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The Invincible Warlord’s Vengeful Awakening by Adam Jonson

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49
Mure to
“Brat, you dare to attack me?” Harvey roared, but he also assumed a defensive posture.
After all, the aura coming from Xavier was not weaker than his; in fact, it was slightly higher.
Carelessness may lead to a significant loss! Furthermore, in a showdown between experts, a slight mistake could result in a life-
threatening situation.
At Harvey’s age, he cherished his life very much. As the old saying goes, the older one got, the more afraid of death one
Bang! Bang!
A punch sent Harvey staggering back as Xavier wildly gathered the power within his body.
“Old dog. I’ll send you to reunite with Mike!”
The violent power with the swinging arm swung out at lightning speed.
Hearing this, Harvey’s face turned fierce, “What did you say? Mike... is dead?”
“You killed Mike?“
“My son!”
His voice gradually rose with the three hurried consecutive questions.
“Ahhh... Bastard, I’m going to kill you and avenge Mike!” Harvey’s old facial muscles were contorted, spittle flying everywhere.
His hair stood on end, and be no longer looked like a clan leader.
Especially upon hearing that Mike had been killed, Harvey went mad. He directly slapped Xavier’s face with palms carrying gusts
of astral winds. This was the ultimate skill of the Anderson clan!
The fist and palm collided. Xavier and Harvey both retreated.

“The first heir of the Cavanaugh clan, are you courting death?!” Leonard could not contain his anger as he saw Xavier abo to
take lethal action against Harvey
Then, he pretended to want to interfere
Andrew took two steps forward, his gaze fixed on Leonard, and admonished, “Old dog, behave yourself, or I won’t mind wiping
you out as well.
“Andrew, who’s afraid of who
“I don’t care about life and death. If you’re not convinced, let’s fight!” Leonard shouted, fearless in the face of Andrew’s gaze.
Seeing this, Stella gave Andrew a look and said, “Senior, calm down. Since the four clans don’t submit, let’s fight!”
There was silence as soon as these words were spoken.
It was worth noting that at this moment, within the courtyard house, the four clans-Anderson, Lander, Berg, and Nash- had no
advantage whatsoever.
Especially after Xavier, a Warlord who was in no way inferior to them, appeared.
The evenly matched balance of power gradually shifted towards the Cavanaugh, Wright, Hemandez, and Reese clans.
However, expecting the four plans to submit obediently was simply impossible.
Chapter 49
This situation was akin to demanding a wealthy person to bow down to a beggar.
It just could not be done!
The battle between Xavier and Harvey became more and more intense.
The injuries on both of them gradually increased.d.

Xavier had to admit that as the head of the clan, Harvey’s combat power and foundation far exceeded those of the old Warriors
of the four clans he had previously defeated.

However, this did not mean he could not defeat his opponent!
In an instant, a surge of power erupted, and once again, he chose to launch an offensive, trading injuries for injuries.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The sound of muscles colliding echoed throughout the courtyard house.
The tide of the battle immediately turned!
“Old fart. I’ll exhaust you to death if I have to!” With a curse, Xavier charged toward Harvey without hesitation.
The opponent was almost evenly matched with him in terms of combat strength. However, Xavier was still young, and youth was
his advantage!
Indeed, under Xavier’s series of reckless attacks, Harvey kept retreating.
Puff! Puff! Puff!
Pal Pal Pal
After taking a punch to the left face, Harvey’s right cheek was slapped with a resounding slap
Immediately after, his chest, abdomen, and lumbar spine were injured one after another,
At the same time, Xavier himself took a few punches from Harvey.
With difficulty, he swallowed the blood that had entered his mouth. The Cavanaugh clan’s killing move, the Seven Kill Fist, was
This was the first time Xavier had used the Seven Kill Fists since the start of the war.
“To die under my clan’s Seven Kill Fist, Harvey, old dog, you are such a disgrace!”
His fists carried the power of Mount Everest and smashed toward Harvey with unparalleled dominance.

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Like a coconut being smashed by a giant hammer, Harvey’s head exploded with a bang. Blood splattered, and brain matter
scattered in all directions.
“I can’t accept this...
The roar he let out before he died was only halfway through his sentence before it completely disappeared.
The leader of the Anderson chan, Harvey, was dead!
Chapter 49
Cough! Cough! Cough!
Kneeling on one knee, Xavier continued to cough up blood from the corner of his mouth.
After a night of fighting and exhausting all the strength in his body, the injuries in his body could no longer be suppressed
His body was on the verge of collapse, but he persevered and did not fall!
Inside the courtyard house, with the demise of Harvey, there was a deathly silence.
One minule.
Two minutes.
Three minutes.
After seven to eight minutes, Xavier slowly stood up with a burning gaze.
Leonard, you old dog, are you convinced?” He shouted coldly at Leonard,
His voice resonated throughout the sky above the courtyard like a thunderclap
Hearing this, Leonard’s eyes revealed an intolerable anger. He really wanted to say, “I’m not convinced!”
However, when the words reached his lips, he could not bring himself to say them.

Indeed, because the situation was too suppressing for him.

Tonight, after the arrival of the Reese clan, the scale of victory had already deviated from the Anderson, Lander, Berg, and
Nash clans
After a few minutes, he sighed deeply. “Berg clan, submit!”
After receiving the answer, Xavier turned his gaze to Nathaniel.
“Nash clan, do you submit or not?”
Upon hearing this, Nathaniel’s face showed flashes of resentment
After a pause, he reluctantly said, “Nash clan, surrender!
Finally, Xavier looked at Benjamin.
Among the four clans, the Lander clan was the most powerful. Just Benjamin alone was known as the strongest person in the
previous generation
Seeing Xavier’s contemptuous gaze, Benjamin’s voice was as cold as ice. “The Lander clan is not convinced, but we will hand
over half of the Lander clan’s resources.”
After saying this, he turned and walked away.
When he brushed past Xavier, he stoppell
“The humiliation that the four clans suffered today will definitely be returned in the future!”
“Let’s go!”
Leonard and Nathaniel looked at each other and left the courtyard.

Chapter 49
Not a single person bothered to take away the headless corpse of Harvey.
At this point, the battle of the Eight Clans in Starhaven concluded with the victory of the Cavanaugh, Wright, Hernandez, and
Reese clans.
Xavier could no longer hold on. His eyes rolled back, and he fainted on the ground.
“Quickly save him!”
There was no time to celebrate. Robert carried Xavier on his back and rushed into a room in the courtyard house.
Immediately after, he ordered the Cavanaugh clan’s private doctor to treat his injuries.
The prepared medical personnel promptly began the treatment..
“That kid, he won’t have any serious issues, will he
Ronald’s face darkened as he asked worriedly.
“The kid is just depleted of strength and blood. It’s nothing serious. Good people don’t live long, but evil people live for a
thousand years.”
“Even if he wants to die, Hell won’t accept him” Andrew grinned.
They had all watched Xavier grow up.
So, they were all aware that Xavier did all sorts of mischievous things when he was young.
Like peeking at the widow next door while a lady was bathing
After school, he went to dig out the bird’s nest.
Throw firecrackers when others pee
e was missed!

Not a single one was
The great battle ended, and the death Warriors of the four clans started cleaning up the battlefield.
Meanwhile, everyone gathered around the stone table in the courtyard to discuss how to divide the resources of the four clans
that had submitted.