’ Darius asked again iclly.

The attacker gritted his teeth in pain and didn’t respond, but he was cursing Darlus deeply in his heart.

When Darius saw that the attacker didn’t respond to his question, he repeated his earlier actions and

kicked the attacker’s other arm; which prompted another scream from the attacker.

“You’re courting death!” the attacker yelled out angrily amidst the intense pain he was going through.

Darius scowled at the attacker’s words. Even after losing and being at his mercy, he still dared to act so

haughtily. He then kicked the attacker’s ribs in anger, eliciting another pained scream from the attacker.

This sequence repeated itself for a few minutes, with Darius attacking different parts of his body while

questioning him. By this time, the attacker was barely conscious. His both arms were broken, and so

were his legs. His pale face was now covered with sweat, and he was in an unimaginable amount of


Darius was both impressed and frustrated at the attacker’s tenacity. Despite torturing and interrogating

him harshly to find some answers, the attacker refused to speak. He then gave the attacker one last look

before walking over to where his phone was. There was no need to continue interrogating him since he

couldn’t get any information from him.

He called his grandfather and told him everything that had happened. His grandfather was enraged by

yet another assassination attempt on his grandson’s life and concerned for his grandson’s health. It

wasn’t until Darius reassured him that he was alright that he finally calmed down.

His grandfather wanted to come over, but Darius quickly dissuaded him. He didn’t want his grandfather

to travel such a far distance for his sake. He instead promised to pay a visit to the Reid mansion. His

room was already in shambles and he’d have to wait a while for the repairs to be finished.

He then ended the call before calling the police and recounted the entire incident once more. He kept a

close eye on the attacker while waiting for the police to arrive. Despite the fact that he had a lot on his

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mind, he pushed them to the back of his mind. They were all irrelevant right now, and he could think

about them later.

When the two policemen arrived at Darius’ residence, they were astounded at the level of wreckage in

his room. They asked Darius to recount the incidence of the attack to them once again, which Darius did

for the third time.

The policemen nodded their heads as Darius spoke and jotted down his narration. When Darius was

done with recounting the incident, the policemen moved to handcuff the assailant when the assailant

suddenly yelled.

“This isn’t over Darius Reid!”

A frown crept on to Darius’ face, but the next moment, his eyes widened in shock.

“Stop him!” Darius yelled out hurriedly.

As he yelled, he rushed over to where the assallant lay on the floor. Sadly, he was still too late.


A loud explosion echoed in the room, wrecking the already the wrecked room. The soundproof room was

unable to contain the loud noise from the explosion this time, so the noise drew the attention of the staff

from the Dragon Lord Imperial Residence.

Darlus was now an awakened martial artist, so he could defend himself. He stood up after the explosion

and dusted the debris from his body before walking over to where the attacker lay.

The assallant was motionless on the floor with a lot of debris on his body, his blue eyes glassy. He had

committed suicide by causing an explosion at the last moment, Darius was able to defend himself

because he was a martial artist, but the two police officers were not so lucky. They were killed in the


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