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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 747 - Brilliant Smile
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However, the crown prince and daughter Youya didn't care about their misbehavior because in their hearts they already thought of them as friends, especially Lory. 

"Greetings crown prince and princess Youya." Yang Xi Ying saluted gracefully in a perfect manner while Lory followed suit. 


"Please raise Madame Li, Madame Zhao." Princess Youya quickly stopped Yang Xi Ying and Lory from lowering their heads for too long. For some reason, she felt uneasy when Lory lowered her head towards her. 

"Lord Long Ming, I heard that you left our country today is such a shame, I did not have the opportunity to invite you to dinner." The Crown Prince sincerely hopes that they can spend more time together, not only because he feels indebted to Lory and Zhao Li Xin but he also found Zhao Li Xin and Lory's characters very interesting. 

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"There's no need" Zhao Li Xin answered perfunctorily.

The crown prince did not feel offended, on the contrary, he was amused "I knew you would say that" he chuckled lightly "Actually we came here to convey some things to Madam Zhao, all of the royal family are very grateful for your help for the Queen dowager despite what we gave you can't be compared to what you have done for us, but I hope Madam Zhao will accept it "said the Crown Prince with great sincerity.

Lory smile politely, she didn't think too much about it, she thought the crown prince would give her a small token to show the royal family sincerity, hence she was surprised when numerous soldiers moving in numerous boxes to the ship, and is not a small box either, Lory was agape "Yo….Your highness, this is....this is too…." 

The crown prince sighed, "I know it's too little but I hope the young madam doesn't mind because we didn't know you were leaving today, this is all we can gather for now ..." The crown prince shook his head in guilt and shame. 

'So, it's gonna be more!' Lory's face turned pale.

"No - no - no, this is too much!" Lory quickly explained frantically, "Your Majesty, you don't need to give me this much, I said it's nothing, I'm only helping because it's the right thing to do!" Lory is getting scared because when they talk they still haven't finished moving the boxes, did the Crown Prince is draining the entire royal treasury? Lory feels very worried.

when she saw Lory's panic state, Youya's daughter covered her mouth and giggled. Lory couldn't believe it when they told the truth that this was not a lot of gifts, the truth is this was only a small amount of treasure that they could gather in a short time after they heard Long Ming and Lory would leave the city today actually they plan to send more gifts later. However, Lory's reaction made Princess Youya and the Crown Prince feel flattered, and warm, instantly their opinion of Lory rose to another level. 

"Madame Zhao, imperial brother is right, this is not enough to show our feeling. Because of you, Empress Dowager can finally wake up with a clear mind after a long time, she is very happy and grateful for your help if it wasn't for your help, I don't know how much suffering the imperial grandmother has to endure." Princess Youya's eyes moist a little, all of her life she never saw the Queen dowager look so small and frail, however, the Queen Dowager's eyes were calm and peaceful as if she had found new wisdom within herself. 

Lory feel bad for the Queen dowager, she could understand what the old lady going through even though she is fine right now nonetheless these experiences would scar her for life, "Tell the Queen Dowager to have a good rest, don't be stress and fill her mind with a beautiful thought, and it would be better if her highness and other families members could spend more time with Queen Dowager" Lory know how fragile the mentality of people who were affected with dark mana.

Princess Youya was touched by Lory's sincere concern. Most people only helped because they wanted to benefit from the Royal family when she had met someone as sincere as Lory? Princess Youya held back her tears. "I will tell Imperial Grandma what you have said, Madame Zhao." She nodded.

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The crown prince was surprised to see that his once calm and haughty little sister could be gentle and honest like a girl his age. Yun Fang Zi admired Lory's influence on his proud sister who had never put anyone on her sight including the other Prince. It seemed Princess Youya cared a lot about Long Ming's wife which wasn't a bad thing. 

"Emperor sister, don't forget what the Queen dowager entrusted you." The crown prince's gentle reminder startled Princess Youya. 

"Oh dear, I almost forgot!" Princess Youya took out a small wooden box from her sleeve then she opened the box and present it to Lory. "Madame Zhao, this is the Empress Dowager phoenix hairpin, this is a precious treasure given to her by the late Emperor. This gift is a reflection of the Empress Dowager deepest gratitude, may you accept it." Princess Youya gave solemn bowed to Lory.

Lory's eyes widened, she exchanged glances with Zhao Li Xin. For a moment she didn't know what to do, but Zhao Li Xin gave her a comforting smile. For Zhao Li Xin this was not an extravagant gift for Lory who saved the future of the Yun clan. "It's okay, you can't deny their sincerity" Zhao Li Xin assured her.

Lory still hesitated but she understood it was not good to deny the good intentions of the royal family, "Uhm, thank you very much, I accepted the gift with great respect for the Empress Dowager and Emperor" Lory took the box from Princess Youya and she bowed her head courteously.

Lory's movements were smooth and elegant even though she lowered her head her noble aura suppressed the other's existence, however, Lory didn't notice this because she simply wanted to pay the same respect that princess Youya has given her.

Princess Youya's back straightened, her expression stiffened she somehow became nervous. Princess Youya had never felt this way other than when she faced the Queen dowager and emperor, but how could an ordinary person like Luo Ri Yi match the aura of a Ruler except ... Luo Ri Yi was no ordinary person.

Unlike Princess Youya, the crown prince believed without a doubt that Lory's background was not simple, he wouldn't be surprised if Lory was a princess from a kingdom or a legitimated daughter from an influential clan, this was the only explanation that made sense about Lory.