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The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1169 - I Might Not Have Earned a Lot, But You Definitely Lost a Ton
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Chapter 1169 I Might Not Have Earned a Lot, But You Definitely Lost a Ton

Without the Lord’s Avatar, Manison could no longer keep the secondary dimensional army box open, leaving the rest of the mechanical army with no reinforcements.

Even though Manison could still provide the Mechanical Force bonuses through Quantum Infinite Distance Transmission Channel if he wanted to, it would be meaningless. Almost all of his troops had been seized by Han Xiao. There was no way he could turn the situation around.

Han Xiao asked Phillip to do a count. Other than the millions of normal mechanical soldiers, he also seized two Felons and a ton of Indestructible Mechanic Empire troops.

Old Manison had started to minimize his losses as soon as he realized the situation had turned bad. The Apostle Weapons had run the quickest and all managed to escape, and he had just managed to snatch the Esper Felon back in the end. As for the other two Felons, one was captured by Han Xiao’s Mechanical Deity, and he could not bring the other one away because of Ames.

“Nice, nice!”

Han Xiao was filled with joy.

He could reverse engineer the blueprints out of all these mechanical soldiers, especially the two Felons. He could totally derive the technology used. While he had made a huge fortune, old Manison had suffered tremendously. He had come to find the Soul Swapper. Not only did he not get it, but he even lost a ton of assets.

Han Xiao could vividly imagine Manison’s furious expression right now, and damn did it feel good.

He had finally robbed Manison big time!

However, that left him with some trouble too. The two Felons had regained their self-consciousness, so he had to deal with it. Han Xiao released the Mechanic Felon inside the Mechanical Deity and let him rendezvous with the other Pugilist Felon. He then surrounded the two of them with his mechanical troops.

Seeing this, the two Felons instantly got into a defense stance, but none of them made a move. Although they could not remember many things, after experiencing the battle earlier, they knew that Han Xiao had saved them. However, they could not trust Han Xiao yet and were worried they might have walked out of a tiger’s den and into a wolf’s nest.

Han Xiao deactivated the Mechanical Deity, passed through the encirclement, and approached the two of them. He narrowed his eyes and asked, “How much do you guys remember?”

The two Felons exchanged looks and shook their heads.

“I see, so nothing other than the battle earlier. What about your names?”

The two of them shook their heads again.

“No names... only code names...”

“What code names did the Mechanic Emperor give you guys then?”

The Mechanic Felon pointed at himself and then at the other Felon.

“I’m Two. He’s Four.”



Hearing these two names, Han Xiao did not know what expression he should give.

Why is Manison so ‘whatever’ in choosing code names? It doesn’t suit their identity as trump cards at all!

Could it be that this b*stard’s level of naming things is on par with me?

Looks like even the weaknesses of great people are similar.

Han Xiao rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and said, “Alright, you guys should follow me for now. I’ll find your identities for you. You were both the Mechanic Emperor’s enemies, so it shouldn’t be that hard.”

The Mechanic Felon Two said quietly, “You are not going to control us like he did, are you?”

“I’m not planning to at the moment, but that might change in the future.” Han Xiao shrugged. “But you don’t have a choice now, do you?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Looking at the countless mechanical troops around them, the two of them nodded.

Comparatively, they would not have an even worse time in the hands of this handsome and extraordinary man.

If this man wanted to replicate what the Mechanic Emperor was doing, he would not have said so much to them and would have captured them long ago. “Who... are you?” Four asked.

“Listen carefully then. The man who stands before you is the army commander of the Black Star Army, protector of the Aquamarine Federation, peak of individual greatness of the Shattered Star Ring, leader of the second strongest organization in the Flickering World, pillar of the Crimson Dynasty, Special Consultant of the three Universal Civilizations, vice president of the Beyond Grade A Association, hero of the universe who defused the Intelligent Plague, owner of the Galaxy Medal...”

“Your name is too long. I can’t memorize it all.” Four shook his head.

“...Ahem, these are all my titles. You can simply call me Black Star.” Han Xiao knew that the two of them did not know who he was, so the more titles he mentioned, the more intimidating he would look.

The two of them exchanged looks and nodded.

They did not have anywhere else to go for the time being anyway, so they did not mind following Han Xiao. Among their few remaining emotions, their hostility toward the Mechanic Emperor was the strongest. They might only have the chance to take revenge if they followed this person before them, or once they were alone, they would be captured by the Mechanic Emperor again.

Han Xiao chatted with them for a while and told the mechanical troops to take them back to the spaceship. He had yet to decide on what to do with the Felons who had regained their self-consciousness, so he decided to keep them under his control and think about it later when the matters at hand had been dealt with.

He looked at the other side and saw that the Indestructible Mechanical Empire troops were gathered at the side and staring at him. Inside the quantum network vision, these artificial intelligences who had recovered were also looking at him, clearly ready to run away if they noticed anything was wrong. After experiencing the disaster of the Mechanic Emperor, these artificial intelligences had figured out how the food chain worked. Every Mechanic was a predator in their eyes; there was no such thing as trust.

Han Xiao thought about it. With his position, it would not be good for him to talk to these artificial intelligences. It would be like a butcher telling a bunch of pigs that they were pretty. It would definitely cause misunderstandings.

Therefore, after some pondering, he summoned Risda in the virtual domain.

“I’ll leave your people to you. Just don’t let them run wild.”


Risda was overjoyed.

How many years has it been? The day my people are freed has finally come!

Although the process was tremendously different from his imagination of charging into the Mechanic Emperor’s nest, the results were positive.

Even though only some of his people were saved, at least he could see hope!

Choosing Black Star back then was indeed the right investment!

Seeing that Risda had gone to communicate with his people, Han Xiao only then looked away and shook his head. He was not optimistic.

Unlike the Felon technology, recovering back to normal did not mean complete freedom for these Indestructible Mechanical Troops. This was because the shells of these artificial intelligences were still linked with the device that transported their recombination materials. Through the energy transmission channel, Manison could still locate them. Unless the terminal was dealt with, these artificial intelligence lives were prisoners locked inside their shells. Once their shells were broken, Manison could retrieve them any time he wanted.

This was a security measure of the Indestructible Mechanical Troops technology. Han Xiao had yet to master this technology, so he did not know how to break the link.

Therefore, the one and only effective solution at the moment was to keep these Indestructible Mechanical Troops at home. There was no chance he could take them out to battle; Old Manison would never help him to rebuild these mechanical troops with his own resources in his lifetime.

Winning the fight was one thing. Old Manison was still a master who had studied machinery for countless years, so his signature technology would not be dealt with this easily.

Han Xiao was not hoping to fight with the Indestructible Mechanical Troops anyway. Firstly, the players under his command were much more terrifying. Secondly, he was not in dire need of the Indestructible Mechanical Troops technology, as the powerful factor of the Indestructible Mechanical Troops was its almost perfect self-sufficiency, which he could already achieve on his own.

Rather than modifying artificial intelligence lives into Indestructible Mechanical Troops, he would rather restore them and use them to derive the fragmented blueprint of the Domino Virus... That thing’s destructive power was many times stronger than the Indestructible Mechanical Troops.

Regardless of whether he could not use them for the time being, making the Mechanic Emperor unable to use them too was the main goal. Of course, these Indestructible Mechanical Troops were not completely useless to him. They were all important intelligence sources. He could ask about the state of the Mechanic Emperor’s various bases.

While he was pondering, Hila’s voice suddenly sounded in the communication channel. “Black Star, come here quickly. We’ve found the target.”

“You’ve found the Soul Swapper? Great job!”

Han Xiao’s eyes gleamed.

He did not forget that the Soul Swapper was the true goal of this trip. Now that he had locked down Planet Earth Ring, he was not going to stop until he found it. With an expert in the soul area such as Hila and the aid of a few kings of luck searching every inch of the planet, there was nowhere the Soul Swap Twins could run. No matter how mysterious and magical the Soul Swapper was, they would get discovered sooner or later.

As soon as Han Xiao returned to the spaceship, he saw the two people who were tied up in the middle of the room. They were both female and had looks of despair on their faces.

“These are the Soul Swap Twins?” Han Xiao looked at Hila and Feidin. “You sure you got it right?”

“Definitely.” Hila took out a dark crystal mirror and passed to Han Xiao. “They’ve confessed to everything. This is the Soul Swapper.”

Han Xiao took over the Soul Swapper and looked at the item details on the interface.

Soul Swapper: Space Wonder type item. Unknown origin. Unknown material. Able to swap souls around as the user wishes, ignoring any rejection symptoms and achieving a perfect fit. However, only special individuals are able to use the Soul Swapper. Requirements: Unknown.

Another Space Wonder, and something I never saw in my previous life... Han Xiao was content. “How did you guys catch them?”

The people all looked at Harrison as soon as he said that.

“Don’t look at me. I just casually pointed...” Harrison waved with embarrassment.

“... Okay, got it.” Han Xiao’s lips twitched.

There seemed to be a difference between luck auras too. For example, Harrison’s was incredibly effective in finding treasures.

No wonder the Soul Swap Twins looked like they had lost all hope. They had changed shells countless times and planned countless steps ahead, but in the end, they had lost to luck. Anyone would go mad. Han Xiao turned to the Soul Swap Twins and asked, “How do you use this?”

“We’re the only two people in the entire universe who can use the Soul Swapper, and we’re willing to work for you!” Jill quickly said. “You’ve actually always been my idol! It would be our honor to work for the army!”

At this time, ambitions, hope, and whatnot had all vanished.

Jill only had one thought left-use the fact that they were the only ones who could use the Soul Swapper as leverage to join Black Star’s forces so that they could live!

Seeing this, Han Xiao tutted in his mind. Their praise is so rigid. Clearly, they’re not very skilled.

“You said that you’re the only two who can use the Soul Swapper in the entire universe?”

“It’s true. I’m not lying to you. The Modo Civilization has tested trillions of people. Only two of us are able to use it. We’re born for the Soul Swapper!”

“You never know till you try. Tell me, how do you use it usually?”.

The two of them had no choice but to explain how to use the Soul Swapper.

Han Xiao followed it and got no response, only a notification on the interface.

Detecting... complete. You are not qualified to use the Soul Swapper.

“Looks like I really can’t use it.”

Han Xiao studied it for a while but got nothing. The interface did not show what requirements he had to meet to be qualified.

He then passed the Soul Swapper to Hila and said, “You guys, don’t just stand there. Come and give it a try.”

Hila casually tested it and got no response as well. The rest followed one after another.

Looking at this, Jill and Warren still faked their enthusiastic expressions, but a tint of mockery flashed through their eyes.

No matter how many times you guys try it, we’re the only masters of the Soul Swapper! After a while, seeing that they still kept trying, Jill could not help but stress, “Like I said, we are the only qualifiers, no one but us can use the Soul Sw... what?”

Before he finished, his eyes widened, and he froze in place.

Black ripples appeared on the mirror of the Soul Swapper, devoured Feidin’s palm whole, and kept sucking it in. “Hmm?” Feidin only noticed it after a while and said with surprise, “Did I succeed?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“That’s it?” Han Xiao raised his brows. “Looks like the requirements aren’t that tough.” “Yo-Yo-You-You...”

Jill and Warren were stuttering, their eyes wide open. They could not believe that a qualifier out of trillions of people had just appeared right in front of them!

The two of them had thought that they were the unique chosen ones, but this completely shattered their sense of superiority!

Not only did the Soul Swapper that the two of them saw as a holy relic find a new love right in front of them, but it even looked extremely thirsty like it wanted to suck Feidin in completely!

At this instant, the two of them went completely blank as if their wife who had promised everything to them suddenly rushed into the arms of someone else.

Han Xiao shook his head. “Tested trillions of people and only the two of you qualified. This only proves one thing... just how short of talent the Modo Civilization is.”

Jill instantly realized that things had gone south. If they had no value, even staying alive would be a luxury.

Having thought of that, Jill yelled, “We’re still useful! We can pass on the experience of using the Soul Swapper for so many years. We can even tell you what missions the Modo Civilization has sent us to do over the years. We can...”


Before he finished, his yelling stopped abruptly. His head spun 360 degrees around. His neck was twisted into a knot, and the shattered neck bones penetrated his neck skin.

Ames walked into the cabin and flipped her fingers. Her force field twisted Warren’s neck too before terror could even fully appear on his face.

She looked around. her eyes stopped on Han Xiao, and she said, “The lives of these two are mine.”

“Spoiled woman...” Han Xiao murmured. “If they’re alive, they might spit out quite a lot of intelligence.”

Ames was never sensible when Aesop’s safety was threatened. She did not even want the Soul Swap Twins to breathe for an extra second.

Hila narrowed her eyes, raised her hand, and made a grabbing gesture. Two gray clusters of fog rose from above the Soul Swap Twins’ heads and entered the Underworld mark on the back of her palm.

“I’ve taken their soul. When I get something from the interrogation, I’ll report to you.”

“Nice.” Han Xiao gave her a thumbs up.

“What about this thing?” Feidin pulled his arm out of the mirror of the Soul Swapper.

“Since you can use it, bring it with you. I’ll study it later.”

Han Xiao did not mind. He trusted Feidin completely, so letting Feidin carry the Soul Swapper was not a problem. He was in a great mood, so he did not mind these small things.

Han Xiao was overjoyed. “Not only did I snatch away a Universal Treasure, but I even got more surprises from old Manison...”

On the other hand, Manison’s situation was at the end of the other extreme-the subsidiary organizations he had left in the Shattered Star Ring were almost all exposed, he did not get the Soul Swapper, and he even lost a load of trump cards. “Assh*le!”

Manison was furious as he slammed and shattered the table in front of him.

He considered himself a casual and well-mannered person who usually never cussed... unless he could not control it.

The reason he had always been calm and casual was that in the past, no matter how much of his mechanical army he lost, it did not matter because he had all the mechanical troops in the world and that loss was negligible in comparison.

Today, however, he was really hurt. action

He never got angry because he was not hurt enough, and now that he was, he was enraged. Thinking of the fact that two Felons had fallen into the hands of the enemy, Manison’s heart was bleeding more than when he lost the Virtual Mutiny Virus core back then.

This was his trump card of trump cards. He had planned to use it to teach Black Star an unforgettable lesson, but never did he expect Black Star to snatch them away!

Even now, Manison still had yet to figure out how Han Xiao did it.

Furthermore, after wasting so many resources, he did not even catch a glimpse of the Soul Swapper. He was close to exploding with rage.

His emotions rarely fluctuated at all. However, after meeting Black Star in the past decade or so, that streak had been completely shattered.

“Black Star! Argh!”

Manison’s furious screams echoed in the room.