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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 2531 – 2540
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Chapter 2531

‘One billion dollars?!’

Fennel’s face darkened as he asked Georgina, “How long has it been since the mission was updated?”

Georgina looked at the time and said, “Just over two minutes.”

Fennel nodded and looked at Philip, who stood at the doorway looking up at the sky. He asked, “What

shall we do next?”

Philip looked at the blue sky and white clouds, saying leisurely with a smile, “First, we’ll also increase our

bounty to one billion. No, I want to always keep the bounty for the Hall of Evil at 100 million more than

their bounty for us. In addition, release a new bounty mission for them to protect us. No matter who it is,

one day of protection will earn them 100,000 dollars.”



Hearing Philip’s words, Fennel’s and Georgina’s eyes lit up. He was simply invincible!

Fennel laughed and said, “Bro, you’re as smart as ever! In this case, Vataco can’t do anything at all!”

Georgina’s eyes twinkled as she shot a curious look at Philip’s back for the first time. She was now a little

more interested in the man in front of her.

“Georgina, hurry up and release the new bounty mission. It’s much better than to have them risk their

lives to attack the bases of the Hall of Evil.” Fennel smiled.


Georgina nodded in response, turned around, and left the hall.

Soon, the underground bounty divisions of the entire Western world received a new bounty mission.

Although there was no employer information, everyone knew it. The new bounty mission was to protect

the members and bases of the Hall of the Sun. For each day of protection, each person would get

100,000 dollars.

The content of the mission was very simple. It was almost like going on a holiday.

For the smaller teams that could not compete with the bigger teams to attack the bases of the Hall of Evil

and some bounty hunters who worked alone, this mission suited them best. Their eyes lit up when they

saw it.

“F*ck! Why did it never occur to me that bounty missions could be done this way?”

“Apollo is so smart! I‘ll take it!”

“Yay! We can finally take up a mission too! Although the bounty isn’t much, it’s simply too easy to protect

the Hall of the Sun!”

For a time, the remaining bounty hunters in the entire underground bounty divisions headed out to the

properties and bases of the Hall of the Sun in various regions to protect them.

At the same time, in an underground secret base. The base was huge with advanced technology. No

outsider knew about, this base because this was the base camp of the underground bounty society.


At this moment, in the most central area of this advanced and well-protected underground base, there

was a huge high-tech meeting room with three walls of electronic screens that recorded numerous

bounty missions. Among them, the three largest screens displayed the most active bounty missions in

the past few days.

The bounty mission targeted at the Hall of Evil had reached the bounty amount of 1.1 billion dollars.

Chapter 2532

The bounty mission targeted at the Hall of the Sun had also reached the bounty amount of one billion

dollars. The bounty mission to protect the Hall of the Sun was even more spectacular. As more and more

people signed up for the mission, the bounty pool snowballed to 100 million. In other words, no less than

1,000 bounty hunters were participating in the mission of protecting the Hall of the Sun.

Two men and one woman of varying ages sat in a meeting room with complicated expressions on their

faces. The old man in the lead who had a hooked nose and an angular face showed a serious attitude.

His eyes were unfathomable. He wore a silver jacket with a golden coin insignia on his chest.

At this moment, he smiled faintly and said to the other two founders, “It seems that we underestimated

the Hall of the Sun. With the release of this mission, the Hall of the Sun will be unbeatable.”

Another old man said grimly, “Hmph! The two gods obviously want to fight but they’re using our

underground bounty to issue missions against each other instead. They’re pushing us into the line of


The woman who looked to be in her 50s was dressed very elegantly and decently. She shrugged and

said, “I find it quite interesting. In this way, many things that can’t be resolved between the gods can be

done through our underground bounty instead. Lord Yale, I think you wouldn’t overlook the benefits of

this situation, right?”

The grumpy old man snorted and said, “I’m worried that if this continues, our underground bounty will be

targeted sooner or later.”

After listening to the argument between the two, the old man in the lead tapped on the table lightly and

said, “I think Madam Peters has a point. Yale, don’t you want the underground bounty to come out into

the open and welcome a bright new future? This is an unprecedented opportunity. It‘s not an

exaggeration to say that in the future, things that can’t be solved by the gods will be solved by our

underground bounty. Moreover, such fierce battles can help us eliminate many weak or incompetent

bounty hunters so that only the strong will survive. The underground bounty can usher in a new batch of

powerful bounty hunters. When the time comes, it’s not impossible for the underground bounty to come

out into the open and take the place of one of the sacred halls.”

As the old man in the lead spoke, Yale’s face changed rapidly. He finally seemed to agree. He said,

“Marquis Ron, you have a point, but I’m just worried about that…”

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Yale, don’t worry. No one dares to make a move against the underground

bounty yet.”

At this point, Yale had nothing more to say.

Marquis Ron looked at the bounty mission again and said, “I’ve decided to increase the bounty mission

of the Hall of the Sun by 500 million dollars.”

“Marquis Ron, are you trying to help the Hall of the Sun fight against: the Hall of Evil?”

Yale was startled and could not understand Marquis Ron’s actions at all. He said, “The Hall of Evil is an

old customer of ours. If you do this and word gets out, I’m afraid it’ll cause unnecessary trouble and even

invite retaliation from Vataco.”

Peters was also slightly taken aback but soon realized something.

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Do you think that the Hall of Evil can deal with the Hall of the Sun now?”

Yale was silent.

Judging from the current situation, the Hall of Evil was in a bad shape. If this continued, the Evil God

might really fall from the ranks of the 12. Sacred Gods.

Marquis Ron added, “Since they’re already grasping at straws, why shouldn’t we step in and speed up

the results? Besides, it’s not as if you haven’t dealt with Vataco before. Between the two, I’d rather deal

with Apollo.”

Chapter 2533

Yale fell silent. Marquis Ron’s words were not without reason.

Vataco was too scheming and never played by the rules. Although he was an old customer of the

Underground Bounty Society, many times, he would press the price down to the barest minimum!

Marquis Ron looked at Yale’s face and turned to look at the bounty mission. He pressed the electronic

button on the table and said, “Raise the Hall of the Sun’s bounty mission against the Hall of Evil by 500

million dollars. At the same time, spread the news that someone behind the scenes has participated in

this bounty mission. Don’t reveal that the Underground Bounty Society has anything to do with this.”

“Yes, Marquis Ron.” A seductive female voice came from the other end.

After doing this, Marquis Ron looked at Yale and Madam Peters. He said, “Let’s welcome the moment

when the Hall of Evil, one of the 12 Sacred Halls of the West, is headed for its destruction.”

With a smile, Madam Peters said, “Marquis Ron, I’ll wish you good luck in advance and hope you can

become a new god, the Bounty God!”

“Hahaha!” Marquis Ron laughed with pride on his face.

This deal would not result in a loss at all.

Decades after the Underground Bounty Society was established, the Bounty God could finally see the

light of day!

On this side, the Underground Bounty Society made a secret fund transfer and raised the bounty of 1.1

billion dollars to 1.6 billion, which instantly caused a sensation in the entire Western underworld.

As the information had been handled with care, many people started to speculate that other gods were

involved and ready to strike against the Hall of Evil! The Underground Bounty Society was also happy to

see this. As long as the discussion in the outside world shifted the targets to other sacred halls, the

Underground Bounty Society would be safe.

In a flash, the remaining ten sacred halls immediately called for a meeting of the gods.

After all the gods analyzed the current situation, half of them chose to take action against the Hall of Evil

and secretly lent a helping hand. The other half chose to observe.

Among them was Chief God Zeus in the sacred city of Mount Olympus.

Zeus sat on the golden throne. After hearing the report from his envoy, his face was dark and very ugly.

Although the actions of the Hall of the Sun and the Hall of Evil did not violate the prohibition of the gods,

if this was allowed to continue, anything that happened between the gods in the future would go through

the Underground Bounty Society. In that case, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Father, are we just going to sit back and do nothing? After all, Evil God Vataco is one of the 12 Gods. If

he’s killed like this, who will take up the vacant spot? Moreover, once Sun God Apollo gains power, it

won’t be a good thing for us either.”

In the golden palace of the sacred city, there was a tall man in a white king’s robe who looked to be

about 30 or 40 years old. He wore a platinum crown on his head, looking high-spirited and vigorous. He

was the eldest son of Zeus, Leo Sainsbury.

Leo was one of the future masters of the sacred city and also one of the candidates for the next chief

god. He was also the eldest son whom Zeus had carefully trained and developed.

Hearing this, Zeus glanced sideways with a hint of coldness in his eyes and asked, “Leo, what do you

want to do?”

Chapter 2534

Leo replied respectfully, “Father, you should issue a Chief God’s Order to prohibit the gods from using

the Underground Bounty Society to fight. We must maintain the balance between the 12 gods so that

Mount Olympus and the Sainsbury family can continue our legacy forever! Only then, the sacred city can

belong to the Sainsbury family forever.”

After hearing this, Zeus looked grave and said quietly, “They didn’t violate the Chief God’s Order I issued

earlier. If I forcefully issue another Chief God’s Order and interfere with their actions, it will cause

resentment from the other gods.”

Leo said, “Father, you’re Zeus, the chief god of the 12 gods. How could the other gods dare to defy your

Chief God’s Order?”

Zeus shook his head and said, “Leo, you’re wrong. The gods are independent. Although I’m the chief

god of the 12 gods, I have no right to interfere with their actions and choices. What we can govern are

Mount Olympus and the sacred city. As for the outside world and the jurisdictions of the 12 gods, we

have no right to interfere. You must remember that the gods are equal, and our Sainsbury family can’t be


Zeus added, “No matter what the result is, we must not interfere by force. If the Hall of Evil is defeated,

we’ll elect a new god. It has been a while since the 12 gods welcomed new blood. I’m very much looking

forward to having a new god join the ranks.”

Hearing Zeus’ words, Leo’s face darkened. He bowed slightly and said, “Thank you for your teachings. I

shall take my leave.”

After saying that, Leo left the golden palace with a team of guards in platinum armor.

Zeus looked at the back of his departing eldest son, sighed helplessly, and said, “This child is too

ambitious. It’s not the right time yet. “

After Leo left the golden palace, a man in a black robe outside the door quickly went up to him and asked

respectfully, “Lord Leo, what did the chief god say?”

Leo coldly looked at the man and said, “Go back and tell your Lord Vataco that my father will let the gods

make their own choices. He doesn’t care if a new god joins the ranks.”

Hearing this, the black-robed man scowled and finally said helplessly, “Thank you for your help, Lord

Leo. Lord Vataco has said that as long as he survives, he’ll definitely repay your kindness. I shall take my

leave and tell Lord Vataco of the chief god’s decision.”

After saying that, the black-robed man was about to leave.

However, Leo frowned and stopped him. He said, “Wait! Although my father doesn’t want to get involved

in this matter, Vataco and I are still friends. Moreover, I don’t want a new god to join us. I don’t really like

Apollo of the Hall of the Sun either. Go back and tell Vataco that I’ll help him in secret.”

When the black-robed man heard it, he quickly bowed to Leo and said, “Lord Leo, thank you for your

help. Lord Vataco will definitely support you as the new chief god.”

Leo snorted and left with a flick of his robe.

Back to Vataco. He exploded with anger after seeing the new bounty mission. The Hall of Evil had

suffered heavy losses by now. In just four days, he had lost half of his bases. Half of the 12 dark angels

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under his command had died too. This was an unprecedented challenge and crisis faced by the Hall of

Evil since its establishment.

“Damn that Apollo! Those hypocritical gods have also chosen to strike out at me at this time too! When I

recover from my injuries, I won’t let them off!”

Soon, the black-robed man barged in, bowed to the furious Vataco, and said, “Lord Evil God, Lord Leo

has agreed to help us.”

Chapter 2535

When Vataco heard the news, a sinister sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said, “Great!

With Lord Leo helping us secretly, let’s see what else Apollo can do!”

Immediately after, Vataco stood up from the blue pool of the essence of life and walked up the steps. The

maid behind him quickly stepped forward and draped his coat over him.

Vataco sat on his black throne inlaid with gems and diamonds. Behind it was a window with an image of

Jesus on a cross on it. The remaining four great envoys and six dark angels of the Hall of Evil stood

below the throne on either side.

The losses were heavy!

With a gloomy expression on his face, Vataco looked at the envoys and dark angels who had been in a

miserable state in the past few days. He said, “Next, it‘s a great time for us to counter-attack! Issue my

Evil God’s Order for all personnel in each base to prepare for the counter-attack! This time, I want the

Hall of the Sun to disappear from the Western underworld!”

Although these envoys and dark angels responded, they inwardly hesitated and wavered.

The current situation was not advantageous for the Hall of Evil.

More and more sacred halls had joined in.

If this continued, the Hall of Evil would be destroyed sooner or later.

Moreover, judging from the situation reported by various bases today, some special forces had appeared

among the bounty hunters. It could be determined that some people from other sacred halls had joined in

by posing as bounty hunters with the intention to wipe out the Hall of Evil in one fell swoop.

“Lord Vataco, can Lord Leo really help us through this crisis?” One of the envoys asked at this moment.

Vataco stared coldly at the envoy with narrowed eyes and asked, “Do you doubt Lord Leo’s strength?”

The envoy thought briefly and said, “Lord Vataco, the current situation isn’t favorable for us. More and

more sacred halls are getting involved. If we’re relying on Lord Leo alone, I’m afraid it’ll be difficult to fight

against other sacred halls.”

Vataco’s eyes darkened, and he thought for a moment before saying, “With me and Lord Leo around,

there won’t be any problems. Just follow my orders!”

Since Vataco said so, the envoy fell silent.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Underground Bounty Society welcomed a special person.

Marquis Ron, Yale, and Madam Peters, the three founders of the Underground Bounty Society, all went

out to greet the visitor.

“Lord Leo, I never thought that you’d visit the Underground Bounty Society.”

Marquis Ron looked at Leo who stepped out of the golden car in front of him with a flattering smile.

Leo glanced at Marquis Ron and the others before looking around at the headquarters of the

Underground Bounty Society. With a trace of disdain in the corner of his eyes, he said, “This place is still

the same, filled with a disgusting smell.”

The mouth of Marquis Ron twitched slightly as he tried to maintain a smile. He said, “Lord Leo, you must

be joking. Please come in.”

After that, Leo and his entourage followed Marquis Ron. They entered the headquarters of the

Underground Bounty Society. Soon, they sat down in a meeting room.

Leo was dressed in a platinum royal robe and crown, looking very dignified.

At this moment, he sat in the position that originally belonged to Marquis Ron. His eyes fell on the

electronic display of bounty missions around him.

Marquis Ron, Yale, and Madam Peters stood on one side, respectfully waiting for Leo to speak.

Leo took a few glances before he asked Marquis Ron, “I want you to stop the bounty mission against the

Hall of Evil. What do you think?”

Straight to the point.

Marquis Ron smiled and said, “Lord Leo, as you are aware, bounty missions are issued by the

employers. Only they have the right to stop the missions. The Underground Bounty Society is just a

commissioning body and has no right to do so.”

Hearing this, Leo’s eyes turned cold as he exploded with pressure no less than that of a god. He sneered

and said, “Marquis Ron, I know what you’re thinking. You want to take the opportunity to seriously

damage or destroy the Hall of Evil so that the Underground Bounty Society can take over the position of

the new god, right?”

Hearing this, Marquis Ron’s heart jolted, but he still smiled and said, “Lord Leo, you must be joking. How

could the Underground Bounty Society dream of the god’s position? The missions are all issued by the

employers and have nothing to do with the Underground Bounty Society.”

Although Marquis Ron said so, his heart grew colder. Leo was really smart to have guessed it.

Leo snorted and said, “Marquis Ron, I don’t care what your plans are. I want to stop the bounty mission

against the Hall of Evil right now. You should know that the 12 Gods of the Western world are inviolable!

Not to mention that other forces are not allowed to get involved! Do you understand?”

Marquis Ron nodded and said, “Yes, I know exactly what you mean, but the Underground Bounty Society

really can’t terminate this bounty mission at will. If the employer finds out, we will…”

Before Marquis Ron could finish, Leo got up and said coldly, “If the other party finds out, tell him that I,

Leo Sainsbury, terminated it! Tell him to look for me!”

The weight of these words was quite heavy!

Leo was the eldest son of the Chief God Zeus and was the most promising candidate to become the new

chief god and the new master of the sacred city. Offending him was the same as offending the future

chief god.

Marquis Ron frowned and looked sideways at Yale and Madam Peters, whose faces also looked ugly.

“So? What else do you have to think about?” Leo turned his head and stared coldly at Marquis Ron.

Marquis Ron laughed and said, “Lord Leo, it’s not that I disagree, but I’m afraid you’ll have to personally

say this to the employer.”

Hearing that, Leo’s face was instantly cold. His aura became severe, and he said solemnly, “Marquis

Ron, are you defying my orders?”

Marquis Ron did not speak, but several figures suddenly appeared at the door of the meeting room.

A cold voice followed and said, “Brother Leo, don’t be angry. This is the rule of the Underground Bounty

Society, after all. Marquis Ron is only following the rule. Besides, our Sainsbury family has never been

tyrannical and has always been about fairness and justice. Don’t you think so, my brother?”

With that said, several figures appeared in the conference room.

Leo looked around, and when he saw the familiar smiling face, his eyes gradually became cold. He

exclaimed, “Amos, it’s you?!”

Chapter 2536 Amos Sainsbury, the second son of Chief God Zeus. He was also one of the candidates

for the next chief god and master of the sacred city. However, relatively speaking, Amos’ power and

influence were not as great as Leo’s because he had never been competitive and only occasionally

appeared in front of the public. Thus, there were not many rumors about Amos in the outside world. No

one even thought that Amos would become the new chief god and master of the sacred city.

At this moment, for Amos to appear in the meeting room of the Underground Bounty Society was enough

to shock Leo.

Leo laughed, his cold eyes staring at Amos as he said, “Very good! Amos, do you intend to side with the

Underground Bounty Society and oppose me?”

Amos laughed and said mildly, “Leo, you can’t say that. I don’t mean to oppose you, but the

Underground Bounty Society has its rules. If they change the rules because of a word from you, does it

mean that the Underground Bounty Society belongs to you?”

Hearing this, Leo frowned, stared at Amos coldly, and asked, “Amos, what are you doing? Do you want

to compete with me?”

Amos shrugged and said, “Leo, you’ve misunderstood. I don‘t mean to compete with you, but I have

some connections with this Underground Bounty Society, so I hope that you can stop. If you want to help

the Hall of Evil, you can try to have your people fight Apollo of the Hall of the Sun. But this bounty

mission will not be terminated.”

After hearing Amos out, Leo‘s face turned grim as he gleaned more information from his words.

“The person behind the Underground Bounty Society… Is it you, Amos?” Leo asked gravely.

Amos did not deny it but shrugged and said, “Yes, I’m the one supporting it. I just took over it not long

ago. It’s not a bad place. “

Hiss! The few attendants behind Leo gasped aloud!

The Underground Bounty Society that was famous throughout the Western underworld was actually

supported by Lord Amos.

Instantly, Leo’s eyes became as cold as ice as he stated at Amos. Finally, he smiled and said, “Very

good! I didn’t expect you to have already taken action.”

Amos chuckled and said, “After all, the position of chief god and the throne of the new master of the

sacred city would be extremely tempting to anyone. I’m afraid it won’t be that easy for you to sit in that



Leo waved his hand as his eyes reflected a biting chill. He said, “Amos, remember what you said today!”

After saying that, Leo left the meeting room with his entourage.

After they left, the seemingly non-existent smile on Amos’ face gradually faded, replaced by icy coldness.

He said to Marquis Ron behind him, “Ron, tell Apollo that I’ve helped him once. He must agree

unconditionally to the terms of our deal!”

Marquis Ron quickly said, “Yes, Lord Amos.”

The Underground Bounty Society had been established for decades. The last person behind the scenes

was not Amos but a person with great financial power in the Western world. However, a few years ago,

that person found Amos, put forward some conditions, and transferred the Underground Bounty Society

to Amos. Since then, Amos became the person behind the Underground Bounty Society, but he had

never shown his face.

Soon, Fennel and Philip received news from the Underground Bounty Society.

Fennel looked at the message in his hand and said to Philip, “Leo Sainsbury went to the Underground

mission but Amos stepped in and stopped him.”

Philip was on a video call with little Mila at the moment. When he heard Fennel’s words, he quickly

ended the call.

“Between Amos and Leo, who do you prefer?” Philip asked.

Fennel said, “This is the battle of their sacred city. I don’t really want to get involved, but I‘m more

inclined to Amos. After all, Leo is helping Vataco, our enemy.”

Philip nodded and said, “How well do you know Leo?”

Fennel replied, “Leo Sainsbury has a good reputation in the underworld of the West and has the greatest

support for the next chief god and the new master of the sacred city. Moreover, Zeus is also grooming

him as the heir. His influence is not inferior to any sacred halls and is even on par. On top of that, he’s a

scheming person and good at winning people’s hearts. He’s also very good at using his identity to exert


After Fennel finished speaking, Philip thought silently for a while and asked, “Is there any way to make

him lose his reputation or even get disqualified as a candidate for the chief god election?”

Fennel frowned, thought for a moment, and said, “From the looks of it, Leo must commit an unforgivable

sin in the sacred city before he can be stripped of his status as a candidate for the chief god.”

“An unforgivable sin?” Philip asked.

Fennel nodded and said, “There are three unforgivable sins. First, cause a war in the sacred city.

Because the people of the sacred city are peace lovers, once a war is invoked in the sacred city, he’ll

definitely become the public enemy of everyone. Second, kill his siblings, which is absolutely not

allowed. He’ll become a sinner in the Sainsbury family. Third, seize the power of kingship from the chief

god, which is usurping the throne in the traditional sense.”

Hearing this, Philip’s eyes darkened.

It did not sound easy to make Leo lose his status as a candidate for the position of chief god by using

these three points. A scheming person like Leo would not do such a stupid thing. Moreover, his support

and prestige were far higher than Amos’, so he did not need to take the risk. In that case, of these three

conditions, only the first and second conditions seemed relatively better.

Philip fell into silence. After a while, he said, “Let’s leave it at that. What’s the situation with the Hall of

Evil now?”

Fennel smiled and said, “Vataco is probably thinking of ways to counter-attack us right now. With Leo

backing him up, he must be eager to do something.”

Philip smiled and said, “Let’s continue to increase the stakes, then. I need to make a deal with several

other gods.”

Fennel nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll get in touch with them now, but they won’t necessarily agree because

your status is not equal to theirs.”

Philip smiled subtly and said, “It’s enough for you to take the lead.”

Without delay, Fennel immediately notified the Strategist and Georgina to send out invitations to the

other gods of the sacred halls. Soon, the remaining ten sacred halls of the Western underworld received

invitations from Apollo of the Hall of the Sun, including Zeus, the chief god.

Chapter 2537 After Apollo of the Hall of the Sun issued the invitations, the remaining ten sacred halls

reacted in different ways. Among them, three sacred halls explicitly rejected Apollo’s invitation.

Of course, Chief God Zeus declined.

Inside his golden palace, he looked at the invitation handed over by his subordinates and said with a

smile, “Good for Apollo. He’s really bold enough to invite me.”

“Lord Zeus, how should we reply?” Zeus’ bodyguard asked respectfully.

Zeus thought for a while and said, “Reject it. As long as the fight between them doesn’t trigger an event

of the gods, I won’t interfere. The 12 Gods of the West have been dormant for too long. It’s time to get


“Yes, Lord Zeus,” the bodyguard responded and made arrangements immediately.

Not long after the guard left, a tall blonde woman appeared wearing a low-cut golden princess dress.

She looked very hot and sexy. With hurried steps, she barged right in with a group of eight female

bodyguards behind her.

This young woman was in her 20s, looking very youthful and fiery with delicate facial features. She had

thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a stunning face comparable to Audrey Hepburn. She

appeared in the hall of the golden palace and called out to Zeus, who stood at the crystal window

overlooking the sacred city. “Father, why don’t you help Apollo? Vataco is a heinous person. I hate him!”

She was Natasha Sainsbury, Zeus’ youngest daughter and his most beloved daughter.

In the sacred city, Natasha held the title of the purest princess and was the object of admiration in the

hearts of all the men. Moreover, Natasha had another identity in the outside world-a pop star!

She had a huge fan base all over the world. It could be said that she was the angel and darling of the

entertainment and fashion industry in the Western world.

Zeus turned around with a kind smile and looked at his youngest daughter who came in angrily. He

spread his arms, hugged her, and said, “Oh, Natasha, my dearest daughter, you finally came back to see

your father.”

Natasha hugged Zeus before she asked angrily, “Father, you haven’t answered my question. Why don’t

you help Apollo? You know I like Apollo!”

Zeus was still smiling as he put his hands on Natasha’s shoulders and said, “Natasha, this isn’t the time

for you to act willfully. This is a battle between the gods. Since Apollo has chosen to do this, he must

bear the consequences. I won’t help him or Vataco.”

Natasha pouted unhappily and said, “But Father, I love Apollo. Can you bear to see the man your

daughter loves suffer the flames of war?”

Zeus stroked Natasha’s head and said, “Natasha, you must understand that no one can sit in the

position of god forever. Since Apollo is a god, he must accept any challenges and dangers, including

war. Besides, are you sure Apollo likes you, Natasha?”

At this question, Natasha became a little nervous and shy, but she said without concealment, “Whether

Apollo likes me or not, I love him! I’ll definitely marry Apollo!”

Seeing his most beloved little daughter so infatuated with Apollo, Zeus felt helpless. If not for Natasha,

Zeus would not have been so indulgent to Apollo before.

“Natasha, I think Duke Shelby of the Shelby family is more suitable for you,” Zeus said.

Natasha immediately shook her head and refused. “No way! Father, I don’t like Duke, and you know it!

Since you won’t take action, I’ll help him myself!”

After saying that, Natasha turned around and left.

Zeus looked at his stubborn little daughter and felt helpless.

“Men, follow Natasha and protect her safety. If you encounter an emergency, you can execute the Chief

God’s Order!” Zeus said quietly to the hall.


After that, two envoys in golden armor walked out of the hall.

Out of the remaining 7 gods, two did not reply and seemed to be hesitating and considering something.

The other five gods happily accepted Apollo’s invitation. As each god was located in a different region,

the meeting was done through a video conference.

In a low-key but luxurious conference room, Georgina adjusted the signal and silently stood beside

Fennel, who sat in the main seat. Georgina and the Strategist stood on either side of Fennel.

11 electronic displays were hung on the wall in front of Fennel. Figures could be seen in five of the

electronic displays. However,two of the five images had been modified as if the other parties were

unwilling to reveal their true appearances. Two men and one woman were seen in the remaining three

images. One was a tall and strong man with tanned skin. He invoked fear in others with just one glance!

War God Ares. He had a beard and a ring of King Kong tattoos on his arm.

Another screen also displayed a man in his 40s or 50s. He had a little gray in his hair and an ever-

present smile on his face. Fire God, also the God of Craftsmen, Hephaestus. He was an easy-going

person and the gentlest among the 12 gods. Moreover, he was a doctor by profession. He was always

helping and saving others.

The last screen displayed a woman with a rather sexy and hot body. She had big wavy brown hair, a high

nose bridge, and delicate facial features. She was noble, mature, and elegant. At this moment, she was

dressed in a pale golden dress. She was the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena.

Fennel looked at the screens with a smile and said, “Everyone, it’s been a long time.”

Athena spoke first with a hint of admiration in her eyes, “Apollo, you still look the same, so handsome

and charming.”

Although Athena was the goddess of the 12 gods, she was also a little fangirl of Apollo.

Fennel shrugged and said to the charming Goddess Athena, “Athena, you’re still the same too, always

so bold.”

Athena smiled, and the entire conference seemed to be filled with light. She said, “I just like your

frankness, lovely Eastern man.”

Fennel raised his eyebrows and turned to Ares, the War God. He said, “Ares, it’s been a long time. You

look stronger again.”

Ares propped his chin on his hands and said with fighting intent in his eyes, “Apollo, I accepted your

invitation simply because I want to fight you again.”

Fennel nodded and said, “Okay.”

After some casual chat, Fennel went straight to the topic and said, “Everyone, the purpose of today’s

video conference is very simple. I need everyone to help me eradicate Vataco from the Hall of Evil.”

Chapter 2538 Following Fennel’s words, all the gods on the screens fell silent.

Athena’s expression quickly became cautious as she asked, “Apollo, do you really want to take action

against the Hall of Evil? He’s one of the 12 Gods, after all. If you really fight it out with him, you’ll suffer

huge losses too.”

Fennel grinned and said, “Athena, you should trust me.”

Hearing this, Athena’s eyes lit up before she said with a smile, “You lovely man! Okay, I agree to help

you, but you must have dinner with me first.”

Fennel thought for a while, touched his chin with his right hand, and said, “Okay, deal!”

Ares, with his chin still propped on his hand, said with eager fighting intent in his eyes, “After everything

is over, I want another match with you. In addition, I want the two bases of the Hall of Evil in Dunham and


Fennel thought about it and nodded. “Okay.”

In a flash, two gods had made their stand. Among the three remaining gods, Hephaestus smiled lightly

and said, “I’m okay with anything. Helping others is my hobby.”

Fennel looked at Hephaestus, smiled lightly, and said, “You’re still the same. Under the mask of

hypocrisy lies a heart that no one can see through.”

Hephaestus smiled and said, “Apollo, you mustn’t say that about me. We’re allies.”

Fennel shrugged, and his eyes fell on the remaining two gods with modified images on the screens. He

asked, “What about you two?”

After a moment of silence, the two gods said, “Okay, our terms are…”

As the negotiations progressed, the five gods, as well as Fennel, re-divided the division of power after

the destruction of the Hall of Evil and reached a final agreement.

After the video conference, Fennel returned to Philip and told him the situation.

Philip nodded indifferently and said, “I won’t get involved in the division of power. You can decide. I just

want the Hall of Evil to completely disappear from the 12 Sacred Halls of the West.”

Fennel smiled and said, “In two days, the Hall of Evil will become history.”

Soon, the news that the Hall of the Sun had united with the other five halls to deal with the Hall of Evil

spread like wildfire. It immediately caused a stir in the Western underworld!

“Oh my God! How could this happen? Six gods are going to wipe out the Hall of Evil?”

“Unheard of! There has never been such cooperation between six gods!”

“Plus the bounty hunters from the bounty society, the Hall of Evil is doomed this time.”

Amid various discussions, the news that six gods had joined forces to deal with the Hall of Evil

completely exploded in the Western world!

Soon, the news reached Evil God Vataco.

“Son of a b*tch! That damned Apollo! He really wants to destroy me! He’s dreaming! joining forces with

five other gods against me? How extravagant!”

Vataco stood up from his throne and roared. Due to his intense emotions, blue streams of light started

flowing in the wounds on his face. That was the healing ability of the essence of life.

“Lord Vataco, what should we do?” an envoy asked worriedly.

In exasperation, Vataco sat down on the throne again. He placed one hand on his forehead and the

other hand on the armrest of the throne. stroking the gems and diamonds on the throne, he asked coldly,

“What’s happening with Lord Leo now?”

The black-robed man from earlier who was an envoy under Vataco quickly said, “Lord Vataco, there’s no

movement on Lord Leo’s side. Do you need me to ask?”

Hearing that, Vataco frowned as a bad premonition welled in his heart. He said, “Ask him about the

situation. Also, get in touch with the other gods. We can’t sit back and do nothing!”

“Yes, Lord Vataco!”

The black-robed envoy immediately turned around and left the hall. The remaining envoys and dark

angels had ugly expressions on their faces at this moment. Vataco also looked worried.

After a moment of silence, several guards from the Hall of Evil rushed in, knelt on the ground, and

respectfully reported, “Lord Vataco, they’ve taken action! The forces of the six gods have banded

together with the bounty hunters to attack our remaining bases!”


Hearing that, Vataco gripped the armrest of his throne angrily and crushed it into pieces, scattering gems

and diamonds all over the floor!

“Damn you, Apollo! I’ll never let you off!”

Vataco roared, then shouted at the dark angels beside him, “Head to the bases immediately and make

sure to defend them! Also, bring all the Hellhounds that are being studied here, all of them!”

“Yes, Lord Vataco!” Several dark angels bowed and left.

Vataco’s eyes were full of anger as he stared angrily at the tall stone door in the hall. He could see the

view outside from here. It seemed to be evening time already with some afterglow of the setting sun that

spilled on the ground like red blood.

Vataco’s angry eyes burst with killing intent as he muttered under his breath, “Apollo, if you want to

destroy the Hall of Evil, you have to pay a certain price!”

Soon, the black-robed envoy returned to the hall with a worried expression on his face. He said, “Lord

Vataco, Lord Leo…”

Seeing the stammering envoy, Vataco’s face became very ugly as he anticipated something. He said,

“Spit it out!”

“Lord Leo can’t help us anymore. He told us to find our own way out,” the black-robed envoy said.

Hearing that, there was not much emotional fluctuation on Vataco’s face except for cold chills. He had

long guessed this outcome and asked, “Did Amos step in?”

The black-robed envoy nodded and said, “Yes, Lord Amos has just officially announced that he’ll

compete for the position of chief god and the master of the sacred city. What’s even more frightening is

that just after he made the announcement, many forces responded to Lord Amos’ declaration. Now, from

the looks of it, Lord Amos and Lord Leo are evenly matched.”


Suddenly, a dazzling energy pressure erupted from Vataco’s body. The black crystal floor tiles under his

feet shattered in an instant.

“I never expected Amos to conceal himself so deeply!” Vataco said before he asked, “What did Hades

and Andrew say?”

The black-robed envoy said, “There’s no response from Lord Hades and Lord Andrew from the time

being, but their envoys said that they’re still recovering from their wounds. They probably have no time to

get involved and told us to take care…”


Instantly, Vataco’s body erupted with black and purple lightning which was a further release of energy


Chapter 2539

Vataco had been betrayed! He was all alone now!

“Issue my Evil God’s Order. Gather all forces of the Hall of Evil and get ready to defend with our lives!”

Vataco roared.


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This time, all the envoys and dark angels knew that the Hall of Evil would be putting their lives out on the

line for this fight. Under the joint attack of the six gods and bounty hunters, the bases of the Hall of Evil

all over the Western world began to fall one after another. All the bases went up in flames with casualties

all around.

Although the six gods joined forces, no gods actually participated in the battles. Hence, no one violated

the prohibition of the Chief God’s Order. Moreover, under the cover of the bounty hunters, it was

impossible to tell from their appearance whether they came from the sacred halls or the Underground

Bounty Society. Under such combined destructive force, the Hall of Evil suffered from continuous defeat

and finally retreated to the main base camp.

Two days later, at the base camp of the Hall of Evil located in Fidel’s Mountain. 50 miles away, fully

armed personnel of the six sacred halls and many bounty hunters had gathered.

As far as the eye could see, the surrounding mountains and forests were full of people as well as all

kinds of advanced combat equipment and forces! Dozens of fighter jets also hovered in the sky. Dozens

of battle tanks moved forward on the ground.

The entire Hall of Evil had been surrounded!

“Charge! Victory is at hand!”

“Destroy the Hall of Evil, kill Evil God Vataco, and get the bounty of 1.6 billion!”

A group of people roared and quickly attacked. In an instant, the crowd swarmed like a tidal wave to the

base camp of the Hall of Evil.

Boom, boom, boom!

Flames soared, and sounds of explosions rang. The most devastating battle had begun here. All elites of

the Hall of Evil joined in the fight. A battle squad formed by the Hellhounds also quickly joined the

battlefield and started a one-sided massacre.

The Hellhounds were all human-modified killing machines. They rushed to the battlefield from all sides

and launched a killing spree. Soon, the first attacking squads were killed by these killing machines.

At this moment, several leaders of the teams of bounty hunters stood on a hillside not far away. They

looked at the battlefield in the distance with binoculars.

“Damn it! The Hall of Evil actually has such killing machines!”

George, the captain of Team George that was ranked first among the bounty hunters, cursed at this

moment. The first batch of personnel had suffered heavy losses. Those human-modified killing machines

were too vicious and unafraid of death at all. Then, George waved his hand, pulled out his knight’s

dagger from his waist, and roared, “The second, third, and fourth squads, charge! Four against one! Kill

one and I’ll reward you with one million dollars!”

Instantly, the eager bounty hunters behind George rushed out with a roar. On the other hand, other

teams of bounty hunters also rushed up angrily.

They could give up their lives in the face of this tempting bounty.

In a flash, this battlefield was ablaze again!

Led by the respective envoys, people from the six sacred halls cleverly circled to the back of the Hall of

Evil from other places and launched the most aggressive attack. The entire mountain and forest went up

in flames, rumbling with endless explosions. The fighter jets in the sky also continuously fired bullets and

missiles toward the ground. The battle tanks crushed the woods and rushed into the battlefield.

At this moment, in the magnificent hall of the Hall of Evil, Vataco sat on his throne with his right hand

supporting his head and the other hand holding a spear that glowed with a strange black light.

Evil God Spear!

Nine red and black snakes coiled around the spear, each with a pair of scarlet eyes. Their red tongues

flicked in and out. The red-black snakes looked very evil with a ferocity that stopped others from looking

at them directly.

Vataco just held the spear as he stared coldly at the stone gate in the hall while earth-shattering screams

outside rang in his ears.

All the dark angels had joined the battle at this moment. After all, with the joint forces of six sacred halls,

even though no gods were directly participating in the battle, more than a few envoys were. Vataco knew

very well that in the end, the gods hiding in the shadows would definitely join the fight.

Gradually, the shouts of killing outside lessened, and the movements of the battle also subsided. The air

was thick with the pungent smell of blood.


Soon, more than a dozen battle tanks gathered outside the stone gate. Everyone crowded in front of this

magnificent Hall of Evil.

A scene of devastation!

In the face of such a devastating force, all the dark angels of the Hall of Evil became cannon fodder.

They drowned in the flames of war and became corpses. Several figures with light shining on their backs

appeared at the stone gate of the Hall of Evil at the same time.

Vataco clenched the spear in his hand tightly before he laughed miserably and said, “Apollo, you’re

finally here.”

Fennel and the other five gods appeared at the entrance of the Hall of Evil at this moment. He walked in

and was followed closely by the five gods. Each of them was enough to shake the entire Western world.

And this time, six gods appeared at once!

“Vataco, I didn’t expect you to recover from your injuries quite quickly since the last time we parted.”

Fennel crossed his arms and sneered.

Vataco sat on the high throne. The nine red and black snakes on the spear in his hand hissed fiercely,

baring their fangs and wanting to bite Fennel and the others.

“Apollo, you’re really good to have gathered five gods just to deal with me.”

Vataco laughed evilly and roared, “But do you think that this is enough to destroy my Hall of Evil? I,

Vataco, am a god!”


Suddenly, a surge of energy pressure erupted from Vataco!

Outside in the sky, a sword of kingship hung in the air and released a tremendous pressure that

enveloped the entire mountain forest.

Fennel stood in the hall calmly with five gods standing behind him. He said, “Vataco, I don’t want any

unnecessary fights. As long as you give up your position as god and your source of kingship, I can spare

your life.”

“Arrogant! Fight if you want! I’m the great Evil God! I’m the God of the West!”

Vataco roared, and the snakes on his spear followed suit. Suddenly, the figures enlarged and turned into

nine huge vicious snakes covered with red and black steel scales. They tried to bite and pounce on

Fennel and the others.

A battle between the gods was on the verge of breaking out!

Chapter 2540

Nine huge ferocious red-black snakes hissed and roared terrifyingly. They soared into the sky and

pounced on the six gods. Their huge jaws dripped with stinking mucus. One snake bared its fangs and

wanted to swallow Fennel in one bite!

The corners of Fennel’s eyes were cold and stern as he stared at the snake. He raised his hand, and a

red dragon halberd suddenly stabbed at the snake’s huge jaw.


Blood sprayed like a waterfall!



The red halberd went straight through the mouth of the huge snake, bringing out blood and scales with it.

The snake roared in pain and quickly retreated. At the same time, the other eight snakes wrapped their

tails around the Evil God Spear in Vataco’s hand. Their bodies suddenly enlarged dozens of meters long

with the aura of raging beasts. They pounced on the six gods opposite.

In an instant, a dazzling battle broke out in the Hall of Evil.

The six gods spared no effort to slay the nine huge red and black snakes.


Two snakes lunged at Athena, wanting to trap her and tear her apart. Athena was dressed in a pale

golden dress. Her body dazzled with white light, and the aura of the gods surged. For a while, Athena

looked just like a great goddess in Western history and civilization. She glowed with a holy light that one

could not help but want to worship. Athena’s pale golden dress fluttered slightly. She spread her arms out

and gestured something over her chest gently and slowly. It seemed that her pair of slender arms were

forming dozens of blurry arms with a holy halo.

The two snakes hissed and lunged toward Athena, but as they got closer to the gentle white light

emanating from Athena’s hands, the two snakes seemed as if they were bewitched. They slowly

prostrated at Athena’s feet,

Their tails also fell off the Evil God Spear in Vataco’s hand. Then, the two snakes submitted to Athena!

Athena stepped forward and stood in front of the snake’s heads, which slowly lifted with a biting chill on

their bodies. Their eyes had turned holy white, and they lost their evil aura.

Vataco was furious at this scene and roared, “Damn beasts! How dare you betray me too?! Go to hell!”

Vataco pointed the spear angrily at the two snakes. The spearhead suddenly sparkled with black purple

lightning and hit the two snakes that betrayed him. With a thought from Athena, the two snakes avoided

Vataco’s attack before they roared and lunged toward Vataco.

“Vataco, you’ve done enough evil. Today is the day your Hall of Evil will be destroyed!” Athena shouted

angrily, and her long flowing hair fluttered. She pointed her finger at Vataco with supreme energy


Athena was like the Goddess of War because she was one. No one should be deceived by her beautiful

face. She was the genuine Goddess of War!

In an instant, a battle broke out in the Hall of Evil. In the sky outside, seven swords of kingship hung in

the air like the colors of a rainbow.

Among them, a white sword of kingship with a golden hilt and a white blade looked very pure and

flawless. It was Athena’s sword of kingship.

Another green sword of kingship emitted a terrifying pressure and was full of fighting spirit. The sword of

kingship belonged to Ares, the War God. The green sword blade with a Western dragon head at the hilt

looked frightening.


Suddenly, the Hall of Evil was overturned by huge energy pressure. Seven figures soared into the sky,

fighting with the nine red and black snakes. Such a shocking battle scene was enough to make the world


The bounty hunters in the outside world were horrified when they saw such a destructive scene.

Horrible! Terrifying! This was the power of the gods!

However, they could see that these gods were not fighting with all their might.

After all, battles between gods were not allowed.

Vataco stood on the broken throne of the Hall of Evil, and the Evil God Spear in his hand exuded a biting

evil aura. Energy pressure exploded from his body.

“Damn it! All of you deserve to die! For trying to destroy my Hall of Evil, I’ll kill all of you today!” Vataco

roared, and his power of the gods exploded toward the six gods.

Fennel looked at the other gods and said solemnly, “End the fight quickly!”

Instantly, the six figures also exploded with the power of the gods as they lunged toward Vataco.

***Meanwhile, far away in the golden palace of Mount Olympus. Chief God Zeus was arguing with Leo.

“Father, are you just going to sit back and watch as they destroy the Hall of Evil? This is a challenge to

the ranks of the 12 Gods!” Leo was very angry and almost shouted.

Zeus sat on his golden throne, his face dark and serious.

“Leo, as long as a battle between the gods doesn’t happen, we have no right to interfere with their

decision. This is the rule I set in the beginning. Even if I’m the chief god, I can’t change the rules I set for

no good reason.” Zeus’ eyes were slightly cold.

At this moment, a guard of the sacred city rushed in, knelt on one knee, and respectfully said, “Chief

God, it’s bad! The gods are fighting! A battle of the gods broke out in the base camp of the Hall of Evil!

Six gods are attacking Evil God Vataco!”


Zeus frowned, and the expression on his face became colder.

Hearing this, Leo roared frantically, “Father! Look at these gods! They don’t care about your Chief God’s

Order at all! They don’t see you as the chief god at all!”

Zeus roared in anger, “Enough! I know what to do!”

Then, Zeus’ eyes exploded with chills as he shouted, “Fiori, issue my Chief God’s Order! Tell them to

stop fighting! Anyone who disobeys will be stripped of the honor of the gods!”

In the hall, a tall man in golden armor bowed respectfully and was about to leave the hall.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the main hall. A smug voice came

from the door.

“Chief God Zeus, I’m glad to meet you.”

Hearing this, Zeus raised his eyebrows, stared in the direction of the door, and asked solemnly, “Who are


The figure, with his hands in his trouser pockets, said nonchalantly, “Philip Clarke.”
