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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 149 - Punishment
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Zhao Li Xin got the report from one of his shadow guards after Jiang An Yi was kicked out of the villa. Thankfully, the shadow guard was quick enough to tell him the young miss was safe and sound because the Mong brothers were there to protect her. Zhao Li Xin was expressionless but the menacing aura around him slowly disappear letting the shadow guard sigh with relief.

From the moment Lory entered their lives, the shadow guards had secretly agreed it was better to put more effort into protecting her than the Lord himself. One of the reasons was their Lord was freakily strong and it was hard to hurt him especially since his last weakness, the poison, was cured.


Their other reason was if they failed to protect their Lord, the one who made the mistake would be punished severely but they won't implicate the other shadow guards. However, if something happened to Lory…the Mong brothers had told the same thing… 'All of hell will break loose'.

They had many times seen how crazy their Lord became when something happened to Lory. She was the one who could calm him down in such situations. It was better for them to keep her safe rather than their Lord. Fewer people now guarded Zhao Li Xin but he didn't mind it. He actually gave them a raise for their initiative when he heard the reason more people were guarding Lory.

Lory was inside her room drying her hair with a towel when Zhao Li Xin barged in. She was used to him entering her room leisurely since he never knocked on her door. He was also the only one who dared to enter her room the way he did.

"You are here…" Lory rubbed her hair with a towel as she welcomed him. It was not an appropriate way to greet someone even from your own family but Lory lacked common sense and Zhao Li Xin didn't care.

Zhao Li Xin could smell the essential flower oil from her hair. The bath made her cheeks rosy and she looked as alluring as ever but she was not aware of herself as usual. He made her sit in front of the dresser and helped her dry her hair with the towel.

"I'm glad you are not hurt," He said with a gentle voice.

"I don't think anyone can hurt me inside your turf," Lory chuckled. Her scalp felt warm and she thought he was using his Qi to quickly dry her hair.

"I would rather kill everyone if that happens. What would be the point of having many bodyguards if they can't protect their master?" He gently squeezed her hair as he said it cruelly. Lory ignored his statement because she couldn't tell whether he meant it or not.

"And how about the Jiang-something… girl?" Lory stared at Zhao Li Xin's handsome face through the mirror.

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"I have considered Jiang Jin Wei's merits… I'm just gonna cast her out of the sect…" He said without a hint of hesitation.

"WHAT?" Lory turned her head around "But…she just a little girl and she was already severely punished by Mong Yi. I also did not get hurt…can you...forgive them a little?"

"Should I only give punishments when you get hurt?" Zhao Li Xin frowned and turned her head as he continued drying her hair. He spoke with displeasure, "And she's not little! She's almost fifteen and soon reaches mariagable age, but She lacks manners and disloyal to me. Why should I forgive her…?"

He might have given Jiang An Yi a chance if her only mistake was insulting him. However, Jiang An Yi wanted to hurt Lory, his one and only woman, in his own house. This was unforgivable, especially since she was his subordinate. Zhao Li Xin took a brush and comb Lory's hair once it was dry.

"You know she was probably used by others…?" Lory said after some contemplation.

"I know…." Zhao Li Xin sighed and neatly tied half her hair with a blue sapphire hairclip. Lory smiled happily when she saw her reflection. She was amazed to discover her boyfriend had another hidden talent.

"I know Tang Mei Yi used the stupid girl to annoy you. She was also stupid enough to think this could intimidate you," Zhao Li Xin said calmly as he rummaged through Lory's jewelry box to find another hair ornament.

"So…you know it was not entirely her fault?" Lory tried to persuade him.

"Stupidity is a sin and she sinned!" He found a jewel he liked. It was a small silver pink flower hairclip split into two ends. The ends were connected by a tree layer tassel covered with diamonds.

"I heard she is the only remaining family of Master Jiang's after their family tragedy," Lory felt bad for Jiang Jin Wei. She understood the feeling of having one living kin.

Zhao Li Xin put the flower clip on the left and right side of her hair. The jewel looked good on her yet the lady wearing it looked gloomy. He was at first perplexed before he sighed heavily. "Fine... I won't punish her heavily but she still needs to be punished. She needs to be held accountable for her mistakes. I also cannot look weak in front of my people!"

"Sorry! I don't want to interfere but this involves me and I have a feeling Tang Mei Yi did this to deliberately cause a rift between you and your people," Lory said as he turned away from her. She had to praise Tang Mei Yi for her cunning move. "I think she wants to make you choose between the Hei Shen Sect and me…it is a good scheme!"

"It's a stupid scheme…" Zhao Li Xin smiled and turned to face her. He played with her hair as he looked at her. He chuckled at Tang Yi Mei's petty scheme. His master always praised her intelligence but it seemed she was foolish. "…I would of course choose you."

Lory was puzzled as Zhao Li Xin moved his hand from her hair to her chin. He gently rubbed her lips while Lory grew more embarrassed. Her face was as red as a tomato and she couldn't look away since he held her chin. Lory prayed she won't get another nosebleed as Zhao Li Xin said, "I can always create another Hei Shen Sect but I can never find anyone else like you…"

He spoke the truth. The Hei Shen Sect would fall without his great power and immense wealth but he could create another sect. The King Palaces held equal power in the sect with Zhao Li Xin as the only main leader. Each Palace would break away from each other and be independent if he was to leave. This would in turn decrease their power. Their palaces may survive for decades but they would never return to the same heights as when they belonged to the Hei Shen Sect.

This was a reality every Hei Shen Sect member knew. They were the ones who depended on their Lord and not the other way round. They need someone like Zhao Li Xin with absolute overwhelming power to unite them. This was a fact overlooked by outsiders like Tang Mei Yi.


Jiang Jing Wei who was about to face the dreadful Demon Lord was ready to succumb to his fate as Mong Yi opened the double wooden doors to Zhao Li Xin’s study room. The study room was as depressive and intimidating as the ones in his other residences with the same black wooden furniture, dark grey stone floor, and black and white paintings. His Lord sat behind the dark table with his head resting on his fist.

"This subordinate greets the Hei Shen Sect leader!" Jiang Jin Wei kneeled on the floor and courteously cupped his fists. He continued to look down as he didn't dare look up without his Lord's permission.

The room was so quiet which made Jiang Jin Wei feel suffocated. The air around him was tense. His back was drenched with cold sweat and his heart beat rapidly when Zhao Li Xin remained silent. Zhao Li Xin's silence was much scarier than his wrath. A layer of thin sweat covered his forehead as he was not sure he would make it through the night alive.

"You know your fault…?" Zhao Li Xin's voice was curt when he finally spoke.

"Yes, Milord!" He answered.

"Should I punish you both?" Zhao Li Xin sneered.

Jiang Jin Wei felt the cold air in his lungs, "If this is your wish, Milord. This subordinate would only follow!"

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Zhao Li Xin's finger tapped the armchair monotonously. His dark eyes stared at Jiang Jin Wei deeply and Jiang Jin Wei could feel his menacing glare.

"You disappoint me," Zhao Li Xin said.

His icy voice pierced Jiang Jin Wei's heart. It's better if his Lord hit him until he was half alive than to hear him say that. There was nothing more hurtful than for a subordinate and a soldier to hear a superior say he was disappointed. He took a deep breath to calm his chaotic mind as his eyes became teary.

"I won't kill you or your sister since I have considered your service to me over the years… but I want to banish your sister from the Hei Shen Sect and demoted you from your King Palace position. I also wouldn't mind you leaving the Hei Shen Sect altogether if you are worried about your sister's wellbeing as I don't need a disloyal subordinate…."

Zhao Li Xin's words felt like a knife had mercilessly stabbed through his heart as his hand trembled from shock. He owed Zhao Li Xin everything and he hadn't fully repaid his debt yet he had disappointed his Lord instead. Jiang Jin Wei was overcome by grieve and remorse. He didn't care about the King Palace position. He only cared about repaying his debt and serving Zhao Li Xin for the rest of his life but it seemed he couldn't. He didn't see the point of living anymore.

"At least that's what I intended to do…" Zhao Li Xin sighed. He sounded defeated. His complaint was filled with indulgence. "…But my lovely fiancée begged me to forgive the two of you. She rarely asks me for anything but now she asked me for this…"

Jiang Jin Wei raised his head with shock and disbelief. Zhao Li Xin looked annoyed and serious. He stuttered, "Mi…Milord…"

"You will receive caning, fifty times, from the punishment hall. As for your sister…ask her if she still wants to be a Hei Shen Sect member... If she wants to follow Tang Mei Yi…tell her to leave immediately. Should she choose to stay, she has to kneel on the floor for three days, cut off her relationship with Tang Mei Yi and ask my fiancée for forgiveness!"

Jiang Jin Wei was ecstatic by his Lord's benevolence. He jumped happily like a wild rabbit in his mind. He was thankful enough for his Lord's fiancée for persuading the Demon Lord, as it was a miracle to be able to change his Lord's decision. He also didn't care about Luo Ri Yi's reason for forgiveness.

"Yes, Milord. Thank You, Milord!" He exclaimed.

"Leave…" Zhao Li Xin said lazily.

Jiang Jin Wei left the room with a happy expression. Punishment by canning was nothing for him. He would accept any punishment as long as he could continue to serve Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin remained quiet in his study room and contemplated his fate as a legendary henpecked husband. He needed to fully benefit from his loss. A sly smiled touched Zhao Li Xin's lips as he rose from his seat and took long strides toward his fiancée bedroom.

[Hey! Why did you close the window?] Girsha complained

[I suddenly felt cold. You don't feel cold?] Lory rubbed her arms.
