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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 627
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Chapter 0627 "Veronica's right," I chimed in. "We'll still be able to see each other." I hoped with all of my heart that would be true. Veronica could visit Tiffany and vice versa. Julian, as prince, would be able to visit whoever he wanted whenever he wanted.

But me? If I returned to my life as a commoner, I doubted I would be let back into the world of nobility. And it seemed unlikely that they would want to visit me. Even someone as kind as Tiffany likely would draw the line at sleeping on the couch in my apartment.

Actually, Scratch that. I would be the one sleeping on the couch if I went back, as Anna had to find another roommate to make rent.

I tried to picture Tiffany on an air mattress on the floor.

Yeah. That didn't seem likely.

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"I hope so,* Tiffany said, and smiled at us both. I wouldn't ruin the mood by bringing up my worries, so I just smiled back.

"You know," I said. "I could be the one going home." I had slighted Julian's advances. He might not selectafter all. As for Nicholas? He might not even be allowed to pick me, depending on what the King decided. Speaking of the King's decision, I still needed to approach him. I was fairly certain now, that I was not going to give Bridget my blessing.

I was going to try my best to win this competition after all.

But wanting and actually succeeding were two different things.

Tiffany started laughing. "Sure, Piper." Even Veronica shook her head at me. Yet before I could hear Veronica's cutting remarks on the subject, Julian ended his phone conversation and returned to us.

"Piper," he said. "Why don't you invite Nicholas to go on this trip with us? He'd no doubt be jealous to be left out." That was very... nice of Julian. Too nice, maybe. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, but he gavehis best innocent look. I knew better than to believe it.

But... I didn't exactly want to question him too hard. Whatever the reason he had for wanting to invite Nicholas still ended with Nicholas being invited. I was always happy to spend more twith him, and would have loved to have his company beside me.

"Elva should stay here, however," Julian added.

I had only stopped narrowing my eyes at him but now I began again.

Julian cleared his throat. "The subject matter might not be overly appropriate for a child. A dead couple. A missing pair of children. A town full of people who probably won't want to talk to us. She'd be much better at home." That was true... But again, that should have been a call that I had made myself. For him to suggest it... Something was definitely up.

When Julian didn't offer any more explanation himself, I said okay and the meeting broke.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

From the meeting, I went straight to search out Nicholas. I found him near with the the entrance, speakin guards. I stood politely to the side, waiting for their conversation to end. When Nicholas noticed me, he finished up and cover to me.

"What is it?" he asked, unusually curt.

I blinked twice in surprise.

He caught himself and sighed. "Sorry, Piper. Things have been tense. I didn't mean to take it out on you.'

"I understand." That attack from earlier was likely still on his mind.

om Maybe now wasn't the best tto bring this up, after all. Though...

maybe there wouldn't be a better time. "Was there something I could help you with?" he asked.

When I told him about tomorrow's trip, his tension maxed axed gut and he looked like he might set fire with his eyes. *Julian wants to what?"