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The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 581
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Chapter 581

Rowan knew that the heretics believed in the Hero Religion, yet she took no action against them.

In reality, Rowan had no right to punish or judge them, so there was no reason for her to do so in the first place.

However, Ludwig had just sensed fear in Rowan's demeanor.

If Rowan thought it necessary, she seemed as if she would kill without hesitation.

Ludwig had been traveling with Rowan for about five days, but this was the first time he had seen such a side of her.

In retrospect, Ludwig had never encountered any heretics while traveling with Rowan.

The Hero's Religion.

As a priest who believed in the Five Great Gods, Rowan would naturally have a lot to think about regarding the Hero's Religion.

The idol representing the hero.

Watching it, Rowan's expression and gaze had clearly changed.

Ludwig could not pinpoint the exact emotion, but he could see that it was far from positive swirling in Rowan's eyes.

"The Hero Religion…"


"Ludwig, do you think those people we saw earlier were truly believers of the Hero Relligion?"

"They said so themselves…"

"The Hero Religion can serve as an excuse."

Rowan looked at Ludwig.

"Many heretics pretend to follow the Hero Religion to conceal their true beliefs. They wear the mask of the Hero Religion because it's easy to get away with it."

Ludwig could only nod slowly in agreement.

The Hero Religion was left untouched.

That's why they claim to be followers of the Hero Religion in times of crisis, hoping that they might be left alone.

"Do you think those people we saw earlier… were not really followers of the Hero Religion?"

"Well, I don't know. The Hero Religion is divided among its own believers. What does it even mean to be a true follower of the Hero Religion?"

The Hero Religion was not a specific group.

It was dispersed like a folk religion, without a standardized belief system.

They simply believed that Ellen Artorius would save everyone.

Within that, there were dozens, hundreds of variations of derived beliefs.

The Hero Religion was not forbidden.

However, it was definitely heresy, as Ellen was not one of the Five Great Gods.

Of course, going deeper, it was not entirely unrelated, but there were hardly any who knew about that.

Now, there were more people who believed in the Hero Religion than those who believed in the Five Great Gods. That's why the once heretical majority could no longer be considered heretics.

It was impossible to root them out, as they had no substance or core.

Many heretics were killed by the guards, and some of them were believers of the Hero Religion.

But if everyone who believed in the Hero Religion was killed, the refugee camp would be devoid of people.

"Strictly speaking, the roots of the numerous heresies spread throughout the refugee camp might be based on the Hero Religion."

There was no clear definition of what the true Hero Religion was, even if they wore the mask of it.

"But it's ironic, isn't it? The Hero Religion is heresy itself, but what difference does it make if heresy wears a mask?"

It was just a heresy that had grown too large to be considered heresy.

From the perspective of the Five Great Gods, the Hero Religion was an even more uncomfortable belief than the Devil God Cult.

Rowan looked up at the sky and sighed.

"The hero will save everyone…"

She looked at Ludwig and smiled.

"Ludwig, you must have lived with the hero in the temple too, right?"


The Demon King, and the hero.

Ludwig felt that it was a bizarre and sinister twist of fate that he was able to witness the peculiar and fateful entanglement up close.

The Demon King, despised by all.

The hero, the hope of everyone.

He was one of the few who had watched their once ordinary lives unfold before him.

For quite some time, he had observed the false peace between the Demon King and the hero.

Even now, Ellen had returned to the temple.

If they went back like this, countless people would be eager to catch even a glimpse of Ellen's feet, yet Ludwig would have dinner with her.

He couldn't believe that such a thing was possible for someone as insignificant as himself.

People who wanted to see Ellen's face would carve her image out of a log and pray to it, but Ludwig could share a meal with her and discuss what had happened that day.

Even his questions about archbishops, borne out of ignorance, were calmly answered by Ellen.

The hero as people imagined her.

The real Ellen that Ludwig could see.

The gap between the two was enormous.

"I'm not sure about the Demon King, but what is the hero like?"


Rowan asked, seemingly curious.

It was obvious that Rowan had no small amount of resentment towards the Hero Religion.

But the Hero Religion and the hero were different things.

Of course, Ludwig knew that people were projecting their expectations onto Ellen, who had nothing to do with the real Ellen. She was not the hero of the Hero Religion, but the real Ellen Artorius.

What kind of person was she?

During the time when the temple was functioning properly, Ludwig had rarely spoken with Ellen.

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Even after the Gate Incident, Ellen had gone to extremely dangerous battlefields, so they rarely met.

Thus, it was only when the allied forces were advancing which included the Royal Class garrison that Ludwig occasionally had the opportunity to talk to Ellen or watch her.

Ellen was strong.

Ellen was great.

Ellen was self-sacrificing.

Many words swirled in his head, but Ludwig felt that none of them could describe who Ellen was.

That was a story everyone knew.

The Ellen that Ludwig had seen.

Ellen spent the most time with Reinhardt.

"Ellen is... perhaps... the biggest victim of all of this," Ludwig thought.


That was the only way Ludwig could put it.

Ellen spent time with Reinhardt, unknowing of everything.

Strictly speaking, Ludwig thought that Ellen might have loved Reinhardt.

Maybe even now.

But the Demon King had approached Ellen. No, the Demon King had approached others as well.

After the situation deteriorated, some followed the Demon King, but Ellen did not.

Ellen was betrayed by Reinhardt.

Wasn't that why she was a victim?

Thinking of Ellen's seemingly calm demeanor and the deep sadness in her eyes, Ludwig couldn't help but say so.

"A victim?"


At Rowan's words, Ludwig nodded.

He had no intention of discussing the details, as it would only bring pain. It was Ellen's personal story, and it might also damage people's trust in their hero.

Ludwig had no intention of telling Rowan that the hero might have loved the Demon King.

Just a victim.

All he could say was that she was a victim of it all.

That was the thought.


Ludwig saw the corner of Rowan's mouth curl up in a smile.

"So, you knew…"

For some reason, Rowan's strange laughter felt eerie to Ludwig.

"…Is there a problem?"

At Ludwig's question, Rowan shook her head.

"No, it's just… Just a thought."

Rowan resumed her prayers and walked the streets, while Ludwig silently guarded her side.

By the time all the purification work was done, the accumulated snow reached their ankles.

"Let's head back. We'll need to come and check again tomorrow…"

Rowan couldn't help but halt her steps before finishing her sentence.

In an alleyway of the refugee camp.

Although they didn't seem particularly strong, there were individuals with clear hostility blocking the path of Rowan and Ludwig.

When Ludwig looked back, another group of refugees was blocking their retreat.

He couldn't tell who they were or why they were blocking the path.

But the hostility was evident.

And he recognized a few faces from earlier.



Ludwig immediately understood what Rowan was saying.

He quickly embraced Rowan's waist, as if to snatch her away, and hung her on his side.


Rowan let out a small scream, as he had grabbed her so tightly.


Wrapped in blue mana, Ludwig's body leaped a distance of about ten meters in an instant, jumping over those who were blocking the path.

Regardless of their intentions in approaching Rowan and Ludwig, it was impossible to follow them as they disappeared like a shot arrow.

"Should we be safe now?"

"Yes, probably…"

Ludwig carefully put down Rowan, who he had been carrying almost like a bag.


Rowan groaned as she stretched her waist.

"Uh… I'm sorry. I was too…"

"No, we had no choice."

They had managed to escape the crude encirclement in no time. But there were at least ten people who had surrounded Ludwig and Rowan.

It was challenging to see them as mere robbers. Rowan scratched her cheek as if she were troubled.

"You saw those people earlier, right?"

"Yes… Definitely."

While not all of them, he had seen some who claimed to be hero priests.

It was difficult to consider them reckless.

In the first place, Rowan looked fragile, and Ludwig was even unarmed with only one arm.

It was only natural for them to be more afraid of the armed guards carrying spears than Rowan and Ludwig.

The worst-case scenario that Rowan had always mentioned had just occurred.

They had tried to attack a priestess, and Rowan was an Archbishop-level priestess at that.

Moreover, the heretics had attempted to kill her directly.

"It's not unheard of for heretics to form dangerous factions. But this time, it doesn't seem to be that serious."

"What happens when such a faction forms?"

"Well, who knows? Anyway, the important thing is that it wasn't that this time, right?"

Rowan deliberately changed the subject.

"Let's head back. It's fortunate no one was hurt."

With an attitude as if everything was settled since nothing happened, Rowan led the way, and Ludwig followed her blankly.

When they saw the heretics, they had an air of severity about them, but now, after almost being ambushed, their attitude was as if everything was over.

Ludwig couldn't quite grasp Rowan.

However, in the end, nobody was hurt, and for Ludwig, it was fortunate that everything passed without further incident.

"Wow, Ludwig, you really run well. I'm quite dizzy from watching."

"Ah... well... It's one of my few talents."

At Ludwig's modest response, Rowan smiled softly.

"Really? What other talents do you have?"

"I'm not sure... Other than having a bit more stamina than others..."

"That seems like an understatement, don't you think? Just being able to do Magic Body Strengthening is already an incredible talent."

"Really? Ah..."

"Aren't there many people who despair because they can't do even that?"

Rowan spoke the truth.

Even though Ludwig had lost an arm and couldn't fight properly, ordinary people wouldn't dare to chase after him when he leaped just once and that far.

Ludwig's status as a superhuman, far from ordinary, remained unchanged.

"I thought Ludwig was a humble person, but after spending a few days with him, I don't think that's the case."


"False humility, without respect, is merely self-deprecation."

Humble doesn't mean thinking oneself as worthless.

Ludwig thinks of himself as worthless. That's why it's not humility.

At Rowan's words, Ludwig could only find himself at a loss for words.

Because he knew it all too well.

"Do you really need to do that?"

"I've lost... precious people."

"I see."

"If I had been a little stronger, a little wiser, a little better..."

Ludwig spoke quietly, his eyes empty.

"If I had been stronger, I wouldn't have lost those who didn't need to be lost... That's all I can think about."

In the end, he could do nothing but blame his own incompetence.

He wanted to die on the battlefield but was driven away because he would only be a burden to others.

"Still, I'm grateful that I can still do something... I think that's a blessing."

Ludwig believed he had found a glimmer of hope amidst resignation.

This job would eventually end, but it was necessary for everyone.

Helping Rowan. The only wise thing he could do.

"So I want to thank you, Priestess."


She tilted her head.

"You do know that priestesses of Tu’an are not allowed to marry or fall in love, right?"

"That's not what I meant...!"

"Oh, you're so easily flustered."

Rowan laughed for a while, watching Ludwig's face turn red and hearing him sputter.

What a strange person.

Ludwig found it difficult to figure out what kind of person Rowan was.

Because of this, Rowan seemed strange to Ludwig.

At first, he thought she was a saint, but then he discovered her twisted belief in the divine. However, she didn't seem like a bad person, as she was trying her best within her fanatical beliefs.

When facing heretics, he was afraid she might cause trouble, but she never did any harm to them.

And she sometimes spoke strange, incomprehensible words.

Ludwig could not figure out what kind of person the priestess before him was.

She seemed genuinely kind, yet insane, and at times appeared sane precisely because she was mad.

A priestess from the cold northern lands.

Ludwig didn't think of himself as smart, but he didn't easily forget what he heard.

As Ellen had said.

The bishop is a lord, and the archbishop is a great lord.

That's not always the case, but generally it is.

Heinrich said.

There may be many archbishops who have taken refuge in the Empire. The ones who have lost the temples they should have governed, now mere shells of their former selves. That's why it might not be unusual for an archbishop-level priest to be wandering the streets.

Rowan said.

She had been a bishop-level priest before the Gate Incident but had taken on a higher position to fill someone's void after the incident.

Now that only a very few lands remain safe, there would be no archbishops fulfilling the role of a great lord.

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That meant Rowan was not an archbishop with the same rank as a great lord.

It implied that she had been promoted to the position of archbishop while taking on some other duty rather than governing a territory or an archbishopric.

Was she given the duty of an archbishop because of her work in purifying the disease?


"Yes, Ludwig?"

"Is this work... all you do as an archbishop?"


Rowan nodded slowly, as if understanding what Ludwig was asking.

"Well, it's a bit of both."

"A bit of both?"


Rowan calmly walked, exhaling white breaths.

"People keep dying in the Empire."


"And there are many heretics."


"In a place where unsavory and ominous events keep occurring, strange things happen more frequently."

Rowan's expression grew darker as she said this.

"You may not have seen it yet, Ludwig, but there are cases where corpses turn into undead."

"...Is it that bad?"

Ludwig felt chills run down his spine at the mention of undead.

"If impure energy is misused, even stranger things can happen. For example, wrongful rituals by heretics or prayers directed towards unknown, possibly non-existent powers."


"The reason I appeared a bit strange earlier is that I have seen too many odd things while visiting refugee camps."

Rowan was indeed smiling, but she couldn't hide the chilly atmosphere.

Perhaps she was worried about the negative effects that a wrongful ritual might bring.

"At a time when relying on the right power is not enough, praying to an unknown and possibly non-existent power is either meaningless or too dangerous, isn't it?"

"I suppose so..."

"Confirming whether such events are happening is also part of my job. If it's something I can deal with, I handle it."

It was in the same vein as the disease purification work.

She roamed around, finding necessary tasks, and if it was something she could resolve, she did so.

"Lately, there has been a very strange incident, and I am mainly looking into that issue."

"A strange incident?"

"...Ah! We're here."

Before they knew it, they had arrived at the temple of Tu'an where Rowan stayed.

"Ludwig, be careful when you enter. You remember about tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, should I be there by nine o'clock?"

"Um... But could you come a little earlier than usual tomorrow?"

"Is there something special...?"


Rowan smiled at Ludwig.

"Let's have tea together before we leave tomorrow. Just the two of us."

Rowan winked at Ludwig and then quickly entered the temple.

What a strange person.

Ludwig couldn't shake off that thought.

He had a strong feeling that she had wanted to say something but stopped herself.

A strange matter.

He felt as if she had cut off the conversation from her side when he tried to ask about it.

And then.

'She said she moves from church to church...'

Though it had only been five days.

Rowan hadn't moved her residence from this shabby church to another church yet.

Ludwig returned to the Temple.

Today, too, no one had been hurt.

Ludwig was satisfied and grateful for just that in this job.


At a warp spot in the Imperial Capital, a group of people and supplies appeared with a brilliant flash of light.

A large-scale transport of personnel and supplies using mass teleportation.

"Here is..."

Louise von Schwarz was able to arrive at the snowy Imperial Capital late at night.

She arrived alone, without a single attendant. Since only she had been granted permission to enter the Temple, she had come alone.

She looked around in the dimly lit, snowfall-covered Empire.



Without a single attendant, Louise had no idea where she was in the Capital.

Louise had to go to the Temple.

However, in reality, without an attendant, there was no way she could know the way.

"Why is it snowing like this…"

Moreover, the falling snow limited her visibility.

And so, she unintentionally arrived at the Imperial Palace, which was in the opposite direction of the Temple, instead of heading to the Temple.

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