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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 206
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Chapter 56: Kylee

“Hey, Carrie, do you mind if I take my break? Ma’s calling,” I said as I clicked the vibrating

phone in my pocket. I didn’t have to look at it. Ma was the only one who called me these

days. “All my tables are good.”

“Sure, go right ahead,” she replied with a smile.

I headed through the kitchen and out the back door. I dialed Ma again.

“Hey, Ma, what’s up?”

“I was just wondering if you were going to be home in time for my call with Avla,” she


I winced. I had told her I would try to be there this time, but I had been in a better mood

that day. Therapy was going well, and I thought I was progressing better in dealing with

my situation. But now that the time had come, I wasn’t so sure I was ready.

I hadn’t spoken with Ayla since she went back home to the Greytooth Pack. I hadn’t

expected to hear from her. She made our position perfectly clear, and I couldn’t blame her.

But I missed her terribly. I couldn’t count the times I wanted to pick up the phone to call

her and tell her about my day. However, I would always be left feeling awful, as it was

mostly just to complain. It really made me realize how often I did that with her over the


I had worked through that with Dr. Whitham. She actually had me excited about talking to

her again. But then I got an email from an old friend back home. I sent her my new

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number and had been texting. Apparently, Ayla was doing really well. She was thriving in

her new role. She was thriving with Theo. Finding that out made the prospect



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of talking with her more daunting.

Don’t get me wrong, I was truly happy to know she was doing so well, especially after

everything we all had put her through. The same went for Theo. I was surprised to realize

that I was glad to hear Ayla was making him so happy. It was a big step for me. I was

getting over him and moving on.

But then I thought about what I would actually say to Ayla. She was flourishing and here I

was… moping. Yes, moping. I was still feeling sorry for myself. It was still something I

couldn’t get over just yet. And I didn’t think I could handle her seeing that.

“We’re pretty busy right now,” I told Ma. “I only have a minute to call you back. So, I’m not

sure I’ll make it back in time.”

“We can wait for you,” she insisted. “I’m sure Ayla won’t mind.”

“No, no,” I a s s u r e d her. “You just give her a call. Don’t worry about me. I’ll… I’ll try to

call her later.”

Ma paused. “Okay,” she replied doubtfully. “Well, I’ll let you get back to work. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” I said.

Right as I hung up, the alley door opened and Carrie popped her head


“Your special friend is here,” she cooed, waggling her eyebrows. “I put back in booth one

for you.”

I sighed. “He’s not my friend, Carrie,” I said, following her inside. “He‘ s just a regular.”

“Well, he’s not interested in being my special friend,” she said. “So, I

suggest you take the opportunity. You could use a good night out.”

I shook my head.

She was talking about Derek, the guy who moved here recently. He had been coming to

the diner multiple times a week and would only sit in my section. He had asked me on a

date more than once, but I always declined. He was really nice and very attractive. But he

wasn’t my mate. I had learned my lesson and had no interest in a relationship with anyone

who wasn’t my mate. And I wasn’t ready for anything casual at the moment.

Although, I had to actively remind myself of that fact every time I saw him. Tonight was no

different. He was sitting in the booth looking incredible in a nice blue button–up and

slacks. The color made his blue eyes pop as he perused the menu as if he didn’t know it

by heart by now. My stomach did a flip, and I had to clear my throat to pull myself back to

reality before making my way to his table.

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“Hey, Derek,” I said brightly, placing his regular soda on the table in front of him. “Did you

come from work again?”

He looked up at me with a huge smile. “Well, there’s my favorite girl,” he said. “Yes, my

boss is really pushing for this deal to go through soon.”

“He works you too hard,” I replied.

“I can’t say it’s just him wanting this to go through,” he said cheekily. “If this works out,

my boss wants me to be the head of the new location. So, it looks like I’ll be moving here

more permanently.”

“Oh?” I said, surprised.

“Then you’ll have to let me take you on a date,” he insisted. “Distance won’t be an issue


My mouth fell open. “Derek, we’ve…”

“Come on, Kylee,” he interrupted, reaching out to brush his fingers along my wrist. “It’s

not like I have anyone to celebrate with. This is a big step in my career.

I sighed, unable to ignore how nice his touch felt.

“Alright,” I said, “IF you close the deal and IF you get the promotion, I‘ ll celebrate with


His smile broadened and he squeezed my arm gently.

“But only as friends,” I insisted, despite leaning in closer to him. uncontrollably.

“Of course,” he replied wryly.

I took his order and walked back to the kitchen to give it to the cooks, the whole time

wondering what I had just gotten myself into.