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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 676 - The Story Of Chaos IV
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Lory turns her head around and saw the familiar skinny little girl with messy red hair and freckles run towards her, lory halted her pace and smile "Hi, what's wrong, Is something happened with your mother?" 

The little girl lowers her head, she looks a bit scared "Uhm...actually, there is something happened when we are unconscious…..but, but my mom didn't know about it, so pleased, pleased don't blame her, your highness, this is not her fault!" the little girl look petrified she balled her fist so tightly her knuckles become pale.


Lory bowing her knee then she took the little girl's hands "Don't be afraid, I promise I will not blame your mother, you can trust my word, princess don't lie…" she winks then gently unclenched the little girl fist so she wouldn't hurt her own hand "Now, tell me what happened…" Lory asks as gently as she could.

Girsha rolls her eyes 'Never lie, my as*, aren't you blatantly lie right now!'

However, the little girls innocently trust Lory's word completely "When..... we are unconscious in jail I was the one who wakes up first….then I saw my mom and two brothers are still unconscious, I check my baby brother condition first, I feel relief that my baby brother is still breathing, but then a woman came out of nowhere and she unlocked the jail door with a flick of her finger then she walk towards me….." the little girl widen her eyes.

"Is she part of the kidnapper's group that locked you away?" lory asked.

"No, I don't think so…" the little girl shakes her head "She didn't look like them….she looks very clean, bright and very beautiful just like a fairy in the picture book Mommy used to show me from" the little girl face beamed when she describes the mysterious girl. 

"How does she looks like, I mean what is the color of her hair, skin, and her eyes?" Lory's curiosity piqued.

"I'm not sure, I told you she really bright, I can not saw her clearly, but she's taller than me but I think she's shorter than her highness…..umm, I think she got white skin even whiter than her highness, and she wears a long beautiful dress, like a fair!" the little girl excitedly opens her arms in the air.

Lory and general Leo exchanged a confused look, the more information they got the more peculiar it sounds. A young girl wearing a long dress in the middle of nowhere and she also shine brightly like a 'fairy'…..

 Lory holds the little girl's hands and asks again "What does she want, is she tell you anything?"

"Oh, yes she did!" The little girl startled, she suddenly remembers something. 

She pulls her hands from Lory to put down her small backpack then she rummaged her backpack and all of a sudden she takes out a thick book cover with dark snakeskin, the book is not too big but not to small either way it can be store in children backpack, Lory frown because the book looks intimidating it didn't look like children book.

The little girl hand the book to Lory "She told me to give you this!"

Lory paused for a second "W-what….?"

"She said to give it to princess Lorient, she said this will help you…." The little girl grinned widely.

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Lory frowned nonetheless she accept the book anyway, she looks down and read the book title.

'The chronicle of the falling God Lazarus' 

Lory stares at the book with a puzzle looks "Lazarus? I never heard that name before…..how about you general?" 

"No, I never heard that name before wait, how could she know this little girl is going t meet you?" General Leon the alarm inside his head suddenly ringing, something is not right, he immediately slaps the book from lory hands "Be careful your highness, someone might plant cursed inside the book!"

The little girl startled, her face turns ashen she didn't understand but her hunch told her she make a great mistake, her body trembling profusely "I….I don't know….I don't mean to…." Her voice wobble, what if they blame her and her family for hurting the princess, are they going to send them away, if that happened what would happen to her brothers.

The little girl is so terrified she bawling incessantly, tears stream on her tender face "I'm sorrrrryyyyy...."

Immediately people staring at them, it looks like they bully the little girl. Lory shot a glare at General Leon and the middle-aged General scratches the back of his head helplessly. Lory immediately hugged the little girl and stroke her back "Don't cry – please, don't cry, no one blames you…." Lory gently wiped the little girl's eyes with her thumbs "What's your name, you haven't told me your name?"

The little girl chokes on her tears as she speaks "Ee….Eudith" 

"Eudith, what a lovely name just like your face" she coaxed the little girl "Okay, don't cry Eudith, don't cry too much or you will look ugly like that old uncle…." Lory glance at General Leon, even though she just a child but she still a woman and she refused to look old like that uncle, she suddenly stops crying.

"...…." General Leon feel ached in his heart 'I'm not that ugly' he cheers himself silently.

"Look, I got these beautiful hair ties, do you like it, you want me to help you tying your hair?" Lory wiggle her lace hair ties in front of the little girl, Eudith face brightened up, she never saw beautiful hair ties like for years then she shyly nods.

Lory help tie her into a simple bun, other than a high ponytail and simple braid this is the only hairstyle she could do "See, you look so pretty!" Lory cheers exaggeratedly "What do you think general…."

General Leon scratch his nose then awkwardly say: "Uhm….very pretty"

Eudith face turns red like a ripe apple and she smiles widely, it's been a while since other people told her that she's beautiful. Lory pole eudith nose "You've been giving me tremendous help, as a princess I'm very grateful for your help" Lory cross her ankle and bend her knees to saluted the little girl.

Lory's elegant moves make eudith eyes twinkle "Hehe..I'm happy to help you, your highness" she mimick the same gesture as Lory did, Later Eudith gives big waves end joyfully return to where her mother was. Lory waves back at her then she watches the little girl blend with the crowd. 

Lory let out a long sigh, she took the book from the ground.

"Your Highness!" he shouted.

"It's fine if this book has something malicious Girsha would notice it," Lory calmly said, she checks the book's back cover but nothing is strange other than the snakeskin cover. Girsha perch on her shoulder.

"General Leon you can continue your duty I will return to my room" Lory didn't want to delay his work any longer.

"Alright, excuse me then your highness" he bowed his head respectfully. Before he left he took another glance at the book, he confident with Girsha capability as the princess guardian but somehow he can't get rid of this ominous feeling from his head, the old general shakes her head, if the book really carries bad things Lory and Girsha who have much powerful Gift than him should notice it, he pushed the thought behind his back while laughing himself.

In her room, Lory starts to examine the book, but all the pages were empty, she tries invisible spell, UV light, candlelight but she got nothing, absolutely nothing "What the heck?" Lory grunted.

"Nothing, huh?" Girsha was also puzzled.

"Do you think someone pranks me?" Lory slouched while checking the pages again, nope still the same!

"I don't know, a young girl with dress who apparently able to shine like a lightbulb save a family, and trust a mysterious book to a little girl for you, and this girl coincidently know your name, I know you are quite famous but what is the odd for you to met this little girl?" 

Lory let out a long sigh "I know" Lory got more annoyed when she sees the blank pages, she closed the book harshly. She left the chair and open the fridge, fortunately, she still has one apple on her fridged, she grins and took the apple, plate and fruit knife then back to her chair.

"By the way do you know anything about Lazarus?" lory asked while peeling the apple.

"Only by reputation" he replies.

"What, why don't you tell me before!" she grumbles.

"Because his name is a big taboo, he was forgotten for a reason!" Girsha said.

Lory pursed her lips "Come on tell me, that mysterious girl said this book could help me….you know Lucas doesn't have much time" Lory quietly said.

Girsha snort, but his heart soften "He is the first fallen God, they say Lazarus have insatiable tears of power he wants to swallow all the souls in verrion and the Verrion itself, The God then send your Ancestor to locked that Demon in a dept of the earth, never seek the light ever again"

"My ancestor again?" she sarcastically said, why her family always got the hardest job in the world.

"As usual…" Girsha mockingly said.

"Which ancestor we talking about?" Lory ask

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"The very first one…."

Lory widen her eyes "Lucient? the first King LUCIENT?" Lory gasped.

"That's the one~"

"Where were you at that time, do you meet my ancestor?"

"I'm hiding just like any other first kind"

"You hide…." Lory can't believe her ears.

"Hey I'm still very young, and this is the biggest fight between two powerful entity, you think I would stand there and watch, I'll be dead!" 

"Oh…..okay, then what happened?"

"What happened? Lucient bury that demon, the end of the story, don't ask again!" Girsha chides her.

"Geez, don't be angry, I'm just asking…"

"Hump I'm going to sleep now, you make me tired!" the bird raised his beak arrogantly then flew to the bed and snuggle himself on her pillow.

Lory sticks out her tongue "Grumpy old bird" she scowls, perhaps is karma she accidentally cut her finger "SH*T!" she put down the knife then she looks for tissue or towel to hold the bleeding before she heals herself.

The blood suddenly fall on the book cover, Lory panicky she wiped the blood from the book cover but suddenly the snakeskin seems moving for a second, Lory blink her eyes to make sure she's not dreaming, she flips the book cover then on the first empty page she instinctively smears her blood on the pages and the letters appear, Lory gasped.

She read the first page then she smears the second page with blood more letters appear, Lory, become excited. S

He glances at Girsha who sleep on her bed, she wants to tell him the good news but Girsha seems to hate the idea about Lazarus, she decide not to tell him for now until she read the whole book by then is no used if the old grumpy bird forbids her to read further.

Lory giggles, she thought she's very smart.

__First page__

Where there is death, There always gonna be death. For everything has consequences, whether is big or small, good or bad it's your choice to take. But forget not everything should be paid equally.