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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 526 - Turmoil At The Zhuang Family
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Jiang Yu Ran glared at her, she doesn't want to berate Zhuang Mu Lan in front of other people, she takes a deep breath to keep her rage within because she has something more urgent to take care of, she turns around and there she sees a black robes man with golden mask staring at her with cold and indifferent eyes. Li Mo Zhen might look intimidating but compare to Long Ming is a different kind of fear because he can't read Long Ming expression, she doesn't know what he's thinking and that nerve-wracking.

"Master Li, Master Long, I'm Jiang Yu Ran the official wife of Zhuang Mu Tao, I'm here to apologize for my niece misbehaved, she is young and foolish, I hope both masters could be magnanimous and let this matter slight just this once" she humbly said. Jiang Yu Ran bows her head slightly she looks composed and dignified.


Lory observed Jiang Yu Ran, she thought Jiang Yu Ran's temperament is not like her Zhuang Li Yu or Zhuang Bao Jie. Lory curious if the Zhuang children take after their father, if that so, what a shame.

"Madam Zhuang" Yu Qin bow courteously.

"Yu Qin you here too, tell me what happened" Jiang Yu Ran was called first madam Zhuang by everyone but her niece and nephew called her aunty Jiang, Jiang Yu Ran doesn't like people at the Zhuang family weather is her niece or nephew, they are still bearable when they still a toddler but after they have grown up she starts to distaste them.

Their clear innocent eyes gradually filled with envy and greed, they start to schemed to each other the older they grow, the vicious they become, even her children are not an exception perhaps this is the faith of noble children, the survival of the fittest may you called it. For a long time, Jiang Yu Ran has learned not to trust anyone but Yu Qin is one of the very few people she ever trusts in the Zhuang family.

Yu Qin didn't know how to explain, should she say Zhuang Mo Lan and her maid bully her again, if Jiang Yu Ran punish Zhuang Mo Lan it would only increased Zhuang Mo Lan hatred towards her and she didn't want that 

"I….I…." Yu Qin stutter.

"That lady shouted like a shrew inside the shop she disturbed everyone peace then my friend here wants to calm the situation but that lady only shout louder, she also blocks the exit…so my beautiful friend her have to make another exit," Lory half-jokingly said then she points carelessly to the hole on the wall.

Yang Xi Ying cover her mouth with sleeve and giggles she doesn't look like someone who kicks people through the wall, Lory didn't bring up Yu Qin name because she knew it only gives Yu Qin more troubles, she had seen this type of bullying in her school, at that time Fred told her if she wants to help she must act in discreet or it only will cause more trouble for the victim.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Unlike Lory who is strong and protected the victim of bullying used to be someone who is timid and loner so if Lory didn't have a plan to stick with the victims twenty-four hours a day, she just found another solution. In the end Lory records the bullying and gives it to jay to make it viral when the school found out the bullies kick out of the school and the victim remain at school.

What is Fred's comment after that?

'Borrow someone knife to kill the chicken'

"True, I don't know where Miss Zhuang learned her manner, how could she shouted and disturbed everyone while blocking the shop exit, is this how Zhuang family behave?" Yang Xi Ying smiles sweetly but every word stab Jiang Yu Ran's heart, she feel so ashamed she wants to dig a hole and bury herself.

"This is my negligence, I will make sure she will re-educate from now on" Jiang Yu Ran swallow her anger and remain composed while she bows her head elegantly.

"Well if that so, I will put this matter end…for now" Yang Xi Ying kindly smile but she gives Jiang yu Ran a warning look.

Jiang Yu Ran gulped, Li Mo Zhen and Long Ming didn't speak since she arrives they let their wives speak for their behalf, it shows how much these men value their wives. She darted her gaze to Li Mo Zhen and he stares at Yang Xi Ying with indulgent and when she looks at Long Ming she notices Long Ming's hand and his wife intertwined, Jiang Yu Ran bitterly smiles. 

'What a lucky women'

"I understand" Jiang Yu Ran nod "Then please excuse me" 

"Farewell madam Zhuang" Lory waved her hands as she smiles brightly.

Jiang Yu Ran was stunned for a second then she faintly smiles and leaves, what a bright smile when wondering when the last time she saw a genuine smile like that. Zhuang Mo Lan and her maids follow Jiang Yu ran hastily they don't want to stay here anymore second.

On the other hand, Yu Qin approach Lory and yang Xi Ying and she gives them deep bow, for whatever reasoned she can't deny she was saved by these to beautiful and valiant ladies, she doesn't have anything but they kindness would forever carve deep inside her heart.

Lory gives one of the hairpins she was bought to Yu Qin then she whispers "If you want to change your faith you need to be brave" Lory smiles softly at Yu Qin.

Yu Qin stare at Lory's beautiful eyes, a strange feeling built inside her, it feel warm and strong she doesn't know what it this but she doesn't hate it. Lory patted Yu Qin's shoulder before she left.

"Take care of yourself Yu Qin" Yang Xi Ying smiles then she wrapped her hand on Li Mo Zhen arms then follow Lory and Zhao Li Xin.

For a minute Yu Qin froze as she watches the two women figure disappear, she looks the beautiful hairpin in her hands and smiles bloom in her face, other than the third master and madam Zhuang this is the first time someone treats her kindly without prejudice. Yu Qin carefully stores the hairpin inside her collar then she runs into the direction of Zhuang Manor.

"Xi Ying let stay inside the Inn tomorrow" 


"I don't want to meet another Zhuang family" Lory sigh.

"You right, they are everywhere…" Xi Ying shoulder quiver in disgust.

"Yeah, like cockroach…" Lory mouth twitch.

Everyone silently agrees.

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"Are you tired to live!" Jian Yu Ran shouted and the bang on the table startled everyone, everyone is present on the family main hall including Zhuang Zen Yu the patriarch of the Zhuang clan. Everyone came including Zhuang Bao Jie and Zhuang Li Yu who were punished before, for today they were given an exception to attend the family meeting.

Meanwhile, Zhuang Mo Lan kneeled on the floor she looks wronged and hurt, she becomes everyone mockery, Zhuang Li Yu who had been mocked endlessly yesterday couldn't let this chance got away, unlike Zhuang Li Yu, Zhuang Mo Lan position in the family is much lower because her father is the son from concubines unlike Zhuang Li Yu who is father is the legitimate son, so the punishment Zhuang Mo Lan would receive would be much heavier than Zhuang Li Yu.

"Father please forgive her, Mo Lan is only fifteen years old she still a child this is a minor mistake let not escalated the problem" Zhuang Han Zhao tries to help his daughter.

"Simple mistake?" Jiang Yu Ran sniffle "She's lucky enough the woman she tries to kill is Li Mo Zhen woman not Long Ming woman if it is our family will be eradicated by now" Jiang Yu Ran hated how everyone is spoiling their child, no one dares to be strict to their children, even her own wife didn't allow her to discipline their own child and look how Zhuang Li Yu now!.

"Elder sister-in-law, you don't have to exaggerate the situation, does everyone back safe and sound now, why are you still blame Mo Lan" Zhuang Han Zhao scrunched his face, he never like Jiang Yu Ran from the first time he met, this woman is too cunning and strict for her own good.

"Exaggerate?" Jiang Yu Ran widens her eyes in disbelieve "Tell that to the heavenly Jade Pavilion, to Tang Mei Yi, Lu Yao, the Lu Clan, the sacred mountain Peak, do you know what is the similarity between them all? they all try to hurt Long Ming wife! Long Ming is not someone who value other people live he is a savage and cruel man he doesn't care with what people thought, if he wants to kill he will not hesitate, so don't tell me I'm exaggerated because I just state the fact!"

No one now how to refute Jiang Yu Ran words because everything she said is true, Zhuang Zhen Yu pinch his temples tiredly "Yu Ran is right, we can't afford to provoke Long Ming further we already trouble him with the docked permit if we provoke him further he could be outraged which is not good for us" 

"Why don't we asked assistant from the sanguan family, I can't believe the strongest clan from Gui Hong continent couldn't handle one Long Ming" Zhuang Bao Jie scoffed indignantly, he still harbors ill-feeling to Long Ming after he got humiliated at the Inn yesterday.

"Yes, we can ask for Sanguan family help, isn't Jin Kai was there to strengthen their relationship why don't we take this opportunity to take down Long Ming once for all" Zhuang Mu Tao got excited when he heard his Son idea.

Jiang Yu Ran sighs heavily "What benefit we could give to sanguan family if they help us to get rid Long Ming?" she looks at her husband face with a perplexed expression, she can't stop thinking what she had seen in her husband that make her agree to marry him.

"Killing long Ming is not an easy task, our cooperation is limited only to preparing sea routes for trade between continent, it's all because our strategic location and they paid us handsomely for our cooperation but that's it if we ask them to avenged our personal grief, would they be willing?" Jiang Yu Ran struggles the urged to hit her husband's head and see what the heck inside it, her Son still young and inexperienced but what her husband excuse.

Zhuang Zhen Yu also speechless, he doesn't know what happened why none of his sons inherited his intelligence, he has three Son but the first Son is hot-headed, the second is son is too mild and the third son is too sly. None of them shows the potential to be the next successor the reason he chooses the first Son is because Jiang Yu Ran, but the relationship between the husband and wife become estranged because his Son infidelity, so now Zhuang Zhen Yu is fall in dilemma.

It because of this he agrees with Jin Kai's plan to delay Long Ming for exchanged Jin Kai to get support from Sanguan family so he can take over the Misty Lake then support the Zhuang family, this is the only way he knew to make sure his family survives after he passed away. The old man suddenly feels exhausted.