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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

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156 Ayla

“More than anything” I manage to get out before we both get wrapped up in this bliss of our attraction


I don’t know if it is because it has been too long. Or because of the promise of what is about to happen

soon. But when he enters me this time it feels different. More intense like my every nerve ending is

focussed on the feeling of Griffin filling me up. I always expected the time when I would get marked

would be gentle and tender. But it is nothing like it, it is hot, rough frenzied, and passionate. And I love

every single second of it.

I love the feeling of almost desperation for more, more of him. More of us, I love the fact that the entire

world has faded away. How all I can feel is the deliriously delicious feeling of him filling me up. How

with his every thrust sparks erupt over my body. How he grunts and moans as I move against him.

He positions his legs so that he can go even deeper. The feeling is so overwhelming that I feel my eyes

starting to water as I pull him in for another toe-curling kiss. All while he keeps thrusting harder and

deeper with every thrust. Until my nails bury in his back as I feel I am close to losing it, this intense

pleasure is becoming unbearable and I feel like I am about to explode”

“Griff, baby, I won’t last much longer” I am surprised to hear my own voice coming out as a needy


“Don’t worry, Darling, I am right there with you” His voice was gruff and his gaze tender.

He dips his head and starts kissing and licking the very place his fangs


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will sink into soon. The place where his name will adorn my body. A scream falls from my lips when he

sucks on my sensitive collarbone. I am ready to cry and beg him to let me come when his teeth finally

pierce the skin. There is a flash of intense pain for the first few seconds. Before it feels like a boiling

heath is flooding my veins making everything more intense and more enjoyable.

My body trembles as I org asm while Griffin is still marking me. It seems to last forever even when I feel

his tongue swipe over the bite mark to heal the wounds.

“Stay with me Darling, mark me too” He grunts as he flips us over with what seems to be his last bit of


It gets me out of the hazy stupor of the longest and most intense org asm ever. I can feel I am his now

everything feels different. But it is still not complete, it is my turn to mark Griffin. To make him feel mine,

unlike Griffin though I neither have the energy or patience to tease him like he did me. Of course, I

want to make it enjoyable for him too. I want him to feel as good as he made me feel just now. It just

doesn’t take as much time. Soon I feel we are both ready for me to mark him and I sink my teeth into

his collarbone.

The tangy iron taste is weird, but it is nothing compared to all that I feel through our mate bond now

that it is complete. It is like I feel every ounce of love this man has for me. Like me, his org asm seems

to go on and on. Only when I swipe my tongue over the two pinpricks on his collarbone does it stop?

Before even getting a good look at the mark I left on my wonderful, handsome mate I collapse on top of


We are both worn out, so when Griffin wraps me up in his arms, covering us both with the duvet before

mind linking:

“Let’s sleep now, Darling”

I just snuggle into him, just barely getting the words “I would love to”

out over the mindlink.


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We wake up still snuggled up together, and a little sore, or at least I am. But the moment I hear Griffin’s

voice telling me “Good Morning Sleepyhead” everything else is forgotten. Even the fact that it looks like

the sun has gone down already. All I want now is to look at our marks.

“Come on baby, I want to see our marks” I mindlink back already sitting up and pulling on his arm.

“I love it when you call me baby” He chuckles pulling me back in bed with him to kiss me.

Normally I can never get enough of his kisses but right now I am really excited to see the mark. He can

stay in bed if he wants to but I need to see it. So I rush out of bed, happy to notice Griffin is following

me. Even if it seems like to him it is more about seeing me so happy than it is to see his mark.

“Don’t you want to see your mark, babyyyyyy” I tease him wondering why he does not seem to share in

my excitement.

“I do, but the most important thing about it is that it finally means that I am only yours,” He says and

then kisses the top of my head.

I do not miss the fact that he sees it as being mine, not just as me being his. I just love this man for how

much he wants to be mine, and for how happy he makes me.

When I look in the mirror to my joy I find out that we have matching marks. Where I have Griffin’s name

in swirly cursive letters with at crescent moon in the background. My name on Griffin’s collarbone is

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surrounded by stars.



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“See even your mark shows you are truly destined to be the Luna of all Luna’s” Griffin’s sweet words

are interrupted by the loud grumbling of my stomach.

I would have felt ashamed if it was not for Griffin’s stomach grumbling even louder.

“Let’s get a shower, get dressed, and go out for some food, I want to show off this mark” He suggests

And showing the entire world starting with the pack, that I am his sounds like an amazing plan.


After I shower that could have been a lot quicker if it wasn’t for the fact that we couldn’t keep our hands

off each other. We eventually managed to get clean and out of the shower. I never expected that I

would feel so giddy like I had fallen even more in love with him. Now I know why people talked about

the honeymoon face. I mean for us wolves being newly mated is about the same. And I felt like I was

floating on air. While I have been wanting to complete the mating process with Griffin for a while now. I

always figured I would still feel the same. It was just to show the world that he is mine as I am his. To

be able to minlink him I never expected to love him more.

Nothing could wipe the bright smile off my face, not even when we opened the door all smiles and

giggles to walk out to go get some food. Bumping into a stern-looking Rodrick who was just about to

knock on our door. His eyes fell on my mark because I wore a dress that showed it off. And I was

relieved to see his serious face brighten with a genuine smile as he saw we were finally mated.

“Welcome to the family official now Ayla, I am proud to be your father-in-law” but we need to talk he told


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!