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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 276 - Got Kick Out
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Lory and the others have finished their meal but Lory sweet tooth make them stay in the restaurant longer, she knew she must go home soon just like a husband who has noisy wife waiting at home but the dessert is too good, she wants to order more, Ming Yue Yin also heavy eater so she has no problem to accompany her and Yang Xi Yin also very happy spend more time with friends like this, she also laugh more than she ever be for weeks so she's in a good mood.

"I told you, you will pay a lot because of her" Ming Yue Yin teased Lory. ​​

Yang Xi Yin chuckles lightly "It's okay, this lady will not get poor just because of a few desserts"

Lory gives Yang Xi Ying thumbs up "That's how rich people should talks" she quip Ming ye yin fro being cheap.

Ming Yue Yin roll her eyes "Fine…eat more, let's see who is get fat after this"

Lory ignores and deliberately takes a mouthful of pastry to her mouth to annoyed Ming Yue Yin.

Suddenly someone knocking on the door and the door opens before Lory and the other give permission, Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Yin frown deeply, this behavior is very rude and the two girls not accustomed to people misbehaved.

The one who opens the door is a guard and the young maid, the young maid look at them with pompous looks "Apologies for bothering you but my missus need to rent the room immediately, for your inconvenience my missus would pay all your room expense" she talks as if she has given them the best reward they could have.

The three of them become silent not because they are scared but more because someone is deliberately come and ask for a hard beating, that poor young maid didn't know she's entered the lion's den. the young maid suddenly feel goosebumps all over her body.

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"So, in short, you want to kick us from our room" Lory stifles while sipping her tea calmly.

"Is this room have time limits?" Yang Xi Ying's noble demeanor returns as she talks with the waiter whose waiting near the door with an anxious face.

Yang Xi Yin's voice is soft but her gaze is so intimidating the waiter suddenly feel nervous "No, there are not" he shakes his head profusely while wiped his forehead.

Yang Xi Yin shifts her gaze to the young maid "You see, we don't need to leave the room yet" she said gently but her words didn't give word to retort.

The young maid become tongue-tied she didn't know the guest inside the room are not as simple as she thought but she can't back down because that means she would humiliate her missus, the young maid grit her teeth and she brace herself "My missus is Lian Yu Yan the Prime Minister Lian daughter and General Yuan Shao fiancée, would you still insist hogging the room?" the maid uses her missus name to threatening them, this she sure the three women would not dare against her, no one dare against prime Minister Lian, the young maid puffed her chest smugly.

Ming Yue Yin snickers "You know what? I think we will be here for the rest of the day, what do you think girls?" she throws sly gaze to Lory and Ming Yue Yin.

"If it gives your missus too much trouble, told her I will pay for her room, just tell her she can choose any room she wants" Yang Xi Yin sneer at the young maid.

"And the food too…" Lory added casually while taking another bite of chestnut cake.

"Don't worry we would pay for your missus…inconvenience" Ming Yue Yin crosses her legs casually just like an empress talks to her lowly servant the young maid and the guard face become dark from shammed, but they don't know they are in the presence of an Empress.

The maid and the guards have quick exchanged a glance, they didn't want to admit they feel intimidated by them but they can't leave, their missus would punish them if they can't get the room for her, both of them didn't know what to do so they stood there awkwardly.

"Why are you still here?" Ming Yue Yin's voice startled them.

"Uhm…sorry, we…" the maid give them perplexed looks, she can't return to her missus with bad news but she knew she can't force them either, she feel loss what she about to do.

Suddenly a group of women with lavish hanfu who had too much embroidery that remain Lory with the curtain in her eccentric teacher room and the bright color of their dress make her eyes hurt so she blinks a few times to eased her sight and guess what, she's not the only one because Yang Xi Yin also do the same only Ming Yue Yin who was frown in disgusted.

The leader of the group of women is a woman with bright pink hanfu and gold hairpin, the women should be beautiful but the heavy make up on her face didn't do justice for her, the woman black painted eyebrows frown when she saw Lory and the other still seat nicely in their chairs.

"Why are they still here?" she questions her maid without care Lory and the others could hear her.

Ming Yue Yin sighs for her meeting another haughty woman, Lory was stifles she cover her smile with teacup while Yang Xi Yin who has perfect etiquette as a noble daughter didn't change her expression she sips her tea gracefully as if she didn't hear them.

The maid feels wronged, she's only a lowly maid how could she able to force anyone to leave and most of all these three women is scary but as a maid of noble family, the first thing learned is the ability to dodge the problem "Miss, they don't want to leave…" she throws the blame to the three women smoothly.

The haughty young lady glare at Lory and the others "Miss, you've been here quite a while why don't you let us use this room, why are you making this difficult" suddenly she push the blame on Lory and the others and she somehow becomes the victim.

Ming Yue Yin chuckles, she saw this too much in the imperial harem when the previous Emperor still alive and the concubines fought for his favor "Miss we came here first, we pay our room and meal with our own money then you come to my room without invited and kick us from our room and now you said we are the wrong one?" Ming Yue Yin laughing how shameless they are.

Lian Yu Yan's face turns red from embarrassment, then another noble daughter wants to curry her favor help her "That's why Miss Lian said she would pay your expense, why you so disrespectful with Miss Lian?" the girl accused them of unappreciated Lan Yu Yan kindness,

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"Disrespect?" Ming Yue Yin raised her eyebrows "Can you see she's still eating when you came disturbing us?"

Lory does still eating, she's munch the chestnuts water cake in a relaxed manner without care by other people chattering.

Lian Yu Yan and her friends become speechless, how could she still eat in this situation? But for Lory who had been through depression and starvation in her previous world, she never taken for granted all little thing she enjoys today like a bright sun, sparkling nights and most of all food, to able filled your stomach with a good food is a bless from the God that's why she never wasted her food no matter how awful the tasted was.

The quiet Yang Xi Yin become annoyed by they're persistence "Miss, you came to my room without invited, you disturbed my friend meal and still have a face to chassed us from our private room, I want to know is this how noble family from Liu Yan kingdom had been taught" she seize them up and down with ridiculed smiles.

"You!" Lian Yu Yan has been scolded numerous times today by a stranger and what make matters worse it happened in front of other noble ladies, she knew this matter would be spread among the noble families when that happened her reputation would be ruined and implicate her family too and what if General Yuan know about this?

"Do you know who I am?" she needs to show these three women she's not someone to be trifled with.

"The prime minister daughter I presume" Ming Yue Yin said nonchalantly.

"I don't know but I know I need to order this again, this cake is…crazy" Lory far from care with the situation in the room.

Yang Xi Yin also didn't bother with them "Don't worry I will order it for you, waiter!" she raised her hands elegantly.

"Xi Yin order more, this greedy woman didn't spare me anything…." Ming Yue Yin scowled.

"First come, first serve," Lory said without any guilt.