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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 230
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Chapter 0230

Terry had his arms around my sister. His lips were against her lips. Her hands were on his shoulders.

Holding him close? Pushing him away?

I didn’t know, but I couldn’t chance it. If he had been willing to drug and assault me, then who knew

what atrocities could be happening here?

My mind went black. My vision burned at the edges. I barreled forward, grabbed Terry around his waist

and ripped him away from sister.

Jane gasped.

Terry, surprised and off–guard, stumbled. I let him go and he dropped to the ground.

Then I grabbed Jane’s wrist and dragged her toward the tunnel. “Now’s our chance! We have to go!” I

shouted to her.

But then she started laughing and my whole world stopped.

“Piper, you’ve always been the most gullible idiot,” Jane said. Her lips were twisted in a cruel smile. Her

eyes gleamed with vicious humor. Venom dripped from her words. “Did you really think I needed a

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rescue? From Terry?”

She laughed again, hard and loud. Terry chuckled as he rose from the ground behind us.

“Terry is my lover, Piper,” Jane said.

“No. That can’t be true.” I shook my head again and again. “You’re just drugged or, or –

“Or what? Is it so hard to believe I would be here of my own free will?”

It was.

I had always suspected she might enjoy being tangled in the web, but deep down I’d hoped she would

return to me and tell me this was all just a tragic mistake. I watched now as that dream crumbled before

my eyes.

I was afraid to ask more questions. I knew the knife in my heart would only dig deeper.

But if I was going to know some of her treachery, then should know all.

“Why do you have my wolf?”

She shrugged like it was no big deal. Like she hadn’t stolen such a big part of my life away.

“I wanted it,” she said. Simple as that.

No great plan. No big deal. She wanted it, so she got it. Even if that meant she had to rip that power


of her sister. Me.

Jane wasn’t the victim here. Or, if she was, she was totally brainwashed, maybe beyond the point of

being saved.

I had just one more question. “Why would get involved with the underground organization again? After

everything they did? After everything I went through to get you out of it

Jane’s laugh turned bitter. “Oh, great hero. Give me a break. You think you did so much to save me?

You served your purpose, Piper. You gave up your power, and got that brat out of my hair.”

Brat? Surely she couldn’t mean Elva!

“And why would I go back?” Jane clucked her tongue. “Dear, sweet sister. I never left.”

Suddenly, that was it. My whole perception of her shifted. The person I wanted her to be and the


she was were irrevocably different. And there was no going back.

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When we were kids, we had been attached at the hip. We did everything together. We knew each other

so well, we could finish each other’s sentences.

Now when I looked at her, I saw a stranger.

The shadows seemed to move around me. I didn’t notice, I’d been so locked on

my sister. But now as I

glanced around, I saw that more members of the underground had entered the room. A half–dozen at

least, for what I could tell.

Terry walked around me, returning to Jane’s side.

Nicholas and Julian must have still been in the tunnel, watching and waiting for an opening. I would

never believe they would abandon me here.

But to reveal themselves too soon would eliminate all opportunities for surprise. In training, Nicholas.

had taught me how vital that was.

“I wasn’t expecting you tonight, Piper,” Terry said. “But I will never turn down a gift when it arrives so

prettily on my doorstep. Or in my dungeon, as this case seems to be.”