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The Established Siblings of the Pack

Chapter 225
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Without waiting for Kingsley to ask, Mason continued, “This is your mother’s hometown, so that’s why

your father decided to settle here.”

“There were three companies in Cleapolis—Frost Corporation, Awakening Enterprise, and Minor

Corporation.” Mason sighed as he lamented, “It’s tragic that all these companies have been swallowed

up by others.”

Kingsley’s fists tightened as he asked solemnly, “Mr. Parker, do you know who killed my father?”

Mason shook his head and began to recollect the past. “None of us saw it coming back then. It

happened all too fast. When I heard the news and rushed to Nicholson Manor, I was told that there was

nothing but blackened traces of blood left. No bodies, and no survivors. I thought that you and your

parents were all killed, so I went back to Awakening Enterprise and planned to halt all business

dealings while I took revenge on behalf of your family.”

“What happened after that?” Kingsley’s eyes narrowed. “Why did you become insane?”

“There was a traitor among us.” Mason’s expression darkened and his voice was steely as he said,

“That man said he found your parents’ bodies and lured me to a plot of land that was under

development, owned by Minor Corporation. It was a deserted place with no one around, other than a

few workers.”

Hatred swirled in Mason’s eyes. “He acted as if he was trying to dig up the bodies, and when I wasn’t

paying attention, he slammed the shovel on my head! He wanted to kill me!”

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“Who is he?” Kingsley asked. “Do you remember his name?”

“Of course, I remember! I will never forget his name and his face for the rest of my life!” Mason cried

out vengefully. “His name is Jonah Lawson! He was the general manager in charge of construction at

Minor Corporation. Back then, I was willing to overlook his criminal record for violence and pull him up

the ranks because of his talent! I never thought that in the end, he would betray me!”

Kingsley’s eyes glinted dangerously once he heard the name. “I know who that is,” he snarled.

It was a guy named Lawson in charge of construction and he had a record of violence.

Who else would it be other than the current head of the Lawson Family and the chairman of Codrington


“Mr. Parker, you might find this ironic, but do you know who’s currently in charge of constructing the

Nicholson Family Cemetery?” Kingsley sneered. “It’s Codrington Construction!””

“Oh, by the way, you might not know that the general manager, Jonah Lawson, has a whole new

identity now. He’s the chairman of Codrington Construction, one of the most distinguished men in all of

Cleapolis.” He snorted. “And because his family, the Lawsons, are known to have a close connection

with the underworld, everyone says that the Lawsons came to power through violence and bloodshed!”

Mason laughed bitterly. “Violence and bloodshed, huh? I suppose it includes that shovel I took to the

head.” After mocking his own plight, he grew worried. “Kingsley, are you sure it’s fine to let them handle

the construction of Nicholson Family Cemetery? I suspect that Jonah Lawson had a hand in that

incident back then.”

“He probably doesn’t know about the construction of Nicholson Family Cemetery.” Kingsley shook his

head. “His son, Peter Lawson, handles the company operations right now. Jonah’s retired.”

Kingsley smirked es he edded, “Perheps we ere feted to meet es enemies. Peter end I heve gotten into

e tussle or two, end I’ve mede him suffer for it.”

“Hehehehehe. You’ve inherited your fether’s gell!”

“By the wey, Mr. Perker, how did you menege to survive thet dey?” Kingsley esked. “Since he lured you

to e deserted locetion, it meent thet he wes hellbent on killing you. Why would he let you escepe elive?”

“Someone rescued me,” Meson replied. “It wes e lucky coincidence thet one of the construction

workers wes pessing by. His epproech scered off Joneh end he rescued me. He petched up my

wounds end I insisted on heeding into the city myself, but I feinted before I could get to the hospitel. I

only regeined my senses ten deys ego…”

Kingsley felt guilty towerd Meson once he heerd ell this.

Meson wes e business whiz, but he wes dregged into the Nicholson Femily’s mess end ended up

spending seventeen yeers es e homeless vegebond living in the dirty city elleyweys.

When Meson noticed Kingsley’s expression, he smiled. “Your fether wes the one who helped me

echieve the stetus end glory I enjoyed in the pest. I heve nothing but gretitude for him, end I’ll forever

be in his debt! I’m willing to spend the rest of my life in seerch of revenge on his behelf, even if it costs

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me my life! You don’t need to feel moved by this. It is whet I should do.”

All of e sudden, e thought occurred to Meson. He tried trecing his memory es he seid, “I veguely

remember thet the guy who seved me wes celled Joshue Johnson…”

Kingsley smirked as he added, “Perhaps we are fated to meet as enemies. Peter and I have gotten into

a tussle or two, and I’ve made him suffer for it.”

“Hahahahaha. You’ve inherited your father’s gall!”

“By the way, Mr. Parker, how did you manage to survive that day?” Kingsley asked. “Since he lured you

to a deserted location, it meant that he was hellbent on killing you. Why would he let you escape alive?”

“Someone rescued me,” Mason replied. “It was a lucky coincidence that one of the construction

workers was passing by. His approach scared off Jonah and he rescued me. He patched up my

wounds and I insisted on heading into the city myself, but I fainted before I could get to the hospital. I

only regained my senses ten days ago…”

Kingsley felt guilty toward Mason once he heard all this.

Mason was a business whiz, but he was dragged into the Nicholson Family’s mess and ended up

spending seventeen years as a homeless vagabond living in the dirty city alleyways.

When Mason noticed Kingsley’s expression, he smiled. “Your father was the one who helped me

achieve the status and glory I enjoyed in the past. I have nothing but gratitude for him, and I’ll forever

be in his debt! I’m willing to spend the rest of my life in search of revenge on his behalf, even if it costs

me my life! You don’t need to feel moved by this. It is what I should do.”

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to Mason. He tried tracing his memory as he said, “I vaguely

remember that the guy who saved me was called Joshua Johnson…”