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The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 127
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Chapter 127

Chapter 127 The days had blurred into a never-ending cycle of pain, frustration, and

uncertainty. My fractured arm, encased in a sky blue cast, only madefeel more. vulnerable. The hospital visits had beca grim routine, and the medical bills. were piling up.

As | stepped into the nearby cafe that afternoon, | couldn't help but feel the weight. of the world pressing down on me. | had dressed in a nondescript hoodie and sweatpants, trying to stay low-key amidst the public’s disdain for me. The incident with the car had been a chilling reminder that my past had caught up within the most dangerous way possible.

Penny was seated at a corner table, a steaming mug of coffee cupped between her hands. As | approached, Penny’s bright eyes met mine, and she offered a faint smile that was quickly wiped away when she saw my cast.

“Your arm!” She gasped, setting down her cup. | sighed, sinking into the chair opposite her. “Just another inconvenience in this nightmare | call my life.”

Penny reached out and gently squeezed my other hand. “I wish there was more | could do, Evie. I’m still trying to push back against the tabloids, but they’ve been relentless.”

The tabloids had beceven more vicious in their attacks, paintingas the villain in the ongoing drama of Timothy's life. The #TEVIE fans, once fervent supporters of our friendship, had disbanded and switched their allegiance to Stella, hailing her as the best fit for Timothy.

The #TELLA hashtag had dominated the narrative, drowning out any remnants of the lawyer who saved Timothy's career. It’s all about the starlet who he’d “loved all along“. They didn’t even consider the possibility ofbeing a victim in all this, especially withbeing Erickson’s subordinate.

“It's infuriating, Penny. They've twisted everything, made it seem like I’m the one. who’s in the wrong,” | muttered, my anger simmering just below the surface.

Penny leaned forward, her voice low, “I know, Evie. But you have to remember that the tabloids thrive on sensationalism. They're not interested in the truth, only in

what sells.” Need Top Metal Stamping? Get a 10% Discount (Start Now) Chapter 127

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| couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness at the truth of her words. The tabloids had painted a false narrative, turning our once genuine friendship into a sordid affair that | had tarnished. Even Timothy seemed to buy the narrative, despite knowing what he had done to me.

Penny continued, her tone grave. “The #TEVIE fans are abandoning their posts in favor of this new ‘it’ couple, | suppose. They look so stiff together...”

| couldn't help but roll my eyes. “Well, isn’t that just perfect? Stella and Timothy, a match made in heaven, right?”

Penny winced at my sarcastic tone, clearly uncomfortable with my bitterness quickly changed the subject, her voice gentle. “Evie, what really happened with your arm, if you don’t mindasking?”


| sighed, my anger still simmering beneath the surface. “Someone tried to runover. | ended up breaking my arm, and the medical bills are going to costa fortune.”

Penny’s eyes widened with concern. “Oh, Evie, that's terrible. Are you okay now? Was it someone you knew?” | shook my head, feeling a sense of unease settle in my gut. “It was probably a

complete stranger. | couldn’t even get a good look at their face. It could’ve been


Penny leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial. “Evie, | hate to bring this up, but are you sure it wasn’t Linda? She disappeared for a while, but we both know she’s capable.”

| hesitated for a moment, considering the possibility. Linda, Timothy’s former stalker, had gone as far as breaking in to both of our homes, but | couldn’t be certain it was her, and | didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

“| don’t know, Penny,” | replied, though | considered it carefully. “It all happened so fast, and | didn’t get a good look at the driver. It could've been Linda, but it could’ve been anyone with a vendetta against me.”

Penny nodded, her expression grave. “Well, we need to make sure you stay safe. And speaking of safety, what about your apartment? | heard you mention that you’re not sure you can afford it without your job.”


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Chapter 127

| squinted, feeling the onset of a migraine. “It’s a mess, Penny. With the medical bills and my unemployment, | don’t know how I'll be able to pay my rent for that expensive place. I’ve been dipping into my savings, but it’s only a matter of tbefore they run out.”

Penny leaned back in her chair, her brow furrowed in thought. “Evie, have you considered suing Erickson and Jasper? You have a case there, with everything that’s happened. It could help you cover your expenses.”

| shook my head. “I’d love to sue them, Penny, but | don’t have the funds for a legal battle. Lawyers are expensive, and I’m already drowning in medical bills.”

Penny’s eyes gleamed with determination. “Don’t worry, Evie. I'll help you gather any evidence you need, and we can look into pro bono lawyers. We have to explore every avenue to make sure you get justice.”

| appreciated Penny's unwavering support, but the thought of a legal battle seemed daunting. The challenges | faced were immense, and the shadows of public opinion loomed large. | worried that any well-meaning pro bono lawyer wouldn’t stand a chance against Erickson and Jasper.

Penny continued, her voice thoughtful. “You know, Evie, sometimes the court of public opinion can be a powerful force. We can use social media and the public’s support to put pressure on Erickson and Jasper. If we can prove your case in the eyes of the public, it might force their hand.”

| considered Penny’s words, the idea of enlisting public support to bring my case to light. It was a risky proposition, one that could either clear my nor further cement my status as a menace.

“Alright,” | said. “I'll try to gather all the evidence | can. Build a case.” Penny smiled, her eyes filled with a fierce resolve. “That’s the spirit, Evie. We'll get through this together, no matter what it takes.”

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After a small stretch of silence, Penny suggested a break from all the media talk, offering to geta drink. | hesitated at first, not wanting to trouble her, but then | found myself unable to resist the urge of a sugary pick-me-up.

| sighed, relenting to my cravings. “I'll take anything sugary. Surprise me.” Penny gavea reassuring smile and headed to the counter. Moments later, she


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returned with a whipped coffee and a donut. She placed the treats in front of me, and | couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air.

| wasted no tin tearing into the donut, the sugary glaze sticking to my fingers as | took a big bite. The sweetness hitlike a wave, a brief respite from a bitter situation. | followed it up with a sip of the milky coffee, the warmth spreading throughand casing the tension in my gut.

Penny watchedwith an amused expression. “Evie, slow down! You’re devouring that donut like you haven't eaten in days.”

| paused for a moment, my mouth still filled with the delicious pastry. “The extra calories are the least of my concerns right now. Letspoil myself.”

“Understood,” she said with a laugh.

| finished the donut in a few more bites and set it down, the sugary rush already fading. | was going to indulge as much as possible, because it didn’t seem like | was going to be getting out of this pit anytsoon.

And from what Penny was suggesting, | would have to show my face in that dreaded firm again. | still needed the evidence, even if it was just verbal. | could take the name-calling, but destroying my livelihood was a different matter altogether.

Whipped cream clung to my lips as | took another long sip of my drink. Penny watchedcarefully, probably still concerned that I'd choke at any second.

| offered her a smile of reassurance. “I guess I’m going back to the office.” 4l4