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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 77
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Darius was incredibly shocked at Luke's action, but he recovered very quickly. After drinking the golden liquid, he had received a tremendous

boost to his physical attributes and his combat pro wess also received a drastic power up.

He quickly leapt back before launching a powerful kick to Luke's wrist. The kick was incredibly po werful, dispossessing Luke at once. The

kuile fell from his hands and landed a safe distance from Luke.

Everyone present breathe in a sigh of relief at the turn of events. They thought that Luke would b e successful in luis attempt, but luckily

Darius was well versed in combat, therefore thwarting Luk e's murder attempt.

Darius stared at Luke with unchecked hostility. One look at himn and one could tell that he was incredibly furious!

He was a fool to have ever felt an iota of sympathy

towards Luke. He thought that the dire situation his family was would make him remorseful of his actions since he was the one who put them

in a difficult situation in the first pla ce, but it was far from his expectations. Not only did he not feel any form of remorse at his crimes, he was

even bold enough to try to take his life in broad daylight!

Darius glared at Luke. His glare was

very bone chilling, and it sent shivers down Luke's spine, who was on the receiving end of the att ack.

This was the second time he had tried to take his life. It was indeed true that a leopard couldn't c hange his spots no matter how hard it tried.

It was the same for Luke; he couldn't change his vile character no matter how hard he tried.

Darius now understood why his grandfather

had made the Erihal Group on the verge of bankruptcy. If he didn't show that he wasn't someon e that should be trifled with, his foes would

keep trampling upon him.

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If he had taken care of Luke

when he found him trying to force himself on Helen, none of this would have happened in the fir st


Luke on the other hand was now panicking greatly. Now that his attempt

to end Darius' life had failed, he was in an even direr situation

than before. Darius glare was even more soul piercing, sending shivers of

fear down his spine. Before Luke could even get a grip of himself, a blinding pain assaulted him his

cheek. Darius had punched him right in the jaw!

Luke screamed loudly and fell to the floor in pain. Darius had no idea that his physical attributes had

increased tremendously, so his punch was incredibly powerful. It was so powerful that it alm ost broke

Luke's jaw.

Darius was about to continue his assault on Luke, but loud sirens sounds started echoing in the

distance, which made him halt his actions.

A quick witted student had called for the police when she

sighted the knife in Luke's hands. This action had

undoubtedly saved Luke's life, as Darius would have definitely killed him if it weren't for their arrival.


More than three police cars arrived at the scene, creating a loud commotion. The second the poll ce

cars arrived, several policemen alighted from the cars.

They walked over to where Luke lay on the floor with handcufis in their hands.

"Mr. Luke Eribal, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Mr. Darius Reid. This is necess ary

to allow the prompt and effective investigation of this offence and to prevent escape. You ha ve the

right to remain silent, anything you Sey can and will be used against you in the court of law." The

policeman said as he handcused Luke,

The Erihal Group had finally gone under, meaning that there

was no longer any protection for Luke He was no longer under the shelter of his father's influenc e and

it was finally time to face the repercussions of his actions.

The police men arrested Luke and took him into their custody. Darius was very aggrieved at the way

the events played out. He wanted to release all the pent up anger he harbored towards Luke , but was

unable to do so now that Luke was in police custody. No matter how aggrieved he was, he had no

choice but to accept it.

After Luke

was arrested by the policemen, everyone finally left the lecture venue. However, the events that happened undoubtedly raised Darius' status

in their hearts, especially after he defended himself properly against Luke's murder attempt. There was no doubt that this would be

broadcasted aro und the whole university.


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next day went on as usual for Darius. He meditated, practiced his martial arts routine, and took a quick shower. He was about to have his

breakfast when he received a phone call. He checked th e caller ID and saw it was his personal assistant Erin. Seeing that, he quickly

answered the phone call.

"Hello, Mr. Reid." Erin said. Without wasting a single minute, Erin went straight to the point. Now that Luke was in police custody to pay for

his crimes, and his father also in custody to face the repercussions of covering up Luke's crimes, the whole Erihal Group was in shambles.

So many of the company workers had resigned, and the few left were also thinking of resigning. Erin then suggested that Darius purchase

the whole Erihal Group now that they were at an all ti me low from the two Erihal brothers, and then revive the company in his name.

Darius thought about it and saw that it was indeed a great idea. As such, he gave Erin the permis sion to go ahead with her idea.

Erin thanked Darius before

disconnecting the phone call. Darius let out a small smile after the call disconnected. He was gla d that he had gotten himself a personal

assistant with great foresight.

The acquiring process was very smooth and was completed in less than a day. In the end, Darius bought the whole Erihal Group from Luke's

brothers for 20 billion dollars. He was bei ng very generous, as the Erihal Group wasn't worth that amount with the crisis they went throug h

The brothers quickly agreed to such a huge sum

of money. After all with such a huge amount, they would be able to live the rest of their lives without any worries.

Darius then named the company 'West Atlantics Inti.' and handed over the management to Erin after signing all the documents.

Luke was now convicted and would most likely be spending the rest of his years behind bars. He h ad also acquired his father's company.

Although he didn't get to take matters in his own hands, th e fact that Luke was being punished for his crimes was enough for him.