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The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 202
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Chapter 202

Chapter 202

After returning hfrom the dinner with my former coworkers, | felt a renewed sense of purpose. The information they had shared about Mr. Erickson’s behavior had been a significant step toward seeking justice.

However, Linda would play a key role in it all. 1778

| knew that Linda had been the most severely affected by Mr. Erickson’s harassment. Over time, the guilt of it had started to emerge. She’d cto me, warnedabout it, and I’d brushed her off. Now, here | was, faced

with the sconflict.

Her account was crucial to building a strong case against him, and I'd listen to her every word this taround. However, the news that she had disappeared without a trace was deeply concerning. | couldn’t proceed without finding her first.

| picked up my phone and dialed Penny's number. | could trust her on any developments around the city. | needed to catch her up on everything that had happened and discuss my plan to find Linda..

Penny answered the call, her voice filled with curiosity. “Evie, it’s been a while! I’ve been waiting to hear from you. How have you been?”

| couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. “Penny, it’s good to hear your voice. | have a lot to catch Penny laughed. “I can imagine. | heard about your case with Stella. Congratulations on winning it!” you up on.”

| appreciated her kind words but quickly turned to the matter at hand. “Thanks, Penny, but there’s something. else | need your help with. I’m going after my old boss, Mr. Erickson.”

Penny's tone shifted to one of concern. “Mr. Erickson? How are you planning to do that, Evie?”

| took a deep breath. “I need a key witness, someone who suffered previously from Mr. Erickson’s harassment. It’s Linda. She was the primary victim.”

Penny fell silent for a moment, and when she spoke, her voice held a note of hesitation. “Evie, | haven’t heard anything about Linda for a while. She disappeared, and no one has mentioned her for a while now.”

The news hitlike a weight in the chest. Linda’s disappearance was a significant obstacle in my pursuit of justice. | thanked Penny for the information and told her I’d keep her updated on any developments.

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Emergency calls only Chapter 202

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As | hung up the phone, | couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear. Linda’s testimony was vital, and without her, the case against Mr. Erickson could be in jeopardy. My case would be dismissed and Mr. Erickson and Jasper would have the last laugh.

| knew | had to find her, but | had no leads, no clues as t her whereabouts.

With a determined resolve, | decided to pay a visit to Timothy. He’d had his own experience with her, and it wouldn’t hurt to see if she’d tried contacting him at all. All | could do was hope that he might have had sinformation of his own.

| walked over to Timothy's apartment and knocked lightly on the door, my thoughts racing as | considered how to approach the situation. After a few seconds, Timothy opened the door, a warm smile on his face.

“Evie, hey!” He crossed his arms and leaned against the frame. He frowned upon taking in my expression. “What's on your mind?”

| returned his smile but got straight to the point. “Timothy, | need your help. I’m looking for Linda. She’s a key witness in the case against Mr. Erickson, and she’s gone missing evidently.”

Timothy's expression shifted to one of concern. “Linda? | haven’t heard from her in a while, either.”

‘Damn.” | sighed heavily. “Her story is crucial to building a case against Mr. Erickson. | can’t proceed without her testimony. We need to find her.”

Timothy nodded, though with shesitation. “That sounds intense. She wasn’t exactly civil last time.”

He only knew about Linda taking those exploitative photos in his apartment. He wasn’t aware that she had been preparing to break into his apartment and forge a life with him in the most unstable way imaginable. Even the thought of her breaking into my own hand crushing the gift Timothy had given toleftfeeling more resentful than pitiful toward her sometimes.

“| was hoping | wouldn’t have to call her directly. I'd be at a loss at what to say,” | said wearily, reaching

| my phone. “Who knows if she’s even using the snumber. She probably wouldn’t even answer if | called.” “Evie.” Timothy squinted as | began scrolling through my contacts. “I don’t know about this.”

“Just backup,” | told him, eyeing Linda’s non the screen with slight apprehension. “It has to be done.” There was a mystery surrounding her, a shroud of secrecy that | couldn’t quite grasp. | couldn’t shake the feeling 2/4




Emergency calls only

Chapter 202

that there was more to her story than she had revealed.




A determination stirred withinas | dialed her number, my fingers trembling as | held the phone to my ear. | hoped she would answer, yet | feared the conversation that awaited us. My heart pounded and | gnawed at my lip, the gravity of the situation settling uponlike a suffocating shroud.

To my surprise, Linda picked up after a few rings, her voice almost unrecognizable, distant and guarded. “Who’s this?” she asked, her tone laced with suspicion.

“It's Evie,” | replied, my voice quivering slightly.‘ know it’s been a while, but | need to talk to you. Can we meet?”

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There was a long pause on the other end of the line, as if Linda was considering her options. Finally, she spoke, her voice gravelly. “I’m busy, | don’t have tfor this.”

| swallowed hard, steeling my resolve. “Please, Linda, | need to apologize. Face to face. | was wrong about Mr. Erickson, and | need you to know that. Can we meet? I'll cto you.”

Another pause ensued, and | could almost hear the internal struggle in her voice. “Fine,” she said eventually, her tone softening ever so slightly. “I'll text you my address. But make it quick.”

Relief washed overas she agreed to meet. | thanked her and ended the call, my hands still shaking. Turning to Timothy, I relayed the news, watching as concern etched lines on his face.

“Are you sure about this, Evie?” he asked, his voice laced with worry. “It might not be safe.” I shook my

head, determination flaring in my eyes. “I have no choice, Timothy. | need to make this right. Linda deserves to hear the truth from me, face to face.”

Timothy sighed, his concern evident. “I don’t like the idea of you going alone. Letcwith you, for your safety.” | nodded, and he followedas | rushed to the elevator. “Okay, but let’s get there before she changes her mind.”

We walked to Timothy's car, and once we got in, | turned to him. “Timothy, | appreciate your support, but for this, | think it’s crucial that | speak to Linda. She might react negatively to you.”

Timothy nodded, his expression serious. “I understand. I'll stay behind and give you the space you need. But 3/4





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Chapter 202

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please, be careful. We don’t know how she might react, and she didn’t exactly sound friendly over the phone.”

“| will,” | told him, though | had my own reservations about the whole thing.