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The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 474 Summer Picnic
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Chapter 474 Summer Picnic

The children were understandably happy when they heard that they were all moving back to the palace. Sophie was surprised to know that they didn't make any comments or ask for any explanation about her change of heart.

She was already worried about letting them know about the dangers lurking around them and the fact that their teacher, Catherine, was not the person they thought she was. Sophie didn't want them to feel worried. So, their easily accepting to move back to live with Nicholas gave her relief.

"Don't you like our home for the past five months?" she asked them curiously when the boys were packing their favorite toys from the tavern in their room. Sophie was genuinely wondering if the tavern was lacking anything and she wanted to make things right with the children. "Is there anything you wanted that you couldn't find there?"

Luciel shrugged. He exchanged glances with Jan and then he said, "No, Mom. All was great. I don't mind living anywhere as long as it's with you. If you asked us to live in the palace, we'll go with you. If you want us to go to Hastings, or anywhere, even Hauntingen, we'll be happy too."

Jan seemed to understand their mother's worry and he added, "There is nothing lacking wherever we stay. We have nice homes. That's why when you ask us to move, we'll do it in a heartbeat. No questions asked."

"Oh…" Sophie looked at her sons with teary eyes. She felt very blessed to have them in her life. Though she had experienced suffering after suffering, she thought everything she went through was worth it because she had them.

Sophie pulled both boys into a hug and cried silently.


The move was done very efficiently. Sophie and her children stayed in her old apartment in the royal palace, while her new place was being prepared. After consulting Queen Marianne who managed to convince her to take residence on the second floor of the queen's palace, finally, it was decided that the builders and designer would turn the whole second floor into Sophie's dream home.

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"I barely use the second floor because I am too old to climb stairs," said the old queen during tea where she convinced Sophie to accept her offer. "Better if you use it and have it remodeled according to your liking. It's been abandoned for a long time, and judging from how my son is doing now, I don't think I'll see any woman would take up residence there soon."

"Why?" Sophie asked innocently. Her mind was filled with thoughts about her children and her tavern that she didn't think in that direction.

"Well..." Queen Marianne looked at Sophie with furrowed brows, surprised at the younger woman's naivety... or was it intentional? Did Sophie pretend not to understand the king's feelings for her?

The queen took a deep breath and then continued her words. "Nicholas is a workaholic. He has always been like that. He hates socializing with the opposite gender because... I am sure this is my fault, because he doesn't want to be associated with a woman."

The queen was embarrassed when she remembered how she pushed Nicholas into accepting the engagement with Karenina Verhoeven. She pretended to be gravely ill back then and, gosh... she must have caused her only son so many problems and headaches.

"Anyway..." the queen waved her hand awkwardly, trying to get rid of the unpleasant memory. "I believe he is still in love with you and it will need a long time and effort to get over you and find new love. I know my son. It might not happen in the near future."

Queen Marianne now didn't bother to speak in riddles. Both Sophie and Nicholas were adults and she should treat them as such. She wished Sophie would open her heart to Nicholas and give him a second chance but she also understood if Sophie needed time. She was recently heartbroken and didn't trust men. The fact that Nicholas had gravely disappointed her in the past didn't help Nicholas' case.

So, what everyone could do was wait. It's a game of waiting. Would Sophie recover first and accept Nicholas' love... or would Nicholas meet a new woman and finally get over Sophie?

Only time would tell.

Sophie lowered her face and squeezed her hands when she heard the queen's words.

"I understand," she said.

"Good." The queen smiled. "Then you should accept the queen's residence and make it your own. Regardless of whatever relationship you have with my son now, the fact is you are the mother of the future king."

She added, "Twenty years from now on, Luciel or Jan will become the king. Nicholas will gladly step down from the throne and hand over power to either boy and he will live a quiet life in the countryside or he would travel. That's what he likes. He is just like his father. As the mother of the future king, you are entitled to a good life in the palace. So, don't even think that you don't deserve it."

The queen sipped her wine gracefully and continued her words. "If not for all those reasons above, at least be kind to this old woman and give me something to be happy about. Having my grandchildren near me all the time will make me smile every day."

Sophie knew she couldn't refute the queen's words. She finally nodded. "I am grateful for Your Grace's kindness. I will accept your offer."

With that, immediately the second floor of the queen's palace was renovated according to Sophie's preference. She liked an open-plan layout for her residence so she could spend a lot of time with her energetic children, especially when they were in their wolf forms.

The boys now had their own bedrooms. Jack and Anne shared a bedroom for the two of them next to Sophie's room where she was staying with her youngest, whom she now called Leia.

In addition to the bedrooms, and lounge, Sophie also had a room for herself to be used as her study. That's where she did her work with her tavern business and other stuff. She appreciated Nicholas' gesture to open his home for her and give her whatever he thought she needed. However, she was adamant about being financially independent, just in case.

Perhaps, Nicholas would meet a new woman before Sophie's heart recovered and he would fall in love. That would change the dynamic in their relationship. Sophie promised herself that as soon as Nicholas found a new love, she would step back and leave to avoid awkwardness between her and the new woman.

Nicholas was kind to her and had always been so supportive. The next time it was her turn to support him to find his happiness, Sophie would do it in a heartbeat.

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"I love summer," Sophie commented when she opened her wide hat and placed it on their picnic mat. They finally attended the summer festival together, as a big family, and it was as nice as everyone expected it to be.

Nicholas looked comfortable in his commoner's outfit, and the same went with Sophie. Nicholas wore a simple grey shirt and black pants with a hat on his head. There was a sword hanging from his belt for self-defense, just in case, even though the king's guards were all over them under disguise.

Nicholas carried Leia because Sophie was tired and so he offered to take over. When Leia fell asleep in his arms, they didn't have the heart to move her, worried that she would wake up. So, Nicholas had been sitting on the picnic mat without moving for almost one hour now.

Luciel and Jan were playing catch with Jack in the grassy field not far from where their parents were sitting and watching the festivities around them. Queen Marianne surprised herself because she didn't feel uncomfortable wearing a simple dress and being surrounded by peasants. It was good.

The big park in the middle of the capital was used this time to hold the summer festival. Many people came to have a nice picnic. Some merchants came with beautiful goods, food, and accessories. The royal palace also provided many free souvenirs and food for the people as a gift from the king which the people welcomed happily.

Sophie was playing with Anne beside Nicholas. She was happy to see Anne was getting healthier. The small and sickly pup had gained some weight and no longer looked so frail.

There were many families around them also having picnics, but the royal family was kept within a safe distance from everyone by placing some scary-looking undercover knights that deterred people from getting closer to Nicholas and Sophie. However, the couple's good looks couldn't be hidden, and even from afar, they attracted people's attention.

"Is she still sleeping?" Sophie asked Nicholas in a whisper when Anne yawned broadly and then nuzzled her snout on her thigh and got ready to take a nap. Leia was still sleeping with her mouth open, looking so adorable.

"Yes," Nicholas whispered back. "Let her be."

"I am sorry," said Sophie apologetically. "Your arms must be numb by now."

Nicholas laughed without a sound, for fear he would wake the baby. Then he shook his head. "You're underestimating me, Sophie. I am not that weak. This baby is as light as a feather."

Sophie smiled when she heard him. "Well.. if you are tired, just give her to me. I will carry her."

"It's okay," Nicholas replied. "I like carrying her."