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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 392 - Sneak In II
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Zhao Li Xin's carriage stopped by a grey old stone building with a giant placard that read 'Fu Yun'. The building was a three-storied restaurant. A waiter by the door slightly squinted when he saw Mong Yi and quickly approached Zhao Li Xin's carriage.

Mong Ki dropped off the coach seat at the front, moved to the back of the carriage, and pulled open the curtain. Zhao Li Xin, disguised as a middle-aged man, alighted from the carriage. His ordinary appearance could only attract a quick glance.


Zhao Li Xin stretched out his hand and a small hand clenched if from inside the carriage. Some pedestrians were curious to see the woman behind the small hand but their excitement quickly died down when they saw Lory's appearance. Her average look made them sigh with disappointment before they went about their own business.

Zhao Li Xin was satisfied to see the people's reaction to their disguise. He even played around with the idea of having Lory keep her current disguise to discourage other men from approaching her. Lory was also delighted by their reaction but for a different reason. It was a good thing when people ignored your presence as it made it easier for one to snoop around for information.

The waiter led them into the restaurant. The restaurant was bigger than it looked outside. The place had brown wooden pillars and was filled with old furniture. It looked and felt old. It lacked luxury or an extravagant ambiance like the Phoenix Hall restaurant and was not as beautiful and serene as the Tan Cu Tea house. Although the people inside it dressed nicely, their behavior seemed rogue and loud.

Lory didn't mind their behavior as it reminded her of the hunter's guild she used to visit in her old world. The waiter took them to a private room on the third floor where a fat burly man sat behind a large desk. The man had a mean look and had a faint scar running between his left eyebrow and left eye. A thick and heavy mustache and beard covered his mouth.

The man quickly rose from his seat and dashed toward Zhao Yi Xin. He kneeled on the floor and cupped his fist. His voice held respect, "Greetings, Milord, Young Madam!"

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His greeting made Lory realize her position as Zhao Li Xin's wife had spread to every Hei Shen Sect members.

Zhao Li Xin helped Lory sit first before he occupied the seat behind the desk. He sat back in the chair and lazily raised his hand to gesture for the burly man to raise from the floor.

"Introduce yourself first..." Zhao Li Xin said lazily as he opened the scroll report on the desk.

The burly man nodded. He already knew the rumors about Luo Ri Yi and how his lord dotted on his wife. An insider even spread the word that it was important to curry favor with the new young madam as she was the only one who could help you if you infuriate the lord. This rumor was confirmed after the shadow guards Mong Liu and his brother were spared when they failed to protect young madam. With this thought, the burly man cupped his fists to Lory and said, "My name is Bu Gi, young madam. The people around here know me as the owner of this restaurant. I'm a Hei Shen Sect member under the Black Turtle Palace faction."

"How long have you been here?" Lory asked.

"Three years, young madam," The man replied with the same politeness.

"Tell me what you know about the Sacred Mountain Peak Society. How much influence do they have in this country?" 

Bu Gi was startled by Lory's question as he didn't know she wanted to get involved in the matter. He glanced at Zhao Li Xin who faintly nodded for him to proceed. Lory tilted her head with a sweet smile as she waited for Bu Gi to continue. Mong Yi brewed the sun citrus tea for Lory as Bu Gi spoke.

"Tang Shen City is naturally owned by the Sacred Mountain Peak, but their ownership is not completely official. The government, from the smallest soldier to the Governor and the cities ruling clans report to Sacred Mountain Peak. They pay tribute to them yearly as a token of gratitude. Sacred Mountain Peak then offers them protection and accept their children as disciples in return," Bu Gui revealed.

"What are the criteria for being accepted as a disciple?" Lory placed an arm on the armchair to hold her head while she contemplated.

"It solely depends on the contribution you give them but they make it seem like they choose disciples by talent. However, it is already a public secret that one needs to spend more money for their child to be accepted," Bu Gi responded.

"So, they are dirty and corrupt… This will make our job easier," Lory pursed her lips and nodded faintly.

Mong Yi handed the warm teacup to Lory and said, "You do not need to spend money to enter the first layer of Sacred Mountain Peak, but we will definitely need a lot of money to get the next levels." 

Lory sipped the tea, smacked her moist lips, and looked at Zhao Li Xin with glinted eyes. She rose her brows with mischief, "If only we can find a talented man who will be eagerly accepted. We need a man with amazing talent and deep pockets... What do you think?"

Zhao Li Xin's eyes squinted as he understood what she wanted, "The skin mask will not work as they have a talisman that reveals any kind of disguise."

"Any kind? Even my kind of disguise?" Lory smiled cheekily.

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Zhao Li Xin's eyes widened as he chuckled, "Well...maybe not all kinds..."

"But…there's a catch…" Lory narrowed her eyes.

"Hm?" Zhao Li Xin smiled with amusement. He knew where the conversation led.

"I must stay close to you. So…you must figure out how to take me with you." 

"Oh. Is this because you can't bear being separated from me or is it because you want to have fun?" Zhao Li Xin teased her. He knew his fearless wife had no sense of danger.

"Oh my, you don't believe me? I really want to help you!" Lory clenched her chest and pretended to be offended but the smirk on her face gave her away. "And if it turns out to be fun…it would not my fault..."

Zhao Li Xin scoffed as he covered his mouth in laughter, Bu Gi was dumbfounded as he never saw his lord with a different expression from indifference and fury. He gaped and looked at Mong Ki and Mong Yi with a 'did you see that?' expression.

Mong Yi and Mong Ki shrugged casually as they were used to their lord's behavior around their young madam. Bu Gi quickly understood Lory's high position in his lord's heart. It was no wonder, everyone, in Hei Shen Sect who met Lory thought highly of her. She was the only one who could calm the Demon Lord.

"Then it is settled. We only need background stories to suit us," Lory pinched her chin.

"I leave everything to you, my wife," Zhao Li Xin amicably said.

"Oh, how nice of you..." Lory's mouth twitched slightly. It seemed Zhao Li Xin was living the work to her. Lory sighed. She was bored anyway and could make the best of it. The impenetrable Sacred Mountain Peak? She was ready to put their names to the test.