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The First Store System

Chapter 1210 New Store Assistant(End)
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Chapter 1210: New Store Assistant(End)

As Lily struck the killing blow to Xaran, he crashed to the ground, with light dwindling from his eyes.

His eyes were filled with a mixture of helplessness and appreciation. He felt helpless because he had come so far and then lost, while at the same time, he also appreciated the effort put in by Lily.

Every participant was at the same starting line with the same talent, so Lily won because of her efforts, and it was to be celebrated.

The next moment, light entirely disappeared from Xaran's eyes, and he was dead.

Lily jumped up in excitement as she saw Xaran's corpse. She couldn't help but anticipate what her future held for her after the contest.

The next moment, a blue light covered her. It disappeared as quickly as it had arrived, and with it, Lily had also vanished from the arena that was filled with gigantic cracks and pits.

Lily found herself back in the store, standing on the platform, while there was a sea of people sitting on their chairs, looking at her with envy.

"Congratulations!" Jonnah congratulated Lily as he stood up from his chair.

Lily nodded with an excited smile. Jonnah then turned around and looked at the crowd, announcing the end of the contest.

People then began to leave the store, and not long after, only Lily and Jonnah were left in the store.

The inside space had returned to normal, while all the chairs, screens, and the platform had disappeared.

"Welcome to The First Store!" Jonnah welcomed Lily.

"Thank you for the opportunity." Lily bowed and thanked Jonnah.

"It's all because of your efforts. No need to thank me," Jonnah replied with a smile, gesturing for Lily to stand up.

"Winning the competition has allowed you to have the position of the store's assistant. But the post isn't permanent. Anything you do that's outside the bounds of rules set by the store, you would need to leave the post," The smile on Jonnah's face disappeared and he expressionlessly told Lily.

"The store has no affiliation with any race or being. For the store, each and every customer is equal. Now that you have become a part of the store's workforce, the only relationship you'll have with the beasts is that your ancestors are from that group."

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"You can't show your biases toward people who have hatred for you or the beast races."

"You can't use the title of store assistant for personal use or vendettas."

"Any enmity you have with anyone, you need to forget it. You represent the store from now on, not your family or the Paltry Bear race."

"Remember these rules. There are no chances here. You fail once, and you're out," Jonnah added.

That was the same welcome Jonnah had gotten from Aakesh, so Jonnah was reliving the memory. It was just that he stood in the position of the store owner at that moment.

"I understand. I will not let anything come between me and my duty as the store's assistant," Lily respectfully responded.

Jonnah nodded with appreciation, seeing Lily's response. But since the thing hadn't come to an end, he continued.

"The store won't treat you badly. How many immediate members do you have in your family?" Jonnah asked.

"Seven, my parents, and five siblings," Lily was confused at first, but she still responded.

Jonnah nodded, and the next moment, seven cards formed out of thin air in his hands.

"Give these cards to your family,  and they will be protected from all attacks equal to or below peak Immortal levels," Jonnah explained to her.

"Thank you, senior," Lily thanked and gently took the cards.

Lily didn't come from a top human family, but her father was only a peak Void Forging level cultivator. She was the first in her family to become a Tao Seed level cultivator.

It wasn't the end; the next moment, another seven cards appeared in Jonnah's hands.

The cards were different from the earlier group as they were blood-red in color. At the same time, Lily felt her heart skip a beat from fright when she looked at the cards.

"These are three-time use cards. No one below the Void Beasts in the Primal Dimension would be able to survive it once any one of them released the attack sealed in it," Jonnah announced, shocking Lily.

Lily wanted to thank Jonnah, but before she could, Jonnah began speaking. She stopped and focused on that.

"Your family members can't use the protection from attacks to harm others, neither can they use these attack cards to attack someone innocent or to conquer a territory. These are simply for their protection, so you won't have to worry about them when being in the store or getting manipulated by others.

"You would have to take responsibility if anything untoward happened," Jonnah warned Lily.

Lily nodded with solemnity as she looked at the fourteen cards in her hands.

"I will keep that in mind, senior!" She then responded, patting her chest.

Jonnah nodded and asked, "Are you ready to sign the contract?"

Lily nodded immediately. She had struggled for more than a millennium in the contest only for that moment.

"Okay, let's sign it," Jonnah responded. The smile returned on his face.

The next moment, the space around Jonnah began to crack like glass. Jonnah seemed unfazed by it, while Lily looked shocked.

In no time, the cracks in the space stabilized as it took the shape of a spherical portal.


The next moment, a bird's cry rang in the store as a silver paper flew out from the portal into Jonnah's hands.

A familiar sensation came over Jonnah as he held the silver paper in his hands. It was the same piece he had signed the contract on after becoming the store's assistant.

"You can read the details and sign the contract," Jonnah informed Lily, handing over the skin piece to her.

Lily respectfully took the skin. She felt the smooth texture of the skin. She could see that it was something expensive.

Lily then stopped thinking about the ty of the skin and focused on its content.

There was no limit to the time Lily could work in the store since it all depended on her. There were two ways by which she could leave the job. First was her death, as it would automatically result in her leaving the job. The second was if she decided to ascend.

Since there was nothing extra to what Jonnah informed her earlier, she decided to sign the contract.


Suddenly, a soul-pricking pain attacked Lily, and she couldn't help but scream. The sound of her screams hadn't even subsided when she suddenly felt the space inside the store become turbulent.

With a pained face, Lily turned in the direction of the turbulence and found a sudden arrival of a creature.

Everything in the store came to a halt at that moment. It was as if only that single eye was there and nothing else could exist in front of it.

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The eye first looked at Jonnah. He immediately looked down, not daring to look at it directly.

The eye then moved its sight away and focused on the being, who was the reason behind its summons.

As Lily became the center of focus in the eye, she felt herself turning into an ordinary mortal and standing naked in a snowstorm. Her entire body was trembling from fright.

There was only one feeling echoing in her heart at that time, inferiority. She wanted to prostrate in front of the eye and give up everything, but before she could do it, Jonnah's voice rang in her ears, telling her to sign the contract, and the eye was only there to oversee the contract.

Gritting her teeth, Lily returned her focus to the contract and signed it, bearing through the unbearable, soul-tearing pain attacking her.

The next moment, her name and soul signature appeared on the contract. She then received a familiar sensation emanating from it.

As the contract process came to an end, the eye took a last glance at Lily and then disappeared into the void.

The next moment, the store regained its calm, and Jonnah asked for the silver skin back. Lily nodded and returned it to him.

"Don't break the rules, or you will meet that eye again, but it won't be peaceful," Jonnah told Lily with a grin as he took the contract back.

Lily couldn't help but shudder, thinking about the eye. When it was peaceful, she couldn't bear looking at it. She didn't even dare imagine what the consequences would be if the eye had an ulterior motive.

Jonnah then took a look at the contract, and soon after, it turned into streams of light particles as it flew toward the top of the store. This process was only visible to Jonnah. Lily only saw the contract disappear.

"Welcome to The First Store!"

The next moment, a voice Lily had never heard rang in her ears. It was none other than Aakesh who welcomed Lily after the system informed him of Lily's winning the contest.

Jonnah then put the residency choice in front of Lily, as Aakesh had done years ago. Since Jonnah had quit his job, he and his family had to leave the residence.

"Senior, I will take the store-provided house," Lily immediately answered. Who didn't know about the residence next to the store? Now that Lily had the opportunity to live there, how could she give it up?

Jonnah nodded, and the next moment, a dark blue card appeared in his hand. He then handed it to Lily.

"It will be your employee card…" Jonnah then explained the details of the card.

Using the tiny needle on the card, Lily pricked her fingers as said by Jonnah, and soon she had linked her blood with the card.

The next moment, the details of the employee card appeared in her head.


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter.

I owe you six chapters. I will make up for it in the next week.

Thanks for reading the book!