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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 280 - The General And The Lord III
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"I thought she came to save the Emperor son, so it's not true?" Lory suddenly got curious.

"No, I think is more than that," said Yuan Shao "before she helps the ninth prince she asks about an old map, that map is been in the royal family possession for hundreds of years and no one knows what this map all about"


"What kinda a map?" Zhao Li Xin got intrigued.

"A map about something, a hidden a treasure perhaps no one knows, the Emperor orders my father to investigated five years ago but it leads nowhere but that because the map is incomplete" Yuan Shao rubs his chin while contemplating "But somehow Lao Min Na knew about the map and she asks for it in exchange for the prince life"

"Does Lao Min Na got the map?" Lory wanted to know why Lao Min Na went to such lengths to get the old map, is not even a complete map so what is she up to?

Yuan Shao sigh "She does….but she didn't get the whole information" he smiles slyly "I make a copy of the map and I also tampered the real map"

Zhao Li Xin stifles "Why are you do that, aren't you worry if the emperor knew all of your family would be killed" Zhao Li Xin raised his eyebrows with a devious smile.

Yuan Shao sneered "I don't have a problem with that, other than my sister I don't care with anyone else in that place" he didn't hide his disgusted in his eyes.

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"Interesting…." Zhao Li Xin rubs his thin lips "What kinda collaboration you ask?"

Yuan Shao smiles in delight, he had make the copy of that map behind his father back he was suspicious the moment he saw Lao Min Na at the first time, something about her make him feel chill to the bones and when the emperor ask about the development of there investigation of the old map, Yuan Shao had a feeling something is going to happen, then he got information about the disputed between Lao Min Na and Hei Shen sect who also involved Jiu Yun Sect, Yuan Shao knew where to side so he take an action immediately and just like he thought the map falls on that woman hands.

"Exchanged Information and protection," said Yuan Shao without hesitation "I will tell you all people who are working for Lao Min Na in this Kingdom also every stores and merchant who work with her or under her, you should know Lao Min Na wants to create her business empire in the Liu Yan kingdom as her base and we both know why she wants to do that"

Zhao Li Xin face remain unperturbed but his brain has been calculated and predict Lao Min Na next move, he knew Lao Min Na is developed her business and Bei Li Yan and Wu San Bo had been investigated this matter for a while but to know every merchant who worked for Lao Min Na would take a lot of times and with misty lake influence it would make Zhao Li Xin jobs harder so this offer is not that bad at all…"

"And the map?" Zhao Li Xin asks calmly.

"I want you to guarantee my younger sister safety, I promise you I will give you the map!" said Yuan Shao

Lory remembers what happened to Yuan Shao's sister from Ming Yue Yin, she feel deeply sorry for the little girl "I know what happened with you're sister, how is she?" her concern seems genuine, it make Yuan Shao touch a little.

"She…. she's struggling but she's a strong girl" she let out a long heaved, after what happened to his sister Yuan Shao realizes his protection is not enough, Qian Qi Wei and his uncle's and aunts who want to curry favor with that woman would hurt his sister eventually, he almost lose his sister that time who knew if he could make it next time.

His father couldn't do anything other than punish Qian Qi Wei to stay in her room for a month because of her negligence there's nothing else he could do, and when the Empress knew about this she would press his father to release Qian Qi Wei immediately is good enough if Qian Qi Wei could lock up in her courtyard for two weeks.

Yuan Shao worry every day with his sister safety especially when he knew her sister couldn't cultivate and what make matter worst her sister is so beautiful just like his Mother, a few noblemen already had their eyes to his sister, but a weak woman like her sister would not make it alive in the fight between wives soon or later she would end up like there Mother or perhaps worst.

"Li Xin can you help her?" she can only hope Zhao Li Xin would help that pitiful girl, Lory didn't dare to force Zhao Li Xin to accept Yuan Shao bargaining, because they're still a few things she didn't know about this world that's why she never wants to get involved in other people business too deep if not urgent.

"It's a small matter, I could handle this in a day" Zhao Li Xin smiles gently at her, he knew his princess is soft-hearted how could he say no to her and this is a simple matter for him this bargaining also not bad so he didn't lose anything.

"Tell your family you're sister needs a quiet and peaceful place to recuperated, send her to Ping Yi Monestry my people would pick her up and send her to a different place," said Zhao Li Xin.

Yuan Shao frown "People would be suspicious if she suddenly disappeared from the monastery"

"I will put someone to disguised as your sister" Zhao Li Xin lean his back on the chair, with lazy expression.

Yuan Shao's face lit up, this is a good idea, finally, her sister would have peaceful life "Good, let's arranged that immediately" he got excited knowing finally his sister could live the life she always dreams of.

"I don't think sending her far away would be good to her, she's only thirteen and she would leave the only place and family she knew although this family is a bad one but still….seperated her with her brother would only make her stress not to mention she's still in trauma from what happened so..." Lory immerses in deep thought.

"What are you're a suggestion?" Zhao Li Xin asks.

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"Maybe we can let her stay here before we send her away….to make sure she prepares" Lory shrug her shoulder "What do you think?" Lory turns her gaze to Yuan Shao as her sister guardian and Zhao Li Xin as the host.

Yuan Shao is uncomfortable leaving his sister to stay with a stranger but at least he could check his sister's condition while she stays in here and there's no place safer than Long Ming manor "If it doesn't bother you?" he looks at Zhao Li Xin.

"Whatever my fiancée want my fiancée will get," he said nonchalantly.

"I will ask the servants to prepare the courtyard for general Sister than!" Lory clapped her hands excitedly.

Suddenly the door opens "Aunty, I hear you have a guest" Ming Yue Yin takes long strides to enter the room, she heard someone from the Liu Yan Kingdom visit the manor so she got curious who might they be.

Yuan Shao recognizes Ming Yue Yin's beautiful face immediately "You!" he squints his eyes in shock.

"Stupid General!" she startled.

"Why are you here?" both of them speak at the same time.


Lory nudged Zhao Li Xin's arms excitedly "Take out my cake, this is gonna be fun!"

"Drink your tea…" he lifts the teacup.
