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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 561 - Her Origin
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Suddenly Yang Xi ting yelp, Lory turn around and saw Yang Xi Ying holds her bleeding finger with a grimace, the knife fruit is put on the table tainted with a little blood. Li Mo Zhen held Yang Xi Ying's hand worriedly.

"Why are you not careful, you should ask me to do this for you" Li Mo Zhen reprimand her gently while covering Yang Xi Ying's bleeding finger with a handkerchief.


"I'm not that useless, I still can cut a fruit" Yang Xi Ying pouted, she feel embarrassed as a martial art Practitioner how could she hurt her finger when she casually peeled fruit and her husband treat her like a frail glass also not helping.

Ming Yue Yin giggles while sitting lazily on the chair, who knew her beautiful and always graceful friend is a klutz. Yang Xi Ying glared at Ming Yue Yin but it only makes Ming Yue Yin burst to laugh. Under the shade of the tent, the group is laughing at yang Xi Ying and Ming Yue Yin bickering.

"Come on brat, stop laughing at Xi Ying" Lory came then she holds Yang Xi Ying bleeding finger for two seconds before she releases it then she takes a seat on the couch beside Ming Yue Ying.

Yang Xi Ying feel strange because the pain suddenly vanishes she took off the handkerchief and she bewildered, the wound disappeared completely without leaving any scar "It healed! How?" she gasped. 

"Healing gift, huh?" Ming Yue Yin mutters.

"Hm…" Lory hummed then she leans her arms on the pillow next to her while Zhao Li Xin takes a seat next to her.

"You can do this?" Yang Xi Ying's eyes widened as she got excited "What else you can do, what if sword wound or disease can you cure disease?" yang Xi Ying rain her with a question, beside her Li Mo Zhen also got curious.

"Hm, I can do all that except brought people from the dead, I think I could do everything" Lory casually said.

This time everyone shocked except Zhao Li Xin and Ming Yue Yin, Zhao Li Xin was cured by Lory and Ming Yue Ying is pretty much knows how powerful Lory was so they are not surprised.

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"Why I never saw you used this gift before, you hurt quite badly when you return from the ancient forest," Ming Yue Yin asked and her question is in line with Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan.

"This gift is draining my mana more than the water and wind gift, so I never used it if not necessary," Lory nonchalantly said. After she got the fourth fragment she becomes a lot stronger and able to use her healing gift freely again although there still a limitation for her if she doesn't want to suffer from the lash out from her cursed.

"Like healing our Lord here" Jin Hao teased her slightly.

"Yes, like healing this Lord" Lory clasped her hand on Zhao Li Xin's hand.

"So, your life is saved by Lory too?" Li Mo Zhen was surprised but it also enlightened how Zhao Li Xin and Lory's relationship start because it's always been a mystery for her because none of them ever explained it clearly.

"Is that mean you never sick or got hurt all your life?" Yang Xi Ying got more curious, and all of them stare at Lory with an expecting look.

Lory feel perplexed she scratches her nose awkwardly "Well I still got wounded or sick, but I can heal myself and it go away instantly" Lory stifles.

"That sounds great, I envy you" Yang Xi Ying jealous that lory didn't have to afraid to get hurt or sick.

"The truth is, it also got it shortcoming though, brother Jin what do you think if someone never suffers from sickness or pained in her entire life, with the snap of her finger she can wash all her pain away?" Lory throws inquisitively gaze at Jin Hao.

"That…" Jin Hao pinch his chin as he contemplated "As long you have your power you will be fine but if something happened and you lose your ability to healed then your body and mind would be much weaker than ordinary people"

"Nice deduction Brother Jin!" Lory clapped her hands.

"It's that true Lory, but Ming Yue Yin said you lose your power after you came to this world….but you look fine to me" Bei Li Yan size up Lory with doubt, he never heard Lory complained when she was hurt.

"That what my father thought too, that's why my power is locked after my awakening, it's a normal procedure though so I don't think it strange," Lory said then realizes everyone looks more confused so she explained again "Awakening is when a gifted people power awakens at the first time, is a dangerous situation like I have told to Zhao Li Xin before, many of my people die during the awakening so my Kingdom created control device, like armament to blocked your Qi…." Lory used the familiar parables that they could understand.

"That sounds terrible" Bei Li Yan frowned.

"That sounds amazing," Jin Hao said the other way.

"Not every Gifted people want to explore their potential, because it's a dangerous and taxing job" Lory pours herself a cup of tea "Some gifted people like to leave normal, which is okay because no one force you how to live your life anyway, well at least at my kingdom some other Kingdom or state is known using Gifted people as a war tool even though there already treaty against that but can interfere other people country" Lory blow her tea before she slowly drinks her tea.

"So!" Lory put down her teacup on the table and continue "My power is locked, during that time I was trained by my friend who is the nephew of our most powerful general in my kingdom, first it just a normal exercise like running, squatting, push up. Without my power, I have the luxury to feel sickness like cold, fever, headache, toothache….god, I hate toothache!" Lory's faces scrunched up when she recalled the day she went to the dentist with Fred.

"They stop locked my power when I eleven or twelve years old so I can start to learned to control my gift but my healing power still locked when during my combat training, I should learn how to endured pained like any normal soldier, but they let me healed myself after the training is over so I don't have to show up at school with black and blue face like my brother, he looks so funny with all that bandaged and bruised" Lory hits her knee and guffawed but no one laughing with her.

Every Princess is treated like gently like a frail flower, if they got hurt even the slightest their maid would be punished severely even if the Princess is a martial art practitioner no one dare trained them harshly, they might have a little bruised but nothing further and after all, if they have scars who dares to take the responsibility?

When they heard Lory was beaten to the pulp, they all feel shiver to their bones, what a brutal training she had. Zhao Li Xin's expression turn ashen, is hard to imagine his princess's black and blue face. No Matter how many times Lory told him about her grueling training he always feel someone squeeze his heart.

On the other hand, Bei Li Yan, Jin Hao, and the Mong brother finally understand How Lory survived inside the ancient tomb despite her lacking power. It's all thanks to her hellish training she managed to stay alive.

"Isn't that painful?" Yang Xi Ying grimaces, even as a cultivator she never been trained that hard other than a slight brush and callous that treated right away so it would not leave scars. it's no wonder Lory moves is more efficient and smoother than her. 

"You got used to it after a while and my body already become numb" Lory shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly as if not a big deal because she genuinely thinks so "And at fourteen.... me, my bother and my friends sign up as a hunter at the guild, then we take a task to hunt the beast and sometimes we explore to underground dungeon too for treasure hunting" Lory let out a long exhales then smile with melancholy look "Good old days" she mutters. 

Bei Li Yan and the other let out a long exhale, it finally clear why Lory is so good at combat and never afraid against a beast, turn out she used to it.

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Lory hits her knee again "That's it! my life is quite normal isn't it?" Lory grinned widely.

Everyone stares at Lory with the same though 'Which part of it is NORMAL?'

"By the way Lory your kingdom how big is it?" Suddenly Bei Li Yan raised a question "Is it as big as the Jiang Wei Kingdom"

Lory tilted her head as she crosses her arms on her chest "No, It's bigger…."

"Is it as big as the Liu Yan Kingdom?" This time is Jin Hao who raises the question.

"No it's bigger" Lory shakes her head with a deep frowned.

"If I merged the Jiang Wei Kingdom and Liangzu kingdom, is it match your Harland kingdom?" Ming Yue Yin casually asked, but her word is shocking everyone.

"Uhmm…. well, I'm not sure….maybe" Lory shrugged, she's not sure but she doesn't mean to brag either, because if she wants to be frank 'King city' Herriond is a few times larger than Jing An and Nan Jing city. 

"Oh, come one it doesn't matter isn't it, Now I'm just a normal girl who had no title or crown so why bother about the past" Lory humbly said while waves her hands aimlessly, she realizes right now she just an ordinary citizen.

However, not everyone feel the same as Lory after they comprehend how big and powerful Lory kingdom was their admiration increase to leap and bound, they have seen many princesses in many kingdoms but no one is more resilient, smart, humble, kind, and dignified than Lory.

If someone falls from that position like Lory, she will become bitter, cold and ambitious, eager to show her capability to the world, but Lory always calmed and smile, she never make a fuss when people mocked her low background especially after she becomes Zhao Li Xin wife, how many people sneered and ridiculed Lory behind close door.

They would say that she is a vixen, a greedy woman, a sly woman and many more, Zhao Li Xin could kill people who talk inside their own courtyard, even Long Ming has his limitation, but Lory remain unfazed, it never bothers her too much, she brushes it off and laughs about it.

"Is it not hard for you to fall from that position, and see how people treated you know?" Bei Li Yan heart aching for her, if it's him could he accept his situation without feel repentance, that is impossible!

Lory stares at Bei Li Yan then she smiles "I'm the descendant of the first King Lucient, I'm King Marcus, and Quenn Lorenna's daughter and my brother is the King of Harland. That is who I am and no one can take that away from me even if I die"