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The Max Level Hero Has Returned!-Novel

Chapter 572
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Upon Kain's arrival, Davey cast him an irritated glance.

"Traces were discovered from the parasites you eradicated. It appears they left their mark everywhere before perishing. If neglected, they could lead to a major incident."

"Is that so? Deal with it yourself."

Davey's words left Kain visibly surprised. He muttered, "Excuse me?"

"You mentioned being created to combat the Abyss. Demonstrate your skills so I can trust you."

Kain remained silent for a moment after hearing Davey's words. Then, he replied, "Well, fine. Dealing with remnants isn’t a challenging task. But you need to handle your responsibilities as well."


"Didn't you mention you’re going on a honeymoon?" Kain continued. "I will guard this place while you're away. Though I lack the power to eliminate the Abyss, I can at least prevent them from crossing over here. So, please go when I'm available. I can't block them forever."

"If Sleesia is dead, how in the world are they crossing over?"

"This continent of Tionis is the closest to the reverse side. It's the most vulnerable, and with the dimensions twisted as they are now, there are countless ways they can infiltrate."

Considering Kain's words, Davey thought for a moment. After all, it was a path he would soon have to take. If Kain could only guard this place now, there wouldn't be another opportunity.

"Where did you say it was?"

"The Central Continents and Peslisa."

"Let's start with the Central Continent."

"How long will you be gone?"

"I'm thinking of taking a week or so."

"I understand. I'll prepare everything. Then, the departure?"

In dimensions other than Earth, one could travel through dimensional keys. After a moment's contemplation, Davey made a decision.

"In three days."

* * *

"Am I staying here?"

"It's safer for you to stay by Kain’s side. Besides, there are protective elements here that can handle any situation."

In response to Davey's words, Illyna had a sullen expression. "You look like you’re having the time of your life?"

"Of course, I am."

"I'm jealous..."

Davey let out a wry smile at her remark. "Then you should find a good man and get married too."


For some reason, Davey’s words didn't seem to sit well with her. Illyna gave him a sideways glance and turned away. "I'm jealous..."

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Nobody knew what or who she was actually grumbling about.

"It's just for a while. Once safety is secured, then I'll send for you."

"Is this Sullivan's doing?" Illyna shot a knowing look at Davey.


"I knew it."

Davey didn't think things between Sullivan and Illyna would improve. Even though Sullivan, the former Crown Prince, cherished his sister, his methods were bound to clash with Illyna's style.

After Illyna stomped away in a huff, Kain, who had been with her, slowly approached Davey. Kain then said, "Make sure to keep your promise."

"I understand."

"Illyna must be protected at all costs; if anything goes wrong, even slightly, our deal is off."

"I understand."

It was a ridiculous situation to be so helpless that Davey couldn't even go far away due to the aggressiveness of the enemies. If Davey just stayed within the continent, it wouldn't matter where he was, but this time, it involved crossing dimensions.

"There will be traces of the Absolute Gem there too. The traces of the Gem respond more dramatically the closer the Gems is, so please be mindful of that."

"I got it." Davey, who responded nonchalantly, pulled out a golden key that shone brightly. "Are you prepared?"

On Davey's inquiry, Perserque grinned, holding a lightweight travel case. "Yes, everything is ready for the journey, including your luggage."

"Good. Let's go."

"Safe travels, Your Highness."

With the farewell of Royal Attendant Bernile, Monmider, and Amy, Davey thrust the key into the air.

"We’re heading to the Central Continent."

Embedding his will into the key, he twisted it firmly.

With a slight glow, a rift opened. Without a word, Davey glanced back at them and leaped into the rift with Perserque.

* * *

The girl in the young man’s embrace was Cheon Ji-Hee, the last descendant of the Heavenrend Sect’s Master. Her eyes were closed, she looked unconscious, and dark energy swirled around her. This dark energy relentlessly corroded the girl's skin, turning it an ominous black. A similar ghastly transformation was also taking its toll on the young man.

Han Ja Seong, the young man who had been stumbling forward, collapsed, overwhelmed by a searing pain in his head.

As he fell, the girl slumped powerlessly to the ground.

Han Ja Seong desperately reached out toward Cheon Ji-Hee.

"Hee... Hee Ah..."

"I can't die here!"

Coughing up black blood, he slowly extended his hand as he looked into the distance. Black smoke rose, seemingly piercing the sky of the island where the Heavenrend Sect stood.

As his vision blurred, Han Ja-Seong clenched his teeth. If things continued this way, the power of Devil's Massacre, Ak Rim Sect elder's poison, would consume his entire being, turning him into a madman devoid of sanity. He could not allow that to happen.

Each attempt to move, to gather the last shreds of his internal strength, brought him excruciating pain, as if his body were being torn apart. He needed to locate the member who had separated from the Heavenrend Sect and moved to the Central Martial Alliance, and he had to inform her of this crisis. This was crucial if he wanted to ensure the protection of the only daughter of the Sect Master and the last remnant of the Heavenrend Sect.

Yet it appeared the gods were not in his favor.

"Hey, look at this guy, he's dying."

"Damn, it's bad luck to witness a dying man. Though, well, I guess it depends on who's dying and where."

Realizing who these men clad in bold attire and brandishing hefty swords were, Han Ja-Seong clenched his teeth.

"You know what...leave him, he's gonna die anyway."

"Yeah? Then let’s just leave him. No point in cutting a dying man’s lifeline and stacking up karma."

"I'll just take away his stuff."

While the robbers were ransacking his possessions, Han Ja-Seong couldn't resist. He had no strength left to move even a finger. After swimming across to the mainland from the island with severe injuries, his extraordinary perseverance had reached its limit in this forest.

As he rummaged through his clothes, taking out whatever he had on him, a Green Forest Bandit chuckled. "My goodness. He's got some good stuff. Eh? What’s this?"

He pulled out a necklace adorned with a small vial from Han Ja-Seong's bosom. "Wow... Look here, brother! This guy's carrying something fancy!"

Noticing the unusual metal, the Green Forest Bandit immediately grabbed it, intending to show it to their chief.

Suddenly, Han Ja-Seong gathered all the dying strength in his body and grabbed hold of the man. He pleaded, "No... please..."

"Um... What do you mean ‘no,’ you bastard? I'll put this to good use, so die in peace, mkay?"

Despite his futile resistance, the bandit shook him off and rushed over to the other Green Forest Bandit still holding Ji-Hee.

"Please... no..."

There should not have been Green Forest Bandits here. This kind of bad luck was unheard of. Han Ja-Seong forced his dying body to move.

And then, it happened.

In the distant sky, two large shooting stars fell, conspicuous enough to catch the eye. Amazed at the sight, the Green Forest Bandits looked blankly up at the sky...only to figure out, a second later, that the meteorites were slowly descending toward them.

"Bro... Brother, what's this…?"

"Fuck, I have no idea either!"Googlᴇ search ɴoᴠel ꜰɪre.nᴇt

After staring bewildered at the meteors descending from the sky for a few moments, the bandits instinctively kneeled and kowtowed as the meteorites approached.

"Ah, the celestial gods have come!"

"Buddha! Primeval Lord! Bloody God! Anyone, please...save us!"

As if in response to their frantic prostration and prayers, the meteors' light slowly dimmed and eventually formed two figures, a man and a woman. They were a girl with silver hair and red eyes, who looked not a shred inferior to a heavenly fairy, and a young man with black hair and red eyes.

"Is this the right place?"

"Ah, the transition is quite flamboyant, isn't it?"

The couple appeared to be in a fairly bad mood. A moment later, they noticed the collapsed Cheon Ji-Hee and Han Ja-Seong, as well as the two Green Forest Bandits prostrating before them.

"We sure as hell drew some attention."

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"Davey, look, that child is dying."

When he heard Perserque’s words, Davey's eyes narrowed. He nodded. "We've stumbled upon an interesting mess. Hey, you two."

Startled, the Green Forest Bandits flinched nervously and slowly lifted their heads. "Spe... Speak, celestial beings."

"Heavenly beings? Sure, I'll take that. Why is that guy like that?"

"Um...he...he is..."

Stunned speechless, the bandits elicited a scowl from Davey. "Who killed him? Why are you looking so scared?"

"Ah... No! He was...no, we found him like this!"

Davey slowly approached Han Ja-Seong and placed his hand on the young man’s wrist and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Hey, you two Green Forest Bandits."

Apparently not expecting celestial beings to recognize them, the bandits jolted up instantly.

"I'm not planning on killing anyone right now, so it's in your best interest to just put that kid down and go."

Davey had no desire to mar his honeymoon trip with bloodshed. Unbeknownst to the bandits, his intentions unwittingly presented them with a golden opportunity.

As terrifying energy radiated from Davey, the Green Forest Bandits' eyes widened in terror. "A... A Master!!"

Davey's power was actually different from what the bandits knew, but their fear prevented them from noticing that difference.

Looking the quivering bandits, Davey spoke with evident irritation, "Why are you still here?!"

"Why... We're going!"

"Ah, thank you!"

What chance did they stand against a Master? The Green Forest Bandits, realizing they had encountered a formidable celestial being who had shown them mercy, reflexively turned to flee.

"Hold on a second!"

Suddenly called back, the bandits looked at Davey with apprehensive gazes. "What is it...Celestial One?"

"Give that to me."

The bandits looked puzzled. "Um...what do you mean..."

"The knife. I need it for surgery. I'll give it back later, so let me borrow it."

"Su... Sure, take it!"

"Hmm... Sharp enough. I'll make use of it. Where's the stronghold? I might visit later."

Just as the bandit was about to say something, the other Green Forest Bandit clamped his mouth.

The younger bandit looked horrified.

However, the older one seemed to harbor different thoughts.

[Are you out of your mind?!]

[Shut up, you idiot. Even if he’s a Master, do you think the Green Forest King is some kind of wimp? Look at her, she's a literal goddess! Imagine what we'll get if we offer her as a tribute!]

As they quickly exchanged thoughts through looks and gestures, sly smiles adorned the bandits' lips.