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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 476 - The End Of Cooperation
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"You sure?" Zhao Li Xin still in doubt he checks for any dislocated joints, bruises, or any kind of discomfort on her body.

"I'm good, I'm good, go now, they would be here by now!" she shoves Zhao Li Xin hands from her "Go – go – go!" Lory keeps pushing his back to leave.


"Can you promise me you will not do that kinda stunt again?" he pleaded helplessly towards her.

"I can…but that would be a lie" Lory rise her brows as she gives him a meaningful gaze.

Zhao Li Xin let out a long sigh then he take a long leap away from her.

A few minutes later Mo Ning Yuan and her subordinate arrived, there's a trace of sweat on their forehead it is a long climbed just like Mo Ning Yuan said, they heart quiver when she found Lory sit comfortably on the stone while feeding grape to her bird nonchalantly, she lifts her head and looks at Mo Ning Yuan with the bored expression "You finally here…" she rose from her sit then patted her creased robes.

Lory words stab her heart, being humiliated by a woman she degraded before it feel like a big slap on her face. She throws a sharp gaze towards Lory "You, how could you do that, you are not cultivator!" she balls her fist.

"You're not the only one who has few tricks under your sleeves" Lory wink her eyes playfully, then she turns around and wiggles her finger on the air "Chop – chop now!" 

Mo Ning Yuan fumed but she doesn't dare to provoke Lory further, that woman is more than just meets the eyes so Mo Ning Yuan didn't dare to be reckless. 

They walk to the old wooden building, is a single storey building with curve shape roof, the beamed paint with red color and dark wooden placard hanging above the front door, it's written Library with white paint, such a humble and modest building who would have to know that this place hides an unbelievable secret.

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Mo Ning Yuan become suspicious because this place used to be protected by multiple layers of arrays and dozens of hidden guards at every corner but now this place is quiet….too quiet. Lory shift her gaze from the building to Mo Ning Yuan "Should we go in…?" she casually asked.

Mo Ning Yuan unconsciously gulped, she feel a chill running to her spine as the wind could blow her body, it feel like an ominous premonition, Lory giggles when she notices Mo Ning Yuan hesitant look. 

"If you are afraid you don't have to enter, just give the keys then" Lory open her palms while asking politely but she didn't hide her sneer.

Mo Ning Yuan had been humiliated repeatedly by Lory this whole day can't let herself yield even though there's a small voice inside her head scream 'This is dangerous!' 

"Who said I'm afraid if a weak woman like you didn't afraid why should I?" Mo Ning Yuan lift her chin arrogantly, she refused to be humiliated by a weakling like Lory again. whatever laid inside that place she believes she has enough power to handle it, she still has her subordinate and also Demon Parasite.

"Suit yourself.." Lory shrug then she turns around and left calmly.

Mo Ning Yuan grit her teeth, Lory nonchalant attitude irritated her to the bone. This whole time lory didn't show worry or hesitation in her eyes, she is overly calm and collected make her feel warry instead.Mo Ning yuan had seen what lory could do and she also protected by the mysterious powerful beast, so who is this woman's true identity is, furthermore if Lu Xin knew about his wife?

Then the imaged of the Lory and Zhao Li Xin shares a loving gaze to each other flash in her mind, Mo Ning Yuan bite her lower lips, anger, and jealousy erupted in her chest.

Mo Ning Yuan pulls her subordinate wrist "Find a way to poison the beast" she can't take Lory's insolent attitude much more. The subordinated smiles wickedly then node his head firmly.

The front door is heavier than she thought so Lory needs to push the door harder, then she heard the 'creak' sounds and the door open, the room is pitch black because there's no window on the building. Mo Ning Yuan subordinate light the candles and the room gradually illuminated with dimmed light.

Lory found a small lantern at the corner table, she lit up the lantern then she follows Mo Ning Yuan from behind while Girsha perch on the table pecking her wings suddenly he inhaled something cold like menthol, he looks left and right and Mo Ning yuan subordinate stand not too far from him but the subordinate is fixed his eyes on Mo Ning Yuan.

Girsha then flew toward Lory and perch on her shoulder.

"So…where are the keyholes?" Lory bounces the golden statue again in a relaxed manner.

Mo Ning yuan glare at her but then she approaches the altar table then she pushes the table to the side, the offering food, bowl, and candle fall to the ground and make a loud noise but Mo Ning Yuan didn't care but Lory brows crease deepens, she's not a believer but she respects other people believe, this disrespectful acted irked her.

Behind the table there's a row of circles in the shape of blooming lotus, she took the key from the small pouch, Lory was surprised the small pouch is only on the size of the woman palm but it could store so many golden lotus keys.

"What is that?" Lory ask.

Mo Ning Yuan sneer, she thought that woman never saw a Qian Qun pouch before. Mo Ning Yuan subordinate laughing at her "Yoo country bumpkin never saw a Qian Qun pouch before huh?" he jeered at Lory, he finally finds the chance to vent his anger towards her so he didn't waste this chance "This Qian Qun bag worth a million silver tales a poor woman, forget it! that much of money you can't afford it even if you work for a lifetime!"

Lory ignores him, she picks up the buddha statue from the floor then clean it up before she put it back on the table behind her. From the corner of her eyes, Mo Ning Yuan saw what Lory did, she turned her head and the corner of her lips lift "Are you a believer Miss Luo Yi Yi?"

Lory flinches when she called her with that name, she should come up with a better name next time but then she gives perfunctorily answer "No, not really…"

"Good, because god is useless, they asked you to worship them but they never help you when you need them" she coldly smiles.

"Give me your key!" Mo Ning Yuan said.

Lory took the golden lotus statue from her sleeves and throw it to Mo Ning Yuan then she said "Of course the God never gives us a helping us but what they Give us is a choice…" Lory leans her butt to the table behind her while crossing her arms on the chest, she looks calm as ever.

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Mo Ning Yuan gives lory a quick glance then she twists the golden lotus statue and the lotus bloom. She presses the blooming lotus to the las circle, she silence for a second then said "The God choice is S*CKS!" then she twists the golden lotus.

Lory chuckles when she heard Mo Ning Yuan reply "Tell me about it…" she mutters with bitter smiles.

The floor suddenly shaken, Lory take a step back, Mo Ning Yuan and her subordinate also do the same then suddenly the floor cracked and crumbles leaving giant big black holes. Lory throws her lantern to the holes and the lantern took a long time before it hit the ground and the light flickers then disappeared.

"It's a long way down…" Lory said.

Suddenly girsha who was perched on her shoulder falls on the ground, the bird trembles as he has trouble breathing, lory face turn pale "Girsha!" Lory squat down then she swooped Girsha's body from the floor "What happens with you!"

Mo Ning Yuan makes malicious cackles "I'm sorry, this is the end of our cooperation" 

"WE HAVE A DEAL!" Lory snapped.

"And the deal is off" Mo Ning Yuan can't contain her evil laugh, she finally able to see Lory desperation eyes, Mo Ning yuan can't feel more satisfied. Her eyes brimmed with murderous intent she had been humiliated by Lory multiple times is time for her to vent her anger, she would slice this woman face bit by bit and see if her husband still want her.

"deal with her but don't kill her, I want to have fun with her first..." Mo Ning Yuan orders her subordinate.

"With pleasure…" Mo Ning Yuan's subordinate raised his sword, he hated this woman as much as his mistress but he also hated Lory because she is Zhao Li Xin's wife because Mo Ning Yuan has a special feeling to that man, she even cares for him more than Xie Hua Ling. He wants to kill this woman and see that man suffering face.

Lory glare at Mo Ning Yuan "You will pay for this…."

"Let's see if you have the ability…." She make devilish smile as her eyes glint with excitement.