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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 653 There was nothing he could do
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Chapter 653  There was nothing he could do

"You don't have any idea of how surprised I was when I open my eyes again." A subtle smile dominated Cassara's face as she personally served Rufus tea in her sitting room in Avolire Palace. "I mean... I was dead, correct? For someone who is dead, how come I am back in here? To the place I died? To the place that tormented me with longing and misery?"


She held the saucer with the cup of tea on it, sliding it in front of Rufus across from her. Her lips stretched into a sweet smile before she poured tea into her own cup.

"It took me an entire day to realize I was actually back in time. Honestly, though, I'm not sure if I am happy about it," she continued, unfazed by Rufus' silence. "Everyone was doing the same thing, just like what they did in the past. They spoke the same words they had uttered and followed the pattern. I only know Stefan had the same situation as mine because he is the only one who didn't follow the original course of actions."

As soon as she stopped pouring tea, Cassara gazed up at him. "And then you, Sir Barrett. You never step foot in this place until Hell woke from his slumber. Your presence here is a giveaway we're in the same boat."

"I don't think we are, Your Royal Highness." His voice was aloof as ever, staring at her straight in the eye. "We might've kept our memories before this happened. But I don't think we share the same purpose."

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"We don't?" the side of her lips stretched coyly. "And what is your purpose? Find Lilou? Kill Stefan? Wake up Hell?"

Cassara shook her head slightly as she laughed with her lips closed. Rufus was so predictable, even when he was aware of what would happen.

"This is the problem with overly righteous people, Sir Barrett. They are so predictable. Between saving the world or themselves, they would rather sacrifice themselves. I don't know if they were just kind or plain stupid." She picked up the teacup to her lips, eyes on the man across from her.

His eyes glinted coldly. "Call it stupidity, but I won't let Stefan have it his way."

"Oh, Sir Barrett. That sounds so much like you." she laughed as she put the teacup back on the saucer. "I died, Sir Barrett. My death was actually my escape, despite the fact that I died miserably. My point here is, I killed myself for a reason; it was too much for me. However, now that I was granted a second chance, do you think I would let myself live miserably? Again?"


Cassara paused, leaning back comfortably. "Same goes with Stefan. With the reversal of time, those who bore their memories from the future had their advantages. We can change our lives, Sir Barrett. We all had regrets before meeting our demise — tens of thousands of regret." She shrugged, propping her jaw with her knuckles.

"Stefan, for example, his regret was leaving Lilou. Do you even know their past together? They were almost perfect for each other — I know because I've seen it myself. However, in the past, Stefan had countless worries and one of them was Hell, the villain. Who would have thought that the man Stefan was trying to protect Lilou from would end up marrying her?"

"Then the more reason I had to find her."

"For? Are you sure Hell will remember her?"

"His Grace will, for sure."

"Alright. Let's say Hell remembers, but Lilou doesn't." Her brows rose, giving him that knowing look. "Do you... even know Lilou? And how she was like before Hell came into her life?"

This time, Rufus went silent. His eyes were fixed on the woman across from him, studying her calm demeanor.

"You've been the one in charge of Grimsbanne. In the past, a certain vigilante targeted noblemen and caused terror to most people in the duchy. You are capable and yet, you never caught that person. Even if we say you didn't truly search for this vigilante since she was doing the job for you in cleaning the duchy, have you ever wondered who it was?" she tilted her head to the side with a playful glint flickering across her eyes. "You are aware this vigilante is capable, right? It's not as gore as your brother's atrocities, but her methods were enough to send a chill down one's spine."

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"Stefan created that monster."

"He did, but are you certain it was entirely his fault?" she arched a brow. "Lilou was born evil, Sir Barrett. She just needs that push to embrace that darkness within her. What I'm saying is, that woman simply waited for that slight push so she could have a reason and a person to blame."

She paused once again to breathe, expression growing solemn. "But what if Stefan doesn't plan to give that to her? My husband... sincerely loved her from the bottom of his heart. Just like you and I, even if you don't admit it, you want to change one or two things. Stefan is the same, Sir Barrett."

"I dislike Lilou from then and now, but I must admit that even if I tried to mess with her now, I will never win against her," she continued with an air of nonchalance. "I loved Hell, but at the same time, I hate him dearly. Between him and Stefan, I will obviously side with my husband. Not because I agree with Stefan, but because I can sympathize with him."

His eyes gradually grew icy while staring at her nonchalant visage. She had already taken her stance, and this conversation wasn't about to persuade Rufus to side with them. She was warning him.

"Sir Barrett, don't mess with my brother." This time, her tone held conviction, even though it was still soft. "If I were you, focus on fluttering coquettishly.

All she had said was nothing but facts. Every single one of them was doing what you had done in the past or maybe get your consolation by indulging with Silvia. I don't plan on messing with Lilou or anyone else. I simply wanted to live in peace, keeping this little secret to the grave."

Cassara's eyes glinted, staring straight into his eyes. "I won't forgive anyone who tries to take that peace away from me. Right now, Lilou is vulnerable. With Stefan by her side, she can be your enemy or your friend. You know her more than anyone, Sir Barrett. She will kill anyone who hurt Hell… but if Stefan had taken that spot? Are you certain meeting her will change anything? I don't think so." she smirked at his dead expression.

"We are sliding down a slippery slope now, Sir Barret. We cannot do anything about it anymore." She chuckled playfully, eyelashes fluttering coquettishly.

All she had said was nothing but facts. Every single one of them was already on a runaway train, which was no longer under the control of the driver. Unstoppable and uncontrollable. They could slow things down, but no one could stop it anymore.