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The Innkeeper

Chapter 706: Glow
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"There is no reason to focus so much on unnecessary etiquette," Firin said in response to everyone greeting him and expressing how honored they were to meet him. For too long neither he nor Aizel left their abode within the Crystal nation, so only the most privileged of the Crystal race had the opportunity to meet them.

"Instead our time would be better served focusing on the purpose of this meeting."

No one took offense to the bluntness displayed by Aizel. All the races in the entire realm depended on the Sol and Frio birds, so no one was about to pick a fight with the first ever Sol bird. Besides, there was one simple truth in life that no one could deny, which was that might was right. Firin was the oldest living, and one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful being in their realm.

With both the power to forcefully suppress them, and the influence to damn their entire race to the darkness, not to mention the fact that he was literally a deity, he could walk into any room and take complete command, and no one would object. Well, almost no one since Lex was more intrigued than intimidated by him.

"Indeed, now that all the relevant parties are here, we should officially begin," said Cornelius.

Lex twitched his lips. He was enjoying their previous discussions as he was learning so much without putting in any effort. Nevertheless, there was no point in delaying the matter.

"Very well, since you're all here, we should delve right into it and stop wasting time," said Lex as he took control of the conversation.

From within his pocket he took out the invitation that had been sent out, attracting everyone's attention to the latent aura contained within.

"I'm sure everyone is quite concerned about the 'darkness that ripples through the lands'," he said quoting the invite, while simultaneously opening the invitation so that Firin and Aizel could read the content, "while you're also no doubt wondering about why the invite claims that the Crystal race is complicit in the conspiracy. No doubt, based on the timing of the invitation, alongside the Crystal race's long history of noninterference in the Kraven war, it is easy to assume that this meeting is regarding the Kraven."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Lex paused and looked at all the various leaders who were simply and silently looking at him, waiting for him to reveal the key information. Firin and Aizel, on the other hand, were silently reading the letter without any outward display of shock or concern over the strength contained within.

In a manner of speaking, Lex's purpose in calling them here was already complete, for the importance and relevance of this wedding had already surpassed any other simple wedding. But, if an important alliance or decision could be made today, the quest rating was no doubt going to shoot up so Lex was still going to try his best and manipulate the situation to his advantage. And, if in the meantime, he somehow learned about the anomaly then it would be like getting two birds with one stone.

"The truth is, the most pressing matter for us to face is not the Kraven, but something else."

He suddenly summoned in Toro, thus diverting everyone's attention to the Trelop.

"Some time ago, I felt an unusual aura…" slowly and in great detail, Lex began to explain how he ended up discovering the Cosmic Erosion Elixir. Before he explained what it was, he described the behavior of the liquid in great detail, and then had Toro corroborate everything he said. He even allowed Toro to be questioned by the leaders.

The only thing they could not do was produce the elixir for them to see for themselves, as it had by now evaporated.

"Intrigued by the strange liquid, I sought the advice of my senior… the one who wrote the invitations, and learnt what the liquid was. It's called Cosmic Erosion Elixir…" Lex continued on to explain in detail what the elixir was, and what its presence meant.

While he was speaking, he paid extra attention to the actions and reactions of each of the leaders. Despite their stoic expressions initially, he was able to pick out growing solemnity on their faces while he spoke. Well, for all except the birds, whose faces he could not see, and Kritter, since he did not know how to determine the expressions of an insect.

There was a reason why he expressly revealed that he himself did not write the invitations, and instead gave the credit to his mysterious 'senior'. First of all, Cornelius would know his history in the Crystal realm quite well so it was impossible to pretend as such in front of him. Secondly, he wanted to reveal the backing of the Midnight Inn, which could transport him across realms.

Sure the drawback was that they were likely to treat him with great suspicion, but since he was telling the truth - mostly - everything he said was verifiable.

Once he was finished, silence pervaded the room. Everyone was having a tough time wrapping their heads around the news that their realm itself was facing destruction. As if the Kraven invasion was not enough.

"To say that the Crystal race is complicit or even aware of this is a grave accusation," Cornelius said finally, his voice low and solemn. "How can you be sure that they are involved in this matter?"

"Of course, I cannot say for certain," said Lex while shrugging. "All I can say is that my luck must be horrible if they aren't. When I entered the Crystal realm, at the border I met Lord Belmont. Considering my limited connection in the Crystal race, I revealed this information to him, he immediately tried to assassinate me. All I can say is that if they aren't involved in this collectively, then I must have some kind of luck to run into the one Crystal who is."

Cornelius pursed his lips for a moment before speaking once again. "Still, that's not enough information to condemn the whole race. Further investigation is needed."

Lex shrugged and said, "The realm itself is on the path to destruction because of some anomaly. I've already explained that the Elixir doesn't form under normal circumstances. For the entire realm to be suffering from some issue would require a very powerful force, or perhaps a very powerful race, to be pulling the strings from behind the scene. Think about it. I've already told you of the great benefits that the elixir can give, and that's just an accidental product formed from the situation. Imagine the kind of benefits one can possibly get if they're willing to compromise the entire realm!

"I'm not saying it necessarily is the Crystal race. After all, how so many immortal Kraven suddenly came to be is also a mystery not yet resolved."

Sabr looked absolutely horrified, as Lex's possible explanation for the immortal Kraven was the most plausible theory he had heard yet. The others, though, did not seem to give it too much thought.

"If you do not mind, I would like to verify this myself," said Firin, his voice still calm and level though he had suddenly become polite. "If you could remove the spatial formation around your tavern for a short while, I can communicate with the realm to investigate its health. Now that I know there might be some issue, it'll be easier to detect."

Lex raised an eyebrow, but then acquiesced, and temporarily disabled the formation around the tavern. A moment later, the building began to glow.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Unable to take the pressure from the ceremonies, Pvarti sped through them and began the journey portion of the day's activities. Yet the moment he stepped out of his home, hundreds of people following behind, a warm glow engulfed the town, originating from the tavern itself.

"An omen!" someone cried. "It's a good omen! The union of the lord and lady will bring light to the land! Their child will be the savior of the realm!"

As if taken by the yell, the crowd of guests turned to look at Pvarti with heated eyes. Pvarti himself, however, was cursing his stupid sister. He could always easily identify her antics!

"Just you wait," he murmured under his breath, and began thinking of potential suitors for his sister.


In the distance, a Crystal was flying towards Babylon leisurely. Since Lex had already revealed the location of his tavern, it was only a matter of time before Ezio arrived with his clone. After all, he still owed the young lad a secret. Suddenly, the horizon began to glow, and an overwhelming aura spread out from the distance.

Ezio frowned, and sped up.


A small Kraven, the size of an average lion, walked calmly through the streets of Babylon. No one had detected him so far, not to the citizens he was passing by, nor the hordes of immortals gathered for the wedding or even the many leaders from different countries.

The two deity birds might have possibly noticed him, but they could not be bothered to care about a random Kraven. As a result it was taking its time and enjoying itself while it waited for its reinforcements. Since he had already arrived here, might as well make a mess of things.

Then, incidentally, the building he was passing by began to glow.