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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 106
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I barely slept last night, I kept having nightmares about Ayla. Nightmares where she is

laughing at me. Telling me she meant every word she said in the letter. Other’s more

realistic where David, was abusing her, hurting her. Trying to break her and accept him as

her mate. Dreams where she doesn’t survive the abuse and dies. Every nightmare woke

me up gasping, drenched in sweat.

It’s 7 AM now I know there is a pack breakfast available from six- thirty. Still not that

hungry but I could do without Jessa being on my case. And somehow reminding myself I

need to eat and take care of myself so Ayla won’t be mad at me is comforting. It’s like I

am forcing myself to believe she is going to make it back to me in one piece. Despite what

my nightmares are telling me.

I sit up, ready to get out of bed. Again my eyes dart down the room, there is not a single

thing she had not packed. Knowing she was so excited about living together with me that

she didn’t even need to pack on the last day, was both comforting and depressing.

Knowing she loved me this much, that we were both as excited for the future was

comforting. It reminded me of the Ayla I loved. The she-wolf that could be a bit shy and

reserved at first, but who when she loved. Love whole-heartedly. To know despite all that

happened to her I had become the man to deserve that love still made me fly high.

Only she was not here with me, we weren’t about to put the last boxes in our cars so we

could drive home. Our home to our future. No, I had to sleep in the bed that once was hers

because she was taken away from me. And I had no clue how to find her, Mo onGo ddess

knows I’ve been trying. It had only been three days since she had been kidnapped. On the

one hand, it feels like an eternity without her. Without knowing how she is doing. Three

days where waking up feels difficult

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because every time I do I realize she is not there breathing is difficult. The sense of

missing her is wrapping around my chest like cold bands of steel. Squeezing tighter with

every breath I take.

On the other hand, I realize he couldn’t have taken her that far yet. We ruled out the fact

that they travel by a commercial airplane. There had not been any suspicious private

flights. Unless they flew without clearance but that would be impossible to track down.

This leaves us with two options, he either hid her somewhere close until the excitement

dies down. Or he is taking her home by car, but that would mean they would have had to

stop somewhere overnight. Tonight we are going to spread out and go to as many hotels

and motels as possible to show her picture there.


After my light breakfast which mostly consisted of coffee and some pastries. I spend more

time plucking at them than actually eating them. I make my way to the training ring as

Alpha Cedric requested, every available wolf that wants to help to try to see if Ayla stayed

in a hotel or motel overnight would gather there. As I am getting closer I hear the low buzz

of chatter. The kind of sad, quiet chatter that you hear during funerals. But it is loud like

there are dozens of people gathered together.

When I turn the corner I see that’s truly the case. There must be at least four dozen

wolves ready to go out and try and find clues about Ayla’s whereabouts. I choke up, seeing

how many wolves love her. Love her enough to go out and spend their entire day, some

even two to find her. Or to find any trace of her. When I reach Alpha Cedric, slowly

because my legs feel just as heavy as my heart is. He clasps my shoulder and faces me.

“Your mate, my niece, your Luna, and Queen, she is loved by all as you can see. And that

is why we are bringing her back home. To the place where she should be” He tells me and

for the first time in three

days I can share in his optimism a bit.

The permanent crease on his forehead, the bags under his eyes. There is no hiding his

worries. Nor do I think he is trying to. But he has a bit of hope left in him. Hope I lost but

as I listen to him divide the wolves into pairs. Seeing the abundance of hands raised when

he asks who wants to spend a night away from the pack so they can reach the motels

further down the road. It’s all so overwhelming and it makes me feel hopeful again too.

I want to save Ayla, but I am slowly understanding that I am not the only one. And that it

means that I do not have to do it all on my own. All these wolves here are just as

determined to get her back with us. The only risk of all of this is David finding out that my

video announcement was just a ploy to get him off our backs.

“Prince Griffin, can I join you so that you are going with someone who can hear the pack’s

mindlink?” I look at the shy elderly woman in front

of me.

She looks like she should be home, enjoying her well-earned rest. Yet she is here

summoning her courage to ask me as her Crown Prince if she can join me because she

thinks I am better off without someone from the White Oak pack as opposed to one of my

friends or guards.

“Yes, I would love that under the condition that you just call me Griffin we’re a team

today,” I tell her, because I know she is right I need someone with me who can mindlink

others or hear a mindlink if something happens.

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“My name is Dorothy, and I can see why Ayla loves you so much. You are just like her in a

sense” Dorothy answers giving me a motherly pat

on the arm.

I want to know what she means, and why she thinks I am just like Ayla in a sense. But it is

time to move to the cars. Cedric and I spent a few

hours last night to come up with a list of motels and hotels between the White Oak and

the Blood Moon pack. We made lists of three hotels each. Now with the almost fifty wolves

present. We would need no more than two days to reach all of them. Most of the time

would be spent on the road. Driving from one hotel to the other.


I had been right, we visited most of the hotels and motels on the list. Only the one further

away. The ones close to the BloodMoon pack were not questioned yet. Everyone either

came back to the White Oak pack or booked a room for the night to travel to the other

places in the morning. Because it was deemed wise for me to be on the pack ground in

case there is any new information I returned.

Dorothy was a formidable old lady, I had found out she was a distant relative of Ayla. That

determination and fierceness my beautiful mate has must be a family trait. Because

Dorothy seemed to have it in abundance too. But it did not change the fact that we still

didn’t find any clue. That we still weren’t any closer to finding Ayla. Leaving me so

frustrated I was barely able to function anymore. So when my phone rang, and I saw it

was my father for the first time in forever I wanted to decline the call and avoid talking to


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!