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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 460 - The First Kind
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When Mo Ning Yuan left a dark figure to appear, he was Mong Gi with black attire he walks into the cave, the smell of sulfur immediately assaults his nose, he covers his nose with his fist then he searches the source of the smell. He was startled by the greyish liquid on the ground, he crouches in front of it as an experience shadow guard he recognizes what this liquid is.

Then he sees a dark liquid on the boulder when his finger touches the surface it was still wet, he sniffed his finger then his brows creased as he knew to well what this smell is, this is blood.


He walks out of the cave then he approaches the burning cloth that she left, there still some fabric remains and it was silk. Only rich people who wear silk. Mong Gi took the half burn clothes and store it in his collar then he left the premises.


Lory stay at her room with piles of paper and book on the round table in the middle of her room, she leisurely lay on the couch next to the window, she read a book while sipping his tea while the breeze blew her hair gently. The book she read is a fable about a creature that when he came the dark cloud would hover on the sky and invited endless lightning at the sky. The creature flew on the sky as it terrorizes innocent people, the vicious beast slaughtered humans without regard, the creature even has feasts with a human child, then come to the noble family ancestor, together they killed the mighty beast and bring peace to the world ever since.

She closes the book then threw it to the round table near her, she yawns then rubbed her tired eyes. She had read too much book for one day but nothing is concrete which she expected. When it comes story not everything is true however not everything is false, from the stories she read she can draw a conclusion that the beast's power is lightning and the creature is very powerful but how powerful it is if the four noble families were able to kill it.

Either they are too strong or the beast's power is exaggerated to make them look great.


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Lory lift her head "Come in"

A young girl about fourteen-fifteen years old enter the room, she opens the door carefully with the tray on her hand "greeting young madam, I bring red bean soup for a snack, brother Mong Liu told me you haven't eaten for hours" the girl said timidly, she doesn't want lory thought she step her boundaries for doing something she didn't ask.

"Oh, I do feel hungry" Lory's stomach suddenly growls "Right on time!" she grinned widely, she doesn't look embarrassed when her stomach make a rude sound.

The timid girl feel more comfortable because Lory jokes "Where…where should I put it, madam?" the books scattered on the table leaving no room for other things.

Lory lifts a small table to the couch "Put it here" she tapped the table.

The young maid stride to the small table then she carefully put down the bowl, when she open the lit the sweet fragrance of red bean make Lory droll, she just realizes how hungry she was "Thank you…" she casually said out of habit.

The young maid blush from Lory courtesy to the small servant like her, she feel overjoyed by her simple reply "Enjoy your food madam, I will come again to take the dirty bowl" she ends her waist in ninety-degree then she left in hurry. Lory only smiles watching the timid young maid.

When the young maid got out of the room the bright smiles on her face hasn't dissipated, Mong Liu who coincidently bump with the young maid got curious "Why are you smiling, something good happens?" he asked.

The young maid nods profusely "The young madam is kinder than the rumor said, no wonder my sister like Young madam very much" his face lit up as the admiration apparently show on her face.

"Your sister, Yu Rui?" Mong Gi raised his eyebrows, he remembers the young girl in front of him name is Yu Ji, yu Rui younger sister they also Yu Bai Su younger sisters, the siblings are served different palace but they never lose contact, it was rare for Yu Rui and Yu Ji in the same mission so they must be elated to spend time together, it seems they share gossip during that time too.

"Young Madam also very smart too" Mong Gi did not forget to add more praise for Lory.

"Yes, I heard it from elder sister. No wonder Milord loves young madam very much, she have many hidden talents" Yu Ji heard much great rumor about the mysterious young madam, she doesn't believe it until her own sister told her, and after she met Lory Yu Ji has instant adoration toward her.

The young madam might not as beautiful as other lady but there's a genuine kindness in her eyes, she exudes calmness and serenity, there's no pretense in her behavior like normally aristocrat lady would. The weird thing is even when her behavior considers impolite like laying on the couch with her feet raise to the couch while she read, but she doesn't look crude but instead, she look graceful and poises with a hint mischievousness in her eyes. There something about the young madam makes her can't take her eyes off her.

Lory who is clueless about her increasing popularity at the Hei Shen sect was enjoyed her steaming red bean soup. Then he hears the sound of flapping, Girsha land smoothly on the small table.

[Girl, I have…news, I don't know if it's good or bad but I feel something very wrong from the forbidden library" Girsha said anxiously.

Her spoon paused on the air as she lifts her head "What, what do you feel?"

"I feel familiar energy when I'm channeling my power, I want to investigate the creature who might reside there but when that happens..." Girsha was baffled, it left a great shock for him.

"Lory, whatever inside that library is very powerful and old….ancient, I think….this creature is like me…" his words got deepen. 

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"The…the first kind….that impossible, you and Nazareth is the last first kind!"

"From this world Lory, not verrion" he clarifies.

Her eyes widened "The first kind of this world? They're also the first kind in this world?" she covers her out with both hands as she gasped in fright.

"Every world has their own Rule, their own God and their own first kind and perhaps their own Demon," Girsha said solemnly.

Her spoon drop on the bowl as she dumbfounded by Girsha words, of course, she knew her mother has taught her and Lucas since they were a child and after she dies she left all her knowledge in the royal private library, she thought what she learned from her mother is common knowledge but one day she realizes that the book can only be read by Lucient if the book opened by anyone who had no blood relation with Lucient the words will not come out.

The knowledged her mother left is so discreet and rare not even Reynald his father Archknight who works as a historian knew about it. Lory and Lucas never understand why their Mother forces them to learned all this knowledge, she even make them promised to continue their study even after she was gone. 

[So it's true, the book is true after all…] Lory sigh.

[Yes, I just knew the theory but there never be solid proof for that theory, until now…] Girsha have mixed feelings about this, should he be excited or worry.

[Do you think this creature is like you or Nazareth?] Lory bit her lips as she becomes nervous. The first kind is not something she takes lightly, their existence is a threat for humankind because their violent nature, Girsha is only an exception because he took a liking on her, the First kind can be cruel but also overprotective with their love one. Because of that Girsha never hurt anyone since he follows Lory, he only reacts when Lory is under the threat.

[You think it make a difference?] Girsha was not a docile first kind either if not they will not give him nickname 'The Grimm from Elysius mountain'

Lory shrug [You never attack if not being provoked while Nazareth….] She doesn't think she needs to elaborate on how destructive Nazareth was.

[Well, you got the point] he reluctantly agrees. The black Dragon suddenly gone berserk and kill everything on sight, it was mind-boggle for Girsha who share the same ancient blood like him, violent, merciless and vicious is the 'first kind' trait but to kill like rabid dogs are not something even him he could understand, unless Lazarus has something to do about it.