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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 The injuries on Darius' body started healing at a pace visible to the naked eye. James watched the process intently. He had no

doubts that the golden liquid could cure Darius completely. However despite his trust in his liquid, he could not help worrying for his

grandson. The healing process went on for over five minutes due to the severity of the injuries Darius obtained, with James watching over

Darius during the duration of the healing. During the duration of the healing process, smelly black pus kept being ejected from Darius skin.

James quickly called the attention of the maids in the mansion.

The black pus wasn't the only thing that was ejected from Darius body. His hair was also shed, and new one could be seen growing on his

bald head. He shifted a lot on the bed and at a single glance one could tell that he was in severe pain.

The maids quickly got to work the time they arrived. They undressed him neatly and washed off the black pus off his skin before changing his

sheets. James monitored the condition of his grandson closely. He only breathed a sigh of relief after Darius' condition stabilized.

He looked at his grandson sleeping soundly after being completely healed from his injuries by the potion. He then smiled softly and adjusted

his sheets to make him sleep more comfortably before exiting the room.

Darius woke up feeling very refreshed and energetic. It was as if his body was filled with abundant energy. He felt that his martial arts

routines that took him an hour or more to complete could be completed in less than thirty minutes! Darius was still enjoying the feeling of

newly found strength in his body when he remembered something crucial.

The last thing he remembered was being attacked by a very powerful assassin and calling for help. If he could remember correctly he was

severely injured by the assassin. He even thought that he was going to die. However not only was he alive, he was also in extremely good

shape. All the injuries he sustained were gone like they were never there in the first place too!

He looked around and noticed another peculiar thing. Although this room looked very familiar, he was a hundred percent sure that this wasn't

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his room in his penthouse in Dragon Estate.

It took him a minute to recall that this was his room in his grandfather mansion; however he was utterly

confused as to how he arrived at his grandfather's mansion. He stood up from the bed in confusion and

paced around the room deep in thoughts. However he only walked a few steps before exclaiming in


As he paced around the room, he had walked past a luxuriously designed mirror in the room. The

mirror wasn't what made him exclaim in shock; rather it was the figure in the mirror that made him

exclaim in shock.

Darius had a hard time believing that it was his reflection he saw in the mirror. Before he was attacked,

he knew that his was very handsome; however the figure in the mirror was nothing

compared to his previous self. As a matter of fact, it made his previous self look ugly! The first notable

change was his face. Although he was very attractive facially, his current face looked like the perfect

version of his previous face. Every blemish, including the tiniest blemish on his face was completely

absent. With his current face, he could even give the most popular face models a run for their money.

His body had the most notable change. Just like his face, his current body was a complete upgrade to

his previous one. Due to the hard work that he had engaged in the past, he had a very well developed

body, with muscles in the right place; yet his current body was way more attractive than before.

His skin, hair, muscles and bones also underwent several changes, leaving Darius as confused as one

could be. He had no idea why his entire appearance changed so drastically. He was still looking at

himself in the mirror when the door to the room opened and a maid entered. The maid was humming a

song as she entered the room, but when she saw Darius, her eyes widened in shock.

Darius had just woken up after being treated five minutes ago, therefore he was just dressed in black

shorts. As such, his lean but muscular body was totally exposed to the maid. When she saw Darius

exposed body and muscular chest, her cheeks heated up as she blushed hard and turned red. She had

cleaned his body before, but due to the gravity of the situation, she never had the opportunity to study

his body. The case was completely different now.

Darius turned to look at the maid and arched his eyebrow at her strange behavior. The maid noticed

Darius gaze and gathered herself before delaying the reason for her visit. "Young Master Reid. Pardon

my intrusion. I was sent here to clean the room as it is my duty. I had no idea that you were already

awake." The maid explained. "It's nothing." Darius replied nonchalantly. "Yes Young Master Reid. If you

are done, Master Reid would like to speak with you in his study." The maid said as she stood at the exit

to the room. "Alright. I’ll be there in five minutes." Darius replied before the maid left the room.

Darius quickly put on a decent outfit before exiting his room and making his way to his grandfather's

study room. He remembered that the last time he was there was when he just discovered his identity

and arrived at the Reid mansion for the first time.

He got to the study room and knocked twice, and only entered the room after receiving permission from

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his grandfather.

The interior of the study room was just how he remembered it to be. James Reid, his grandfather sat

down behind the large mahogany desk. On the table was a bottle of wine and two glass cups. When

Darius entered the study room, his grandfather raised his head from the table and gazed at his

grandson with love in his gaze. Even after feeding him the golden liquid he was still worried that Darius

would not heal. It was only after seeing Darius awake and in good health could he finally put all his

worries to rest.

Darius grandfather emptied the bottle of wine and filled the glass cups on the table before handing one

over to Darius.

Darius sat down opposite his grandfather and had just taken a sip of wine from the glass cup on the table when his grandfather broke the


"What exactly happened Darius?"

Darius furrowed his eyebrows, but went over the whole details of the attack on him, not leaving anyone out.

James listened to his grandson narration with utmost attention and a stoic face; but his eyes widened in shock when Darius mentioned that

the assassin had a triangular tattoo on the back of his palm.

"Are you sure that’s what you saw?" his grandfather asked in a pensive tone.

"Yes. I am very sure. Although I was severely injured, I caught a clear glimpse of his detail." Darius affirmed.

Darius grandfather reclined back into his seat and seemed to be deep in thought. After a minute of silence, James finally spoke up.

"I think I know who the culprit is."