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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 166 - Tragedy
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In her old world Lory also love dearly by everyone around her of course, all of them wanted to protect her but she's born as Lucient descendant and the heir of Royal blood, she have dutty and obligation as a Princess of Harland and the ancient blood who runs on her veins only make her burden heavier than normal royalty would be.

Because the duty and legacy she must carry, she's not brought up as weak princess but instead she raised as a warrior, weak is not an option for her and she accepted that faith wholeheartedly and pride, the years go by and she becomes one of the powerful protectors of Harland, she fights side by side with her Brother and his Archknight, at the end of her days she would be remembered as many things but never as weakling. ​​

But in this world, she had no power, no skill and no background she just a common girl maybe is the life she's been longing for but sadly she involved with all these powerful figures and all of them think of her as weak girl, she might have a tricks, one or two but it didn't change the fact her body is weak and that's why no matter how many time she show them how capable she is they still worry for her.

Everything just got worst when she dating one of the most influential men in the continent like Zhao Li Xin and his overprotective manner is like icing on the cake who make her ends up in this situation.

"Drink your tea more, is good for your health" Zhao Li Xin make sure she finished her tea.

"Should Master Li who drink this" Lory whine, she was forced to occupy the bed while Li Mo Zhen sits on the armchair leisurely drinking the same tea like her.

"Thank you for your concern miss Luo, I'm fine right here" Li Mo Zhen smiles kindly.

"Li Mo Zhen is King level at Peak stage, his body is a lot stronger than you," said Zhao Li Xin "Now, drink!" he said sternly.

'Aye, Sir!'

Lory drinks her tea without complaining, her body does feel better after she drinks the tea and who knows when Zhao Li Xin put on the necklace on her neck.

"Oh, about the sword I need to need all your help," she said suddenly.

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"Sure?" Zhao Li Xin answer calmly.

"But first I need to tell you about the sword story" Lory sigh.

The story is a few hundred years ago an armament witness a shooting stars fall to the ground, when he approaches it turns out is not a stars but a silver scarps the armament master feel the strong power from the scraps so he brings it home, then he try created a weapon with that scraps but is not easy it takes years for him before he found the right material who could be combined with the silver scarps.

"And that how the white sword created," said Lory.

"But that sword is black?" Zhao Li Xin frowned.

"Wait, there's more…"

The sword becomes the most powerful weapon in the whole continent and it becomes heirloom from Father to a Son, but every time they pass down the sword they all said the same thing to their Son 'Only used this sword for good'

"Everyone used a sword to kill, what make a thing good or bad?" Li Mo Zhen confused.

Lory tilt her head while pursed her lips "I think what they mean is, don't used this sword something who is against your conscience since the weapon can absorb the owner feeling they might realize it can be dangerous for the weapon and the owner"

"A weapon who have sentience" Zhao Li Xin murmured, "I thought its only myths"

The story continues to the last person who inherited the sword, after years goes by the small armament master family had grown and become the most prominent family in the continent even the emperor needs to be polite to them, one day the young master who inherited the sword falling in love with a beautiful village woman.

"I have a hunch the story would become ugly…" Jin Hao sits on the stool then he crosses his leg while propping his chin, who knew he so immerses with the story but his, not the only one.

"The young master against everyone in his family who disagree with his choice, the young master and the woman end up eloping. The young master left everything behind except his sword because the sword is his responsibility until he found the suitable heir which supposed to be his Son.

His family is in an uproar when he left, they send so many people to bring him back but all of them dead in his hand no matter who they send or how strong the people they send to him, they always end up the same.

After the young master left the family power gradually declined to the point they become desperate so they gather wrecking their brain how to make the young master come home, then the result concludes they blame the village woman as long as the woman is gone they sure the young master would return.

"Why do I feel so worried…" Li Mo Zhen comments as people do in the theater.

After they married for a decade his wife eventually pregnant the young master is rejoiced both of them feel so happy, then one day seven months later the village wife said she wants to eath sweet Tanghulu, she begged her husband to buy her the candy although he reluctant leaving his wife alone but their house is not too far from the market it's only a few minutes to buy the cand and return home.

And also his wife would celebrate her birthday next week so why not by a birthday gift for her too and so the young master decide to left just for a few minutes, for a safety he even put an array around his house to protect his wife so is supposed to be safe for him to leave her.

When the young Master left the house who knew people from his clan coming, but this time they coming precisely to kill the village woman they even bring one of the elders just in cased they need their power because they cannot fail on this mission, the elder break the young master array then they killed the heavily pregnant village woman, then they created the situation as if it was done by other people but unnoticed by them the village woman managed to steal the elder family token on his waist before she died.

The young master come home and see his wife cover with blood, he runs to his lifeless wife he cry fo his dead wife and he cries for the child he had no chance to hold, for three days he hold his death wife corpses then he found it from her wife sleeve the familiar token fall on the ground and just like that everything becomes clear for him.

"What a tragedy…" more comment coming from Li Mong Zi.

"All because that Tanghulu candy" Jin Hao sips his tea with annoyance.

"I will never leave you even a second when you got pregnant" Zhao Li Xin nods his head firmly.

When she imagined Zhao Li Xin nagging her when she got pregnant, Lory only smile wryly

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'Looks like I'll be pregnant and….annoyed' Lory smile wryly.

"Move on…..the young Master knew the perpetrator is his owned family, so he buried his wife and child then he grabs the white sword and just as his family hoped, he does return home" Lory sat back and exhaled deeply.

"He killed them all isn't he?" said Zhao Li Xin.

"Every single one of them, the elders, women even the innocent child all of them dead" she remembers her previous dream the crying man who holding the bleeding sword and the pool of blood…he asked for help, he might be drowned in his owned nightmare, what a poor man….what a poor family just because a few people greed the whole clan disappeared.

"That sword absorbed his resentments, his pained and sorrow, that's why you feel a lot of anger and desperation, it's all coming from the sword" she explains.

"The sword becomes a cursed sword, when you touch it the cursed affect you, this type of cursed I called it 'Affliction' and to cure this 'affliction' we must find something to calm this sword anger…"

"Like what?" asked Jin Hao

"Like the hairpin, he was bought for his wife…" she said with a quiet voice.

"WHAT!!" they shout at the same time.

"How we find a single hairpin who had been lost for centuries in the whole continent, is even more impossible than find a needle on the haystack" Jin Hao look defeated already.

"It's gonna take years to find it" Zhao Li Xin tries to be positive.

Lory shakes her head again "We only have three days…before he back to crazy," she glances at Li Mo Zhen.

They heart loss and Zhao Li Xin stop being positive, it's an impossible task!

"I will say goodbye with the Elders and Xi Ying…." Li Mo Zhen looks downcast.

"Hold on!" Lory abruptly said, "There still another way…"

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this…." Zhao Li Xin mutter with displeasure expression.