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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 671 [Bonus chapter]A hell of a ride
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Chapter 671  [Bonus chapter]A hell of a ride

When night fell, the uninvited guests in the royal palace gathered in the Avolire palace. Thanks to Silvia, who allowed them to use her space, which Fabian requested, they didn't have to sneak around like rats.

Silvia looked at the people coming into the garden of the Avolire palace. She had ordered everyone to leave the palace, but she somehow regretted her decision. Coming into the garden from all directions were familiar faces and new ones. Her eyes landed on the petite woman with very long silver hair, which she assumed would sweep the floor if it wasn't tied up. Still, the faint ringing of the bell attached to her ponytail somehow left an impression on Silvia.

From the opposite direction was a child with the same white hair. He looked to be around ten, a little younger than her nephew, Claude. In just one glance, Silvia immediately caught the uncanny resemblance of the child to her brother, who stood in the middle of the garden.

Silvia's eyes fell on the people in the middle. Stood on the landscape were Samael and Rufus while Cassara stood right in front of Fabian. Discomfort and reluctance dominated her sister's face while Fabian was still smiling politely.

"Just what is going on?" she hugged herself, having an uncomfortable feeling creeping into her heart.

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Fabian didn't tell her much, but he told her they needed to recover Fabian's memories. He even voiced his dismay that Silvia's ability was the complete opposite of Cassara's since Silvia's ability was to erase and rewrite while Cassara was to retrieve.

More than all that, Silvia was getting more concerned about Samael's awakening from his slumber. Staring at Samael, Silvia's eyes couldn't help but move to the person standing next to her brother. When she did, her breath hitched when she caught Rufus's eyes looking back at her.

However, there wasn't any hint of emotions in his eyes as he averted them from her to Fabian and Cassara. Silvia bit her inner lip before she shifted her attention to those two.

"Do it now. I don't have forever," Samael urged coldly, natural sharp eyes looking back at Cassara, who cast him a side-eye. Cassara ground her teeth as she clicked her tongue, still against helping them.

If this was in the past, Cassara would've stayed stubborn. But she had grown, and she wasn't so stupid as to die just like that. If Samael said he didn't need her alive to bring back Fabian's memories, then that was the truth. Cassara was just starting to enjoy her second chance in life, so she didn't want to waste it on something so stupid.

Cassara raised her eyes to Fabian and scoffed. "Just in case you don't know, I hate you," she spat out through her gritted teeth, eyes full of contempt at this notorious lunatic standing at arm's length.

"I don't want you to be part of my life," she added, balling her hand into a tight fist. "I hope you die."

Fabian simply smiled politely as he tilted his head down slightly. He had served Samael for a very long time to understand the royalties' abilities. It also meant he knew each ability had its downside. By recovering Fabian's memories, Cassara had to see all those memories from his perspective herself.

In other words, his memories would be hers to carry. Cassara might have a strong will, but seeing other people's memories and perceiving them as her own was a double-edged sword. That was how her mother lost her mind. By uncovering people's memories, she got so confused in discerning which were her real memories and those intrusive ones.

"Of all people…" she whispered as she took a step forward, already getting a gist of what sort of horrible memories she would unlock. Fabian was a lunatic, after all. If there was someone who was worse than Samael, then that would be Fabian.

"I'm sorry if I am the one who needed help, Your Royal Highness." Fabian shrugged mildly while Cassara stopped at arm's length in front of him. "I will be forever grateful to you."

"As you should."

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Cassara extended her arms and reached for his head. Holding either side of his head, she took a deep breath with her eyes closed. When she reopened her eyes, Cassara huffed and looked him straight in the eye.

"This will be a hell of a ride," she whispered, and Fabian smiled.

"Enjoy the ride."

As soon as the last syllable escaped his lips, her eyes dilated as her grip around his head tightened. And in a blink of an eye, Cassara was pulled to the memories of this man since he was a child. First, all she saw was a child crying in the stable with blood and an umbilical cord attached to him.

The memories then skipped to the time he was a petite boy; dirty, malnourished, and weak. His ragged clothes were enough to discern he was born from mud poverty. He was gazing at the other boys ganging up on him after beating him, leaving him all black and blue.

When one of the boys raised his foot to kick him in the head once again, a loud yell came from his side. The young and poor Fabian turned his head only to see his older brother holding a stick and a stone, yelling, running to rescue him. With this admirable boy who often comes to his rescue, all Fabian could do was watch Rufus chase the bullies away.

His brother was the bravest person he had ever known and also the kindest. Rufus had always defended him and protected him. However, because of that, the next memory showed Cassara how Rufus has almost been beaten to death. Those he chased away came back to him with a larger group and with adults.

Beaten black and blue, Fabian could only stare at his brother slumped on the ground with blank eyes. Rufus was barely breathing and even though he survived that life and death situation, a promise rose in Fabian's heart.

He wouldn't allow anyone to hurt his only family anymore... even if he had to sell his soul to the devil.