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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1884
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“You see, this is just how bad of a person I am. Isn’t it really awful to trample on your sincerity like that? So, do you

still need to apologize to me?”

Serana bit her lip, defiance etched across her face, but tears betrayed her, streaming down her cheeks. “I didn’t

mean to,” she whimpered.

“Yeah, I know. So you don’t have to beat yourself up over it,” Yasmine retorted, her voice was cold as steel, yet

somehow, it sounded almost like comfort.

But how could Yasmine offer comfort? That was simply impossible.

Yasmine hooked the corner of her lip up in a smirk, stepped back, and glanced at the crushed petals on the ground,

letting out a soft, mocking chuckle. “Still, you really should think about it. Sometimes, your guilt trips, they’re

nothing but a hassle for everyone else.”

In response to her words, Serana, amidst the sadness and grievance, felt more perplexed than anything else.d2

Yasmine’s impatience flickered across her eyes. Talking to Serana was like talking to a brick wall.

Boyd stepped closer, “Before you go around playing the blame game, maybe you should take a good, hard look at

yourself. People are scared of you, and avoid you. When something goes wrong, you’re the first suspect. Ever

wondered why?”

Yasmine’s gaze lifted from the trampled remnants to Boyd’s face, her eyes twinkling with mirth but not a trace of


“Why indeed? Maybe because I fancy myself a lone wolf, too proud to see any flaws in myself,” She said, the smile

on her lips growing more pronounced. “And yeah, everyone’s afraid of me, they push me away, and when trouble

strikes, I’m the scapegoat. Sounds to me like it’s all my fault.”

Her words left Boyd realizing he’d misspoken. He pursed his lips, ready to try again.

“I’m just saying, it wouldn’t hurt to be aware of this stuff sooner rather than later. I’m worried if you keep this up—”

“Oh? And how long has this ‘condition’ of mine been around? If I needed a wake-up call, what were you doing

before? Why wait until today, when I’ve made your darling cry to enlighten me?”

She glanced at Serana with a cold sneer inside, “So, I guess I should be thanking Miss Serana here, huh? Without

her stepping into the line of fire, I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of your heartfelt concern and advice.”

As Yasmine stepped toward Serana, Boyd blocked her path. Yasmine paused, tilting her chin up to meet his gaze.

They were the same age, but he had the height advantage.

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Boyd, all defensive, said, “Yasmine, you’re too cynical. Serana’s just a kid.”

“And what, I’m old enough to be her mother?”

He took a deep breath, struggling for calm. “Can’t you stop being so aggressive? I get that you’re sharp, and you

see through a lot, but Serana is not like you.”

“She’s not as cunning, you mean.” Yasmine interrupted, her laugh chilling. “Same speech, different day. As you

said, I’m pretty clear on some things.”


“Relax, with you here, what could I possibly do to your precious? You think I could take you in a fight? I know my


Boyd frowned, “I would never hit you.”

Yasmine watched him quietly for a moment, “Who knows? Maybe one day, if Serana really got hurt by me, you’d

want to kill me.”

His face turned sour. But Yasmine just took a deep breath, dispassionately broke the gaze, and walked over to the

table to grab her backpack.

“Anyway, rest assured, I don’t have the twisted pleasure of coming back just to torment her.”

Slinging her backpack over one shoulder, Yasmine stood next to Boyd, her eyes shifting between him and Serana.

After a moment, Yasmine forced a smile.

“So, you probably won’t get the chance to kill me after all.” With those words, Yasmine headed for the dining hall


The room fell silent, and Bryson, standing at the entrance, waited respectfully for Yasmine.

The director seemed to snap back to reality and hastily announced:

“I forgot to mention, today is Yasmine’s last day here at Angel’s Haven Orphanage. Let’s all congratulate her as she

leaves our care and starts a new life with a family of her own. We hope she grows up healthy, happy, and becomes

a productive member of society.”

Except for a few teachers, no one else had realized what happened. The sparse applause sounded rather dismal.

Yasmine couldn’t care less, her slim figure passing through the doorway with Bryson following, his demeanor

exuding deference.

“Yasmine’s leaving?”

“Yeah, the director just said. And the way she’s acting, it looks like she’s really leaving.”

“Today’s her birthday, right? Was she waiting for us to finish celebrating before she left?”

“Well, she is pretty nice when you think about it. We wouldn’t have had such a nice cake otherwise.”

“Good riddance, though. No more walking on eggshells around her.”

“But no more delicious cake either.”

“Did she decide to leave because she’s upset, or was it planned?”

“Uh. Not sure.”

Ava caught up to Yasmine, clutching at her backpack. “Yasmine, will I ever see you again?”

“It will be best for both of us if we do not see each other again.”

Ava’s lip quivered. “You’re just going to leave like that? You always said Boyd was the closest thing you had to a

friend here. To leave under these circumstances…”

Yasmine yanked her backpack away without looking back. “I think he’ll be relieved. Finally, no one to misunderstand

his kindness, and more importantly, no one to pick on his little darling.”

Ava’s heart filled with admiration for Yasmine as she watched her retreating figure. From start to finish, she was in

awe. She liked the inexplicable, cool, and elegant aura that Yasmine exuded.

Every word, every gesture, she admired everything about Yasmine, or more precisely, she worshipped her. She

wanted to be that kind of person.

Boyd stood frozen in place for what seemed like an eternity before it finally clicked, and he hurried after her.

Bryson leaned against the car door, watching as Yasmine got inside.

“Yasmine!” Boyd’s voice rang out, tinged with a rage—or perhaps some other emotion—that he had never known


Yasmine buckled her seatbelt and cast him a cold glance.

Bryson moved to close the door, but Boyd grabbed it with force.

Yasmine turned to him, “What’s wrong? Feeling all riled up because your little darling got wronged and you want to

settle scores with me?”

Boyd stared back at her, “Why are you leaving? Is it because I told Serana about your birthday, or is it about last

time when I misunderstood you?”

Taking a deep breath, Yasmine leaned back in her seat and looked at him for a moment before shrugging. “Both, I

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guess. I find it quite dull around here.”

She paused, a self-mocking smile tugging at her lips, “You’d think after spending years in this orphanage, I wouldn’t

be so full of myself. But the moment I feel slighted, the indignity floods in and I can’t shake it off. And seeing you

with Serana, it just makes me sick.”

Boyd’s grip on the car door tightened, then clenched even harder. “Have you been planning to leave since last


Yasmine’s smile faded as she met his gaze, unflinching. “Maybe. What’s the point of asking? If you’re happy, just

show it. No one’s here to bully your precious Serana and play dirty tricks in front of you anymore. Isn’t that great?”


“If you’re standing up for Serana, then do something about it. If not, step aside.” Yasmine’s expression turned icy,

her voice devoid of warmth as she refused to look at him again.

“I told you, I won’t hit you.”

Why did she always assume he would raise a hand to her for Serana’s sake?

“If you won’t, then you’ll never get the chance again. Bryson, close the door.”

At her command, Bryson nodded and bent down to pry Boyd’s hand away, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Yasmine, I apologized to you days ago, and you accepted it.”

“It wasn’t acceptance. I just stopped caring. I couldn’t see any benefit in not forgiving you. Mainly, I just realized

how pointless it all was. I don’t know why I’ve been clinging to this place for so long.”

Boyd’s eyes flickered.

After a silence, Yasmine turned her head again, her gaze landing on Serana who stood behind Boyd, “That pot of

lilies in the yard is Boyd’s apology gift to me. You should like them more. I’m not that interested in them. They’re

yours now.”

Serana opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Yasmine had already looked away.

Suddenly, Yasmine kicked Boyd’s wrist, and as he winced in pain, she quickly shut the car door with a loud “thud.”

By the time Boyd realized what happened and tried to pull the door open again, he heard the sound of the locks

clicking inside.

Gritting his teeth, he pounded on the window, “Yasmine!”

Bryson gave him a helpless look and shook his head before getting into the car.