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The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 543: Celestial King, the Father and Son Reunion (8)
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Chapter 543: Celestial King, the Father and Son Reunion (8)

“Didn’t you say we should go our separate ways?” Chang-Sun asked as he looked down at the bow of [Hringhorni], his wings spread wide.

Odin’s only eye sparkled as he chuckled. “I know, right? I didn’t expect things to turn out like this either.”

Despite Odin’s casual tone, the energy he exuded could not be taken lightly, rippling even throughout <Nihil> where no physical laws applied. On top of that, this was Yog-Sothoth’s and Hsan’s domain, so Odin’s powerful energy ripples indicated how high his Divine Class was now.

‘How in the world did he do that?’ Chang-Sun wondered.

He was well aware of how Odin was receiving a great amount of Faith as a Celestial King based on the outstanding <Myth> he had created by defeating Tiamat. That was why Odin was able to build a higher Divine Class than he had before his death. Nonetheless, Chang-Sun had never expected that Odin would reach a level comparable to him.

Among the infinite Lee Chang-Suns, Chang-Sun #801 was the only one who had risen above their <Punishment>. On top of that, Chang-Sun was now 'Universal Dawn' after Celestial-Cannibalizing Ubbo-Sathla and the Mother Terra Celestial, and was very close to becoming an Emperor.

Chang-Sun’s <Myths> superseded the level of Worldlines and had been engraved in the Great Universe, meaning they were fundamentally at a different level from Odin’s <Myths>. Even Hsan and Perkwunos could be considered weaker than Chang-Sun. And yet, Odin was comparable to Chang-Sun despite everything.

It was just too strange. Of course, Chang-Sun’s Divine Class was technically higher; however, the fact that Odin’s Divine Class was anywhere near his made Chang-Sun wonder. He asked, “What did you do?”

With a shrug, Odin said, “I don’t know, but it was mostly your help. Maybe because we share a soul, I grew stronger as you accumulated more gnosis.”

In Chang-Sun’s [Foretelling Eye], he could see...


However, he also saw one more thing through his [Foretelling Eye].

―Hiding something more.

Chang-Sun focused on his [Foretelling Eye].

―Here to complete his hidden goal.

‘Complete his goal?’ Chang-Sun’s eyes widened.

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Odin had only held two goals for a long time, which were to avoid repeating Bestla’s tragedy and to becfree; to that end, he had intended to climb up to the highest place he could reach and becan Emperor. Once Odin beccomplete and a sole being, he would learn all existing knowledge, and thus be able to create his own knowledge.

That was why Odin had done something so he could chere to acquire the last item he needed for his plan. The moment Chang-Sun cto that conclusion, all the memories he had involving Odin flashed through his minds.

―When Chang-Sun fell into ‘Mimisbrunnr’ at the <Star Grave>, Odin appeared for the first tand taught him about the [Gnostic Eye].

―Odin simply observed the past reincarnations running wild after they emerged in the subconscious realm.

―Odin suggested working together, asking for his freedom in return by letting him take one of the Lee Chang-Suns’ bodies that Bel-Marduk had been storing.

That was not all.

―The talks Odin had with Audumla.

―Odin’s enmity toward Ymir.

The events Chang-Sun had seen in the Mother Terra Celestial’s <Myth> flashed before him too. That was how he had been able to learn of most of the past events that Odin had not told him until now.

Bestla had held Ymir’s blessing, but her death had made Odin harbor enmity against Ymir. In the end, the grudge had led Odin to tear apart Ymir entirely, creating a world with the fragments of her corpse. In the process of his world creation, Odin had cto learn many <Laws of Nature> and pieces of truth, changing him.

Everything began to ctogether. The [Foretelling Eye] was not an ability to be feared just because it could see the future. It also held the ability to analyze and make a deduction from numerous sources of gnosis. In other words, it was great at unveiling truth, so it was more than possible to discover Odin’s true intention, which Chang-Sun could summarize with one word.


Odin refused to remain an observer any longer, and wished to learn all existing knowledge and gnosis so he could bectruly free.

Odin had taught Chang-Sun about the [Gnostic Eye] in their first encounter so he could accumulate the necessary amount of gnosis to reestablish his identity as ‘Odin’, which had been faint at the time. However, the other reason was that Odin had known that Chang-Sun would be a potential seed he would be able to reap in the future.

Yes, Odin was here after waiting for a long tto retrieve Chang-Sun’s gnosis, which had finally reached its fruition—no, it was so ripe that it was about to hit the ground.

“You’re here to take my eye,” Chang-Sun murmured.

Odin did not answer, but he smiled in contentment like a grandfather watching a grandson who had grown up to be a fine man. However, it was just a cover for his cruel intentions. That meant Chang-Sun’s speculation was right.

‘I was wrong about Odin using ssort of measure to reach parity with my Divine Class. He’s been quickly ‘updating’ himself using me.’ Chang-Sun frowned.

Odin had not chere with a Divine Class that was equal to Chang-Sun’s. Just as Chang-Sun had wondered, the gap between him and Odin was not something that a Celestial bound to one Worldline could overcome. However, Odin had something that other Celestials didn’t.

It was his eye. With his [Gnostic Eye], Odin had analyzed and made Chang-Sun’s <Myths> into his own. It was supposed to be impossible due to the difference in their levels, but there was one major factor they shared in common, which was their soul.

“You’ve been watching the subconscious realm, not the outside world.”

“I’ve finished acquiring all the gnosis I could get as a Celestial King, but it was different for 'Universal Dawn', who rose above the <Punishment> and freely travels between Nyx and Eros,” Odin said.


At the stime, the light that had been blazing in his [Gnostic Eye] beccalmer and turned a darker blue; it had been upgraded to a [Foretelling Eye] like Chang-Sun’s.

After seeing how Odin’s Divine Class had actually becsimilar to his now, Chang-Sun clicked his tongue; he realized that it was not something he could have stopped, since his [Foretelling Eye] was based on Odin’s teachings.

“Your eye is truly marvelous. Even the gnosis I obtained by offering myself before ‘Mimisbrunnr’ can’t match your level. I feel as if you’re the greatest culmination of all my efforts.” Odin continued to smile in contentment as he extended his arm, clenching his fist tightly as if he was grabbing something invisible. “But there’s a limit to how much I can progress by imitating, so I’ll have to take your eye.”

With only one [Foretelling Eye], Chang-Sun had been able to reach a suprlevel that surpassed Worldlines, so what would happen with two of them?

People were usually born with two eyes, and if they only had one, that would limit their capacity for observation. It required at least two eyes to tell the exact distance and observe the world around them in detail. It was the sfor [Foretelling Eyes]; however, in this case, two would be able to to surpass the level of foretelling, and could be considered true omniscience.

[Omniscient Eyes] were what Odin was trying to create, because acquiring omniscience meant that he could act freely, and thus naturally acquire another ability.


A gateway to becoming an Emperor would open up, just as Odin wanted.

“I obtained my current eye by killing one of me, so I’ll have a second one by murdering another me,” Odin said


Odin’s energy ripples turned into a raging storm, indiscriminately raking across <Nihil>.

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Ghostly wails continuously echoed, but they were incomparably more ominous than the ones Chang-Sun had heard before. The storm, which contained the grudges and resentment of all the deceased from Odin’s conquest of many <Societies>, struck Chang-Sun.

Rumble, rrrrumble!

As flaming lightning bolts from the storm struck everywhere, ready to tear apart Chang-Sun, an enormous fiend appeared behind Odin; it was made out of ghosts with wretched expressions, giving it a menacing appearance.

And yet, Chang-Sun only watched Odin carefully, as if he was only trying to get more information.

“Are you just going to stand still over there? You, your wife, and your son will all be in danger, you know.”

Despite Odin’s threat, Chang-Sun remained silent, even looking calm. Odin frowned because he could not tell what was going on in Chang-Sun’s head. If Chang-Sun said anything, Odin would continue talking, but Chang-Sun’s silence made him feel a premonition. Chang-Sun was not someone who would becquiet out of fear, so it meant that something else was going on...!

“My eye isn’t your only goal.” Chang-Sun chuckled, not hiding his sneer.

Odin scowled. Not caring about Odin’s reaction, Chang-Sun pulled out his golden key necklace. The moment Odin saw [Peter's Key], his eyes gleamed with various emotions.

“Yes, this is it. Yeah, I thought it was strange that you would only choose now to take my eye when you had plenty of opportunities before.” Chang-Sun’s mouth curled up into a half-smirk as he said, “Taking my eye isn’t enough for you to acquire complete omnipotence... You need this key to deactivate the last restriction after you becan omniscient being. ”

That last restriction was likely the final wall between the level of an Emperor and a Celestial King.


The Inferno Sight in Chang-Sun’s [Foretelling Eye] blazed as he said, “If it doesn’t work, you’re going to sacrifice Peter, who’s being held captive, to upgrade the key, aren’t you?

Odin actually had no reason to bring Nemea to this place; after all, warm-heartedness was far from the first word that could be used to describe Odin. That fact had been bothering Chang-Sun a lot. On top of that, something about Odin’s plan to becan omnipotent being by creating [Omniscient Eyes] did not seem right, because there was still a big discrepancy between the two.

However, things would be different with [Peter’s Key], which even had the power to unlock the Divine Steel shackles on Chang-Sun.

Odin did not like how his ultimate plan had been discovered, so he clicked his tongue.


Just then, Odin vanished and reappeared right in front of Chang-Sun.

“Since you know it now, give the key to me.” Odin reached out for [Peter’s Key], Chang-Sun’s pendant.