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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

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Chapter 0301

I was speechless. I didn’t want to believe Veronica could have been involved in such a

dark thing as the underground organization but the evidence was clear on her ribs. She

lowered her sweater, hiding the tattoo again, but it was seared into my mind now. It was

exactly the same in size and placement as Terry’s.

“You’re the one who told Julian about the tattoos,” I said.

Veronica nodded. “True, committed members of the underground, were gifted the tattoo.

They were prized, a rite of passage. I knew that if Terry was in the organization, as Julian

had thought, then he would take pride in his tattoo, no matter how dangerous it would be

for someone like him to have one.”

Julian came around to the front of the couch and sat in a stand-alone chair from which he

could see us and the door. I appreciated his watchfulness. No one would be able to sneak

in or even cr ack the door enough to listen without his keen observational skills picking up

on it.

“You didn’t know he was in the organization?” I asked.

“Rarely do the members directly interact with each other. Especially those of our level. We

have intermediaries that connect us to the will of Hawk or the other leaders.”

I still struggled to understand how someone like Veronica, so young and beautiful and

noble, could fall in with such a terrible organization that only wanted to do harm.

“I’d showed some magical prowess from a very young age. Since I was a toddler, really,”

she said. “My parents were more proud of my abilities, than cautious that someone might

want to use them against me.”

She closed her eyes and went very tense for a moment. “My pack is well-renowned, and

my parents are very social. Our house had a constant flow of people in and out. It didn’t

take long for the underground to plant a few individuals into my parents’ circle.”

“They would do that? Attempt to get close to you, despite you being a child?” I asked. My

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thoughts were with Elva, and how the underground might attempt to sneak into her life.

“They prefer recruiting children,” Veronica said in her usual flat tone. “Children are

malleable. They can’t yet create their own opinions, their own thoughts. They can be

molded into the perfect little followers.”

“Groomed,” Julian said.

Veronica agreed. “Groomed.”

“How terrible,” I said. A bit of fear clutched around my heart.

“Yes,” Veronica said. “The organization made me feel like I was special in a way my



She sighed. “To my parents, I was a centerpiece, a talking point. ‘Oh, look how our

daughter can make sparks with her hands.’ The underground treated me like a person.

Like I belonged, not to be looked at but to be a part of something bigger.”

She shook her head. “For years, they helped me cultivate my magic while also convincing

me that I needed to keep it a secret from everyone. I didn’t understand at first, because

the said my magic would be used to help people. Shouldn’t everyone want that help?”

Julian snorted in distaste. “They lied to you.”

“They said most people didn’t want my help. That while our mission was noble, it was

something that needed to be done secretly. We had to help people, whether they agreed

or not, and the best way to do that is with them none the wiser.”

She shrunk in on herself, curling her shoulders downward. “I knew they were training me

to steal wolves from people, but I had no idea it was used to hurt those people. The

organization told me the wolves were rabid and harmful. To remove the wolf was to save

the shifter.”

My stomach twisted at the memory of being restrained. The pain so hot and intense. The

misery of having a part of myself ripped away without my consent.

“That changed the minute I saw the actual wolf transfer in action,” Veronica said. “In that

moment… When I saw…” Her voice became very quiet. “I knew it was wrong.

I knew what she had seen. I had lived through it myself. The pain was bad, but the

heartbreak was worse. The loss of the wolf was something to grieve, but there was never

any closure. The wolf still existed but always just out of reach.

Veronica’s voice grew stronger again. “I told my parents the truth after that. It was only

through their powerful connections, and many threats from my father and pack leaders,

that I was allowed to leave the group. But it is a disgraceful pack secret. One I was honor

bound never

to reveal.”

“Until now,” I said.

“When I realized the truth about Terry, I couldn’t keep quiet. And that he was after you,

Piper … And you’ve always been so kind to me. To everyone. I had to help Julian protect

you where I could, so I came forward and told him the truth.” Veronica frowned. “I’m sorry

I didn’t reveal

the truth sooner.

Gently, I shook my head. “You told us now. That’s what counts. I am no less grateful, I

assure you.”

“You remain too kind,” Veronica said, but I disagreed.

Veronica was the one who had lost her childhood to this retched organization. She



Maybe, someday soon she might have it.

“Julian told me that you are curious if your wolf can be returned,” Veronica said.

I immediately straightened. “Yes, please. Tell me everything you know.”

“I believe it is possible,” Veronica said. “If we can find the person who has your wolf…”

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“I know who has my wolf,” I said.

Veronica nodded. “The wolf is not diminished in the transfer, though the host may be. The

only risk in returning the wolf might be your own safety.”

Julian immediately leaned forward. “You didn’t mention that,”

Veronica had no reaction to his sudden worry. “I need to do some research, to see if there

is a way to retrain your body to become the perfect host for your wolf once more.”

“I don’t care what the risk is,” I said,

“Piper,” Julian scolded, disapproving. “I’m sure Elva will. And Nicholas. And maybe even


“I will research,” Veronica said again. “I’ll get you the answers.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Veronica.”

“It’s penance for all the bad things I’ve contributed to,” Veronica said, and it sounded

definitive. She rose to her feet. “If that is all, I would like to stretch my legs and clear my


“Of course,” Julian said,

Veronica nodded and left us.

Julian and I glanced at each other.

“She didn’t tell me you would be at risk,” he said.

“Why does that change anything?” I asked.

“It just does.” He wouldn’t give me any further explanation, 2

When I finally went to the dining room, Nicholas was already there. He looked up when I

entered the room. He kept glancing at me all through dinner.

Curiosity was in his eyes, presumably about my good mood and lifted spirits, But also

there, burned a fire of lust, that dropped down to my bodice on occasion. My cheeks

burned each time.

Still, I was hungry and ate my full meal. Afterwards, I discreetly excused myself. Nicholas


punicu me into an alcove and kissed my breath away.