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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 641
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Chapter 641

Since the moment Plulip got dismissed and sacked from the company, he had a deep hatred for both Haylan and

Reign. He dreamed of destroying Haylan’s life.

While he did his best to recover from that major setback, he began to brainstorm how he would kill Haylan.

When he saw Albert fuming, he knew that this was his chance He quickly drove his electric wheelchair over to give

Albert some advice.

“What plan is thic” Albert asked.

“Let’s get a hitman to kill him!” Philip said, enunciating each word distinctly. His eyes darkened as he gazed


“Who will we get to kill him?”

“Steve Sky!”

“Do you have any idea what you’re saying?” Albert now started to grimace.

Steve was the high and mighty Demigod. He was about to be knighted on the King’s Platform as the king of the

Longhard Kingdom, the god who would rule the three southern regions!

How could a man of high prestige handle such a task for them?

“Dad, you have been taking care of business affairs and spending too much time on Mr. Walton. You don’t know

what has been going on lately.”

Philip seemed calm and confident. “I, however, have been sitting idly for a long time. I know everything that has

happened in Lightdom City like the back of my hand.

“As far as I know, Haylan and Steve had a fight yesterday. Haylan is holding a grudge against him.

“Im sure Steve hates Haylan just as much. As long as we have a good plan in place, we might be able to push Steve

and Haylan to fight each other to the death!”

“Haylan and Steve are enemies? What’s going on?” Albert said with a frown.

“Dad, were you not aware of this? Last night, before Haylan joined you for dinner, he caused a scene and

confronted Steve at, the Silver Panzer Corps military base!” Philip said.

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After that, he continued to tell Albert everything that had happened yesterday.

It turned out that after Steve stepped down from his position at work, he held a grudge toward Haylan. Steve rallied

a lot of money and organized a team of detectives to gather information on Haylan.

It wasn’t long before he was informed about Haylan’s whereabouts yesterday afternoon. Haylan was found in the

military department.

The information was not very detailed and incomplete. There were only some blurry photos of the location, but it

was enough.

After hearing the whole story, Albert sat on the sofa with a glum expression.

“Dad, that bastard Haylan went up against Steve. I don’t know how he managed to get out alive, but this is our

chance to get him. A once–in–a–lifetime opportunity!”

Philip flicked the switch on his electric wheelchair and approached Albert. He said in a deep voice, “Dad, the time to

act is.


After learning about Haylan and Steve’s brawl, Philip was overjoyed. He immediately began to plan the best way to

use this opportunity and kill Haylan.

Yesterday, he spent the entire day and night thinking about using this valuable information to hurt Haylan.

He had thought of many devious schemes. All that he had to do now was to execute them.

More importantly, he did not want to execute the plans without Albert’s approval. Albert would criticize Philip for

making such a rash decision!

Albert made himself a pot of coffee and asked, “Philip, why did Haylan come out of the military department alive

when he fought Steve? Have you thought about this fact?” His expression turned cynical.

“Well, that’s because he was lucky. I heard that Dragon Team sent a big guy to handle Haylan. There is no way

Haylan would have taken on Steve and the Monoceros Army by himself. How did he manage to escape?” Philip said.

Steve the Demigod and the Monoceros Army are too powerful. Haylan wouldn’t have managed to escape an

ambush by

those men.

Philip believed that whether the big guy appeared or not, Steve and the Monoceros Army would still hold a grudge

against Haylan. If Philip added fuel to the fire, they would successfully make Steve and the Monoceros Army

ambush and annihilate

Chapter 641 Haylan

Doing it this way could be considered as simply taking revenge

“Is revenge all you are thinking about? Have you lost your mind

Albert glared at Philip and said. “The King–Conferring Ceremony will take place in about two weeks. What do you

mean you want to do this now? Are you willing to drag the entire Labenz family down with you?”

“Could you be more clear–minded? You want to kill all your enemies and Inirt yourself in the process. How did you

come up with such a self–destructive plan”

Albert was already angry. After listening to Philip’s idea, he got even more furious

How could his son be so lousy?

This explains why he always struggled to lead and deal with Reign!

He had such dull intellect!

Philip refused to give up on his idea and said, “Dad, listen to me. We only need to get someone to spread bad

rumors and badmouth Haylan….

After the cruel treatment he got from Haylan, he couldn’t think of anything else but killing Haylan.

“Shut up!”

Albert stood up and scowled at Philip. He scolded, “Philip, from today onwards, no, from this moment onwards, you

are not allowed to speak of this matter again!”


“Shut up!”

Albert was enraged. “I understand this plan you speak of. Yes, you plan to kill Haylan, but do you comprehend how


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and damaging your plan is?

“Right now, everyone is looking forward to watching Steve be crowned the king; the entire world will be watching. If

you stir up any trouble before the big day, you’ll disgrace the Labenz family name!

“Do you know how damaging the consequences will be?

“Can I trust you to make the right choice, or are you just a piece of shit with extreme hatred in your heart?

“How can I hand over Mapleturz Group our grand family business to you when you behave like this?”

“Dad, L… wait. Dad, what… what did you say?”

Philip was about to argue with Albert but quickly turned to him after hearing his last words. His eyes lit up; he was


Albert gave Philip a stern look, “You heard right. The Mapleturz Group will be yours in the future. Reign is only

managing it

for now.”

“Sooner or later, she’ll get married. Until then, you and your son must recuperate peacefully and bide your time!”

“But don’t get too excited; it’s too early for that. If you’re still acting like the idiot you are today, you will never get

to run Mapleturz Group.”

“Get back to your studies!”

He said this sternly, sounding disgusted and disappointed.

“Alright, alright, alright. I’ll go back and study immediately. Get my strength back and bide my time.”

After finding out what Albert’s true thoughts were, Philip was delighted. He drove his electric wheelchair away

quickly. He was beyond excited.

Albert shook his head and stared at Philip as he drove away. He sighed deeply and felt a deep sense of helplessness


frustration. He was worried.

Philip’s attitude and competence worried him. If one day, Reign got married and left Mapleturz Group in Philip’s

control, wouldn’t the Labenz family lose its honor?

Albert’s expression turned solemn as he thought this through. He then decided, “Philip is unreliable. It’s time to
