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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 124 - Offering
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Darkness ruled at midnight as the moon was waning and a few luminous stars were scattered in the sky. The moon was waning. The stalls were closed and the usually lively streets were quite. Many were in their warm beds as they waited for daybreak. This was not the case for Xinjing manor as a few black-cloaked men stealthily appeared at the back door. A man in a black uniform swiftly opened the door and let them in after he was sure no one followed them.

The head servant greeted them politely with a warm smile but his eyes carefully scrutinized them for any hidden threat. The cloaked visitors became slightly nervous as they could feel the strong Qi leaking from the seemingly feeble old head servant. Their hearts raced. One could only imagine the strength of the manor's owner if a mere servant had high-level cultivation.


More men in black uniforms slowly appeared on the manor's roof as they watched the visitors. Only the eyes of those on the roof were visible as their faces were covered. They watched the visitors like a beast stalking their prey. Although they projected no threat, the visitors still found them nerve-wracking. One visitor unconsciously grabbed his sword but another man stopped him by shaking his head and signaled him to not be reckless. Fortunately, the man yielded but his hand remained on his sword.

The head servant led them through the main courtyard and into the main hall. The room's interior was covered with black wood. There were two big arms chairs at the end of the room to show the manor only had two masters. There was a giant screen wall with grey stones behind the arms chairs. On it was a carving of a giant dragon engulfed in a fire. Four ornament pillars supported the red ceiling. The deep red color was unsettling for the visitors.

Four big square lampions and candles illuminated the room. The room was bright and beautiful but it also felt rigid, cold, and uncomfortable. It showed the owner's character. The servant asked them to sit as a maid served them expensive wine and pastries but the visitors were too nervous to touch the food or drinks.

Only one visitor took off his hood and calmly sipped the wine. The liquors warmed his chilled body. He felt relaxed as he nodded his head with satisfaction at the good wine. The other men let down their guards and followed suit after they watched him drink with leisure. Everyone gradually relaxed.

A beautiful androgynous man with fiery red lavish robes entered the room as they enjoyed the refreshments. His long untied black hair fell neatly on his shoulders. His mouth slightly curved, a small gesture that stunned the visitors. It was not difficult to imagine how women would have reacted to his look.

"I'm Bei Li Yan, the Red Vermillion King Palace. It is nice to meet you," He slightly bowed his head. He didn't look arrogant or humble. "Nice to meet you again, General Fu!"

Seeing the famous Hei Shen Sect King Palace with their own eyes was a shock to the other visitors despite knowing they would meet him. 

"Nice to meet you again, Master Bei. This is my second son, Fu Ying," General Fu introduced the handsome young man beside him. The young man looked twenty-three with a manly appearance and muscular build of a typical soldier. The young man nodded at the introduction but his eyes remained vigilant.

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General Fu continued to introduce the other men who come with him, "…this is my trusted friend and the previous Emperor's loyal subordinate."

"I'm Zhang Yu Hong. It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Bei," An old man with topknot grey hair and a long white beard said. He seemed to be about seventy years but a cultivator's look could be deceiving. His robes looked modest but the great quality of his fabric couldn't be hidden. The old man had a calm temperament and wise demeanor. His eyes were sharp and clear. He seemed like a righteous man.

"The pleasure is mine, Grand tutor Zhang," Bei Li Yan courteously cupped his hands.

"I'm Wu Tian Zi. It is an honor to meet you, Master Bei," Another man rose from his seat and modestly cupped his hands as he slightly bent his waist. He seemed to be about fifty with topknot black hair and a simple jade hairpin. He also dressed simply like Zhang Yu Hong to hide from prying eyes.

"I will say the same to be able to meet the legendary Prime Minister Wu," Bei Li Yan heard many great stories about Prime Minister Wu's cunningness. The Liangzu Kingdom's economy prospered under his guidance. It was a pity the current prime minister messed up a few things for his own and his cronies' benefit.

The previous Emperor valued his prime minister to the highest degree, especially since Prime Minister Wu was an honest and upright person. The previous Emperor bestowed to him the Marquis title of the first rank. It was the highest title the Emperor could give a person without royal blood. It was possible Prime Minister's Wu's accomplishment threatened the current Emperor as he was forced to retire and abdicate his position.

"Don't say that, Master Bei. I'm no longer a prime minister," Wu Tian Zi looked disheartened not because he lost his position but because his hard work was diminished by the current prime minister. The once stable economy was now messy and full of corruption. It had caused the death of small merchants and the big merchants lived under the officials' pressure.

"It is a loss for this Kingdom…" Bei Li Yan gave a long sigh. There were too many corrupt officials in the world. He was always happy when he met honest ones. It was like finding a rare treasure. Bei Li Yan gestured politely and said, "Please seat."

The four men did as he asked but General Fu's next question made them all attentive. "About the First Princess… how is her condition?"

"Don't worry. You can ask her yourself later," Bei Li Yan answered. His mouth twitched a little when he remembered Ming Yue Yin cursing in her chamber when she was boiled for hours. "But if you are still curious, I can assure you the Princess is healthy and…lively."

General Fu relieved. The Princess being alive meant he still had a chance to fix his past mistakes and the Kingdom also had hope. 

The atmosphere around the room suddenly shifted and the air around them became heavy. Fu Ying gripped the sword at his waist as a thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. It was the same feeling he had when he faced a thousand men from his enemy's army.

However, Zhang Yu Hong and Wu Tian Zi thought differently from him as the feeling reminded them of their previous Emperor's father. The heavy pressure on their chest, rapid heartbeat, and cold sweat on their backs was how they felt when they first met the previous Emperor's father at a royal banquet when they were young. General Fu and Bei Li Yan were the only ones unfazed by the change of air.

Zhao Li Xin entered the room with Jin Hao, Mong Ki, and Mong Yi at his heels. He wore his usual black attire with half his hair carelessly tied with red silk lace. He looked lazy and unruly. He didn't spare them a glance as he unhurriedly walked to his black armchair. His body slumped slightly as he sat. He placed his hand on the armrest and propped his head with his fist with laziness and indifference.

Other people may have felt offended by his manners but General Fu already informed them of Zhao Li Xin's character and his 'inhuman' powers. He repeatedly told them to not provoke the demon Lord in any way. He told them to keep their distance, minimize eye contact, and not make any loud noise or movement. Practically, they were to treat Zhao Li Xin like a dangerous wild beast.

They at first thought General Fu was exaggerating but quickly believed him when they saw Long Ming with their own eyes. They had to admit Long Ming seemed like a wild beast. Beautiful but also deadly.

The visitors became more nervous when Zhao Li Xin didn't say anything and his subordinates also acted with indifference. Jin Hao sat beside Bei Li Yan with disinterested as he leisurely fanned himself. Bei Li Yan continued to calmly sip his wine as he smacked his lips with a bemused expression. Mong Yi ignored the guests and poured Zhao Li Xin some wine while Mong Ki acted like a statue as he stood next to Zhao Li Xin.

The room was tense and the visitors felt awkward but Zhao Li Xin subordinates were relaxed as Zhao Li Xin's behavior was normal to them. To Zhao Li Xin's close subordinates, him being cold, lazy, and indifferent meant he was in a good mood.

"News…?" Zhao Li Xin asked with a low voice.

General Fu and his people were startled as they didn't understand what he meant but Bei Li Yan quickly rose from his chair.

"The Heavenly Jade Pavilion's emissary is looking for you. He is using every connection he has to find us. I hear they want to apologize for what the Huang siblings did. They want to offer you a hundred chests of gold, fifty bottles of perfection grade pills and a saint level weapon called 'The Radiant Snow Blade'," Bei Li Yan said.

General Fu and his people were dumbstruck. Their offering level matched their Kingdom's Royal Tribute. It also showed how scared the Heavenly Jade Pavilion was of Long Ming.

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They couldn't help but also feel nervous. What would happen to them and the First Princess if Zhao Li Xin accepted the offering? They could win against the current Emperor on their own but they couldn't match the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's power as they were the current Emperor's backers.

"Is that their price for my woman…?" Zhao Li Xin tapped his finger on his armchair and gave a devilish smirk. The temperature in the room increased slightly. It was a sign the Lord was unhappy.

The people in the room became nervous. General Fu looked at Bei Li Yan in case he signaled them to run like he did in the tombs.

Fortunately, Zhao Li Xin's anger gradually subsided as he slowly sipped his wine and glanced at Bei Li Yan, "What else?"

Bei Li Yan hesitated and his smile turned stiff. Jin Hao noticed Bei Li Yan's expression and secretly activated his protective barrier as he felt imminent danger. The Mong brothers also became aware of Jin Hao's actions as they shared a concerned look. Mong Yi secretly took out a protective talisman and moved close to the guests while Mong Ki put a protective barrier around him.

"They...mmm…they are offering a woman named Huang Ning Yun to be the Young Miss' servant," Bei Li Yan quickly erected a barrier around him after he spoke.

Zhao Li Xin's black eyes darkened with rage and blood lust. The temperature in the room rapidly increased as heat crawled on everyone's skin. A flame emerged from Zhao Li Xin's body and spread like wildfire. A thundering 'BOOM!' echoed inside Xinjing Manor in seconds.


"Did you hear that?" Lory cocked her head to listen.

"Is it the kitchen?" Ming Yue Yin guessed.

"Maybe…" Lory shrugged and turned to look at Ming Yue Ying's head with a deep frown. "Are you going to wear that?"

"What? Is it not enough?" Ming Yue Yin's head had a row of thorny silver hairpins.

"It reminds me of the death traps inside the tomb," Lory pursed her lips.
