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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 353 - How To Make People Talk
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The laughter took a long time, Ming Yue Yin never imagines their would be any romantic scenario between her and Zhao Li Xin even though she admits he is one of the most handsome men she ever saw in her life but still, it took more then just an appearance to make her fall in love to someone.

For one reason why she never interested with Zhao Li Xin is one: he is too clingy, seriously he will follow Lory twenty-four hours a day if he could, he also paranoid that's why is not easy for Lory to ask permission to leave the Manor, he also overreacting over anything involved Lory, fortunately, lory has a good temper and enormous patient toward Zhao Li Xin antic behavior that's why they almost never fight. ​​

But for Ming Yue Yin, she can't imagine marrying someone like Zhao Li Xin, that kinda man will suffocate her soon or later, that's why it is impossible for her and Zhao Li Xin to have any romantic relationship even if Lory is not in the picture.

She finally finishes her laughter she wipe the tears on the corner of her eyes than she gulped her wine to moist her throat and clear her throat.

"Ehm, to answer you're stupid question about me and that scarry uncle Long Ming slash Zhao Li Xin or whatever name you want to called him, is a NO and NEVER!" she confidently emphasizes the word 'No and Never'

Qian Mu Ting's face turns bright red is clear for everyone Ming Yue Yin didn't have any weird agenda about Zhao Li Xin if she did, he would never let her stay in his Manor but still, Qian Mu Ting refuses to believe it. Maybe because she thought if she's not immune to Zhao Li Xin charm and so everyone else or maybe she doesn't want to the only pathetic one but overall she doesn't believe Ming Yue Yin words.

Qian Mu Ting glare at Ming Yue Yin with disbelieved eyes which ignore by Ming Yue Yin she gives Qian Mu Ting quirk smiles obviously didn't bother of what Qian Mu Ting thought, she sips her wine nonchalantly but her eyes watch every slight change on Qian Mu Ting face.

Is not that hard for someone like Ming Yue Yin who spends all her adulthood inside the imperial palace, she knew a lot of woman like Qian Mu Ting, Prideful, hypocrite, narcissistic and overestimated her owned intelligent.

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A lot of Princess have the same temperament as Qian Mu Ting, it is easy for Ming Yue Yin if she wants to shakes her a little bit. She smacks her lips than she smiles sweetly at Qian Mu Ting "Why are you suddenly become quiet, second princess? You don't believe me? do you think everyone is like you?"

"I don't understand what you said…you're majesty?" She feel someone one twist the dagger on her heart she was stunned is Ming Yue Yin knew her inner feeling she thought she has hidden it well, she looks down subconsciously as she averts Ming Yue Yin sharp gaze on her.

"Is it?" Ming Yue Yin raised her eyebrows, she size Qian Mu Ting appearance up and down than she sneers "You dress very lovely for today"

Qian Mu Ting expression suddenly become stiffed, Ming Yue Yin knew she hit the right spot now she just need to squeeze a little bit more "You think your going to meet Long Ming today aren't you?" she chuckles with mocking tones.

"I…" her chin trembles, Ming Yue Yin deep gaze penetrate to her eyes as if she could see everything inside her heart "I…I don't mean to, I just…."

"She never looks at you" she suddenly cut in.

Ming Yue Yin startled, her body suddenly jolted, she gulped her saliva nervously.

"You are not her…." Ming Yue Yin smirked "Unless You are Luo Ri Yi, you mean nothing for Lord Long Ming"

"SHUT UP!" Qian Mu Ting suddenly shout "What so good about her? she only a lowly maid, a worthless peasant, what make her better then me! she is nothing, NOTHING!" she suddenly lost control and scream like mad woman even her maids were shocked when Qian Mu Ting realize what she had done she immediately close her mouth but she knew it was too late.

"I…..I don't mean….is not…" her face turns white as sheet and sweat begin to immerged on her forehead.

Ming Yue Yin laugh heartily than she clapped her hands in monotone sounds "Finally…." She exclaimed in joy. Ming Yue Yin lowers her gaze to Qian Mu Ting distraught expression, Ming Yue Yin smiles wickedly "You finally being honest second princess…it doesn't feel so bad isn't it" she quipped.

Su Yi and the other roll they're eyes, they're Empress have a lot of talent but her biggest talent is push other people button, she doesn't need to tortured or threat her victims to confess, all she have to do is sit nicely and observed his opponent than she would know which button to push to make them feel sad, angry or desperate.

Qian Mu Ting feel her body become numbs she could feel mockery eyes from Ming Yue Yin subordinated, never in her life she feel so worthless, Ming Yue Yin gaze make her feel like transparent glass nothing she can't hide from her, Qian Mu Ting eyes moist with tears and tears roll on her cheek like a pearl.

"You're Majesty…why you hate me so much, I never do anything wrong to you, why are you humiliate me like this? Is it fun to bully a weak woman like me…" Qian Mu Ting clenches her fist tightly and tears stream down on her face, she looks very pitiful.

"Is it fun when you watching Lory ridiculed by other people?" she rebuked coldly "And don't play this 'White Lotus' trick to me, I see it too often and got bored with it" Ming Yue Yin roll her eyes upsetly.

"You can fool everyone but you can't fool me, I saw the ugly smiles you painstakingly hiding behind you're innocent face. You enjoy it don't you, saw other people mocked her…..taunted her, you might think finally she got what she deserved…" Ming Yue Yin snickered.

Qian Mu Ting tongue-tied she can't refute Ming Yue Yin because she's right! everything she said is right! she is jealous of Luo Ri Yi, why Long Ming loves her so much, why he treat her so well, what so good about her? if only Lu Ri Yi is more beautiful and more talented then her she would not feel so miserable, because of Luo Ri Yi she lied to her parents for the first time, until now she's not dare told her Mother Empress that Long Ming never gives her even a glance amd is all because of that woman!

"You're majesty, you wrong! my Princess didn't mean what she said!" Qian Mu Ting maids can't hold his grievances for her princess any longer, she never seen The elegant and beautiful Qian Mu Ting is pressed like this.

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Ming Yue Yin shifts her gaze to the young maid, she casually smiles than lean her back to the chair "Than tell me what she means than?"

All eyes turn t the young maid and the young maid finally realizes what she gets herself involved to and suddenly she becomes nervous "Yo…You're majesty, My princess come to plead leniency for the Empress…"

"Come to whom?" Ming Yue Yin cut in again in a swift.

The maids startle "To…Lord, Lord Long Ming" she unconsciously replies.

Ming Yue Yin tilted her head "Is that why you're princess dress very nice today?"

"Yes!" she becomes more nervous under Ming Yue Yin gaze.

"Why?" she sternly ask.

"Be…because she thought milord will like what he sees" she accidentally reveals Qian Mu Ting's intention. The young maid covers her mouth in reflex, she realizes she said something she shouldn't. If stares could kill Qian Mu Ting would kill the young maid maids a thousands times now. Qian Mu Ting stare make the young maid shiver in fear and the other maids look at her with pity.

Ming Yue Yin pursed her lips "Something is wrong, I can't believe this is all second princess idea, that's can't be right isn't it?"

The young maid become muddle head their's a voice in a back of her head saying she must salvage this situation or she will lose her life, the young maid shook her head profusely "No! is not the princess is the empress idea!" she was stunned by her owned words and she cover her mouth again with desperate looks.

Ming Yue Yin chuckles lightly "So is the empress, no wonder…" she muttered "It seems I need to have an audience with the Emperor"