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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 458 - Divide And Conquer
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Meantime, Zhao Li Xin is lead by the stupid man to the Xie Manor, their stop right at the giant wooden gate with two guards with bronze armor and long spear on their hand, they bow when the stupid man arrives it seems his position is not bad, but then Zhao Li Xin sneered, the quality of subordinated is the reflection of their Lord foresight, taking the stupid man who doesn't know his limitation and throwing his position without regards only show how little Xie Hua Ling eyesight for choosing his close subordinated.

Zhao Li Xin thought this fourth young master might be easier to handle than he imagines. The soldier respectfully opens the gated for them the stupid man lifts his chin as he swagger through the gate.


Not everyone could enter the front gate most subordinated have to enter from the side door, only someone with high position could enter the front gate of Xie Manor. This is a great privileged for anyone, he throws smug smile to Zhao Li Xin but sadly the man himself look indifferent. The stupid man upset for not received the reaction he expected he thought Zhao Li Xin pretends to be nonchalant as he was afraid of embarrassing himself.

The manor is massive and luxurious but compares to the underground palace he used to live this place is not even half of his personal living quarter at the underground palace so he doesn't impress, to be honest, he just bored and slightly sleepy. 

The stupid man finally took him to the study room where Xie Hua Ling is. the housekeeper who is waiting outside the room was in the middle giving an order to maids when he notices they come.

"Master Chang Wu" the housekeeper bows his head politely.

"I have brought Lu Xin to meet the fourth young master," said the stupid man who was called Chang Wu.

The housekeeper size up Zhao Li Xin from head to toe then ends up with disappointment on his eyes then he turns around and enters the room. a minute later the housekeeper opens the door "Please come" he make polite gestures with his hand.

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The room is bright and luxurious, the furniture obviously made from high quality, the wall is adorned with beautiful painting and calligraphy, the porcelain vas and jade statue arranged neatly on the table, the floor is cover with giant red rugs with intricate embroidery. Every single corner od the room is decorated with expensive goods that scream 'I'm Rich!' 

Zhao Li Xin frown because too many useless displays in one room not to mention the bright paint on the beam and wall that hurt his eyes, he doesn't understand what is the point filling the room with so many items, Zhao li Xin already feel suffocated inside the room?

Xie Hua Ling was enjoying the new painting on the wall when Zhao Li Xin and Chang Wu enter the room, he doesn't even bother to look at them when they bow towards him. Xie Hua Ling eyes glue on the painting with adoring eyes "What do you think about this painting" he throws sudden question without looking at them as if he was afraid the painting would disappear if he averts his eyes for a second.

Chang Wu might be not the smartest person in the room but he proficient in licking boots "The painting is so beautiful master the brush strokes is so exquisite and the flower is live-liked this is a great masterpiece, Young master always have a good eyes and unparalleled taste" he singing praised for Xie Hua Ling in one breath.

Xie Hua Ling knew his subordinated only licking his boots but his praise still satisfied him. Xie Hua Ling shifts his glance to the quiet man beside his subordinated, Zhao Li Xin's expression remains placid like nothing reflects on his eyes it was dark and cold. 

"What do you think Lu Xin," he asked.

"It's nice…" he casually said. For Zhao Li Xin Lory drawing is a lot more beautiful and life-like.

Xie Hua Ling sneer, he thought this country bumpkin didn't know good stuff he might never seen great painting before, is a fool of him to asked Zhao Li Xin opinion "This painting is made by Yu Bai Su, it take years for me to persuaded master yu to sell one of his masterpiece" he proudly said.

Chang Wu flabbergasted "Master Yu, The great master painter Yu Bai Su?" 

Xie Hua Ling clasped his hand behind his back as he puffs his chest arrogantly "Yes, that master Yu"

"Young master is so great, I heard even the Prince is rejected when he wants to buy Master Yu painting, Master Xie you are so great to able persuade him, this servant is completely amazed" Chang Wu didn't miss the chance to curry Xie Hua Ling favor.

Xie Hua Ling make complacent smile, he does feel proud to himself. Everyone must be green with envy when they know he owns one of Yu Bai Su treasures.

'Yu Bai Su, why that name sounds familiar?' Zhao Li Xin's eyebrows gradually furrow as he tries to remember where he heard that name before.

"Leave, I want to talk with Lu Xin in privately" Xie Hua ling shoo Chang Wu.

Chang feel indignant, he has served Xie Hua Ling for a long time how could he lost to someone who only comes yesterday however he doesn't dare show his dissatisfaction, he bows his head courteously, he glares at Zhao Li Xin before he exits the room.

"Who is attacking you?" he asked Zhao Li Xin without further ado.

"I don't know, all I know they are strong if I don't run I should be dead right now" Zhao Li Xin explains everything with a straight face he doesn't look hesitant at all.

"They, so it's more than one person…." Xie Hua Ling rubs his chin as he pondering, he only guessed is Xie Xian Zi doing "You know why they're attacking you?"

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"They said it's because I give Shadow tiger to Miss Nan, they say I should have chosen a better master and…." Zhao Li Xin swallows the next words, it was clear he was hesitated to voice the next sentence.

"What they said?" Xie Hu Ling narrowed his eyes.

"They said...I should have smart like...Miss Nan" Zhao Li Xin looks down as he avoids Xie Hua Ling glare, "I think they say that only to provoke me before killing me" Zhao li Xin pretends to be considerate but it only damped Xie Hua Ling mood.

Xie Hua Ling kicks the chair near him into splinter "That Bastard, is must be Chen Hu Yin!" he gritted his teeth. How could he doesn't know the ambiguous relationship between Nan Yu Qi and Chen Hu Yin, he knew Chen Hu Yin has sacrificed a lot of things for Nan Yu Qi. It was thanks to Chen Hu Yin painstaking effort that Nan Yu Qi to able to develop this far even when she was under Nan Yu Wei pressured. As a woman how could Nan yu Qi heart not move with Chen Hu Yin's sincerity?

It was a surprised when Nan Yu Qi accept the engagement, he doesn't know if she accepts the engagement willingly or coerced, or perhaps Nan Yu Qi has her own agenda, Xie Hua Ling wonder if this all just a charade to make him lose his guard down if Nan yu Qi work with Chen Hu yin is that means she would help Xie Xian Zie? Unconsciously the seed of doubt grew in his heart.

"What about you, do you think you choose the wrong person?" he examined the changed on Zhao Li Xin face. 

"I'm a committed person, besides everyone said Fourth Young master Xie is the one who has more possibility as the leader of sacred Mountain peak as a subordinated I can only raise when my master is in a higher position isn't it" Zhao Li Xin smiles calmly there's no doubt in his face.

His calm answer satisfied Xie Hua Ling ego as he confidence he would become the next Leader after his father "Good, Nan Yu Qi already told you to keep in eye of Chen Hu Yin, but I want you to keep in eye on Nan Yu Qi I want to know if she ever meets Chen Hu Yin privately"

"Are you doubt her, young master" Zhao Li Xin innocently asked

"I just want to be sure" Xie Hua Ling waves his hand "You can go now"

"I'll be going then" Zhao Li Xin cupped his fist.

Zhao Li Xin left the room, just like he thought is easy to twist Xie Hua Ling's mind. He is a paranoid, narcissist, arrogant, and overly ambitious man, people like him are easily agitated when his position threatens. He is someone who rather kills hundreds of innocent then let one traitor missed. Devilish smiles bloom on his face as he left the Xie Manor.