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The Innkeeper

Chapter 821: Relaxing just a little
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821 Relaxing just a little

The next few days passed calmly for Lex. The first thing he did was plan how to get some sleep. Although he did not feel particularly tired, he was aware of the fact that his body had been under extreme stress. Not only had he not healed completely yet, but the process of removing his inscription was far from simple.

Just thinking back to the pain he felt before he blacked out made him tremble. Lex had tolerated pain before, both in his body and soul, yet that was a different experience altogether. It was as if his very being was becoming undone.

He spent some time in the Hot tub room, and even found time to go to Harry's barbershop. Yes, he did not have hair. But Harry had long transcended the simple grooming he used to do back in the day. Although, of course, if that's what a client wanted, that's what they would get.

But Harry could relieve the stress accumulated in the body, mind and soul, among other things. One of his most popular new attractions was the Soul Pond, which could sustain or heal broken souls, though admittedly its healing effects were extremely minimal. Its primary use was to nurture soul treasures, techniques, and to support soul based cultivation methods. His own Glamor Sorcery was one of the types of soul cultivation techniques.

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Lex just had Harry alleviate the accumulated stress in his soul and body so that they could heal better. A part of him could tell that the shock he had experienced to remove the inscription was not simple.

After experiencing both the Hot tub and Harry's treatment, he stopped by the Patisserie where he got himself some cupcakes and hot chocolate. If there was a way to relax even more than this, he had not discovered it yet.

Once all this was done, he was finally ready to sleep. Just to be safe, he asked Mary to wake him up if he slept longer than a day.

The last thought he had right before he dozed off was how he was still using a simple bed whereas he could be using some supreme, ultra sleep treasure that created the perfect sleep environment. He did not know what it would entail, but when he thought back to all the palaces he had been visiting lately, he was willing to bet a dragon that they did not use simple beds.

Lex had not realized that a simple bed would not be able to support his considerable weight at all. During the many star level raises, all his furniture had also been nourished, and subsequently evolved.

Just as he feared, Lex had become too cozy. That, accompanied by his wounded state, led him to sleep continuously for a day. It even took Marry considerable effort to rouse him from slumber, because every time she would wake him, he would mumble 5 more minutes before dozing off again.

But he never realized that by saying that, he was literally making her wait five minutes before trying to wake him again. If he simply asked to be allowed to sleep longer, she would let things be. But since he kept asking for five minutes, she had to keep waking him every five minutes!

Eventually, a grumbling Lex got out of bed. Although he knew a day may have passed, he only felt like it had been mere minutes.

After a very large breakfast, Lex decided to check in with Vera first. If divination could really help him find Barley, it was worth a shot. Although he was fairly certain that whoever had Barley, or wherever he had escaped to, he should have taken precautions against divination by now.

Just as Lex approached Vera, who was sitting with the same group as last time, he paused. He immediately realized that everyone around Vera was staring at him with greedy eyes, as if he were a valuable treasure that they wanted to scoop up.

"You have become quite famous in our circles, Lex," Vera said with a smile. "The help you provided Leslie was unbelievable, and now the entire divination community wants to get their hands on you. Of course, the only reason they haven't is because no one can divine whether or not that's a good idea."

"Is your entire community dependent on a simple prophecy? If so, I can give you one now. If anyone tries to mess with me, not only will they not get my help, they will severely regret it."

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Lex was smiling as he talked, but the weight of his words was not to be underestimated. He had not realized how a simple action could land him in trouble.

"Worry not, no one will harm you. If that were the case, I would never have publicly asked you to help out Leslie. I would have done it in secret. Since no one was able to divine anything about you, everyone came to a consensus. We'll make it official during the upcoming event, but basically, if someone wants your help they can offer you a price, but they cannot coerce you."

"You know, this is not my day job, right? I have my own things to do, not to mention helping Leslie was far from simple. My hands got burned quite badly if you recall."

"That's the whole point," Vera said giggling. "All that happened is that your hands got burned. Normally, anyone who tries to touch tribulation lightning that is trapped within someone else's soul ends up suffering from the same predicament."

Lex glared at Vera. She had not mentioned this to him before he tried, although admittedly he had not taken the request too seriously when he heard it either.

"Don't worry. It's up to you if you want to help anyone. No one will pester you if you don't want to help, although it's an easy way to make friends. Some of the people here are very well connected, it could be worth it."

Lex took in a deep breath, and tried to ignore how he was trying to be used.

"Well, if anyone wants my help, you can start by first finding Barley Holdinson for me. I wouldn't mind helping someone out after that."